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R. C, P. <br /> <br />,.3'uly 30, 1~3:8 <br /> <br />rely terminated and the City Attoz~ey be instructed and empowered to take such steps as may be <br />necessary to protect the City's interest a~d rights therein; <br /> <br /> =Second. '~at the City ~nageP is hereby authorized to im~uediately purchase teams and <br />equipment, and furnish supervision and labor necessary to have the night soil removed in the <br />unsewered portion of the City, at least every30~days. <br /> <br /> "Third. Tha cost for the purchase of teams and equipment~ not to exceed $2150.00 and <br />for the cost o£ supervision, labor and maintenance for the balance of the year $2540.00, or <br />~ total sum of $4890~00, and as~ there is on hand ~4073.00 less unpaid bills leaving a dif- <br />ference of $617 to be made available for the collection of ni~ut soil by the City forces a~d <br />equipment.~ <br /> <br /> ¥~hereupon~ .t~e privi~eg? of tt~e floor ~as granted -to Nr. ~nn~ ~o spoke in regard to <br />his contract, and then Nr. hawks ~ud ~r. Hope, of the Health Department~: spoke in regard to <br />the conditio~ of ni~ht soil collections. <br /> <br /> ~nen on motion of Mr. ~right, the resolution o£ the Health;Department was referred to <br />the Department of- Public Welfare and the City Manager was instructed to take such action as <br />may be necessary to protect the City's health in th_s'~ emergency. <br /> <br /> The following resolution adopted by the Health Department July 23; 191$;wm~.e referred to <br />the Department of P~blic Wet,are: <br /> "BE IT RESoLVED~by the Board of Health of the City of Po~ts- <br />mouth that we respectfully red, est the Council to take cogniz~uce of this immediate need ( sewer- <br />lng the u~sewered parts of the City), and to initiate measures having for their object the ul- <br />timate relief of said u~sanitary conditions, and the completion of the sewerage of the City> <br />~ud-Shat we £~ther respectfully request the Council_to authorize its Department of Public ~el- <br />fare, acting in conjunction with the Board of Health;' to have prepared definite plans and d~ta <br />for the purpose of beginning the installation of sewers; to reco~r~u.~n~ the financing of said <br />construction and the method of prooeedure, and to secure if possible; aid f~om the~Government~ <br />and instruct the Department of Public Welfare to report its actions to the Counc_l, together <br />with recommendations.~ <br /> <br /> ~That owing to the existing emergency caused by the influx of populationand particularly <br /> ~he labor situation the City ~ger be authorized to take ~p with the City Council the feasi- <br /> bility of transferring six (6) prisoners from the~C~ty Jail to the Saavenger Gang~ with the <br /> object of cleaning up the City once every 30 days~ instead of one~ every 60 days:~ <br /> <br /> ~Tha~ the Director of Health b~ authorized to furnish disinfectants by the Board of Health <br /> to Mr. Dunn, the Contractor, because of the s~me emergency conditions owing to the increased <br /> population of the City, and to the presence of typhoid feve~ and. the d~nger of an epidemic.~ <br /> <br /> At this point~ the Chairman of the Finance Department asked permission to make several <br />.recommendations for his Departments and the per~..ission was granted: <br /> <br /> let. T~h~t the pay of the Superinten~nt of the Strelet Cleaning a~.d Garbage 'Removal De- <br /> partment be mnoreased to .$115.00 per mont~ to ~ake effect i~om July l,~ 1918._ <br /> 2nd. That an additional appropriation of $465. be made to pay increases in salaries of <br /> the engineers and firemen at the Sewerage Pumping Station. <br /> <br /> 3rdo That the pay of the Deputy City C ' - <br /> ollector be mnc~ease~ to $125. per montH~' and the <br />steno~apher..~ to the City Collecto~, $75.00 per month; both zucreases to take effect ~rom July <br />t, 1918. <br /> <br /> 4t~.~ That the City Treasurer be instructed to deposit the money received from the sale <br />of $18G~0G0.00 School Bonds together with accrued interest, to the credit o~ the General Fund. <br /> <br /> ~ On motion~ the several recommendations of the Department were allowed by the follow- <br />ing vot*~ the votebeiug the s~ae for each: <br /> Ayes-- Bunting~ C~tlpepRer~ Deans~ Hanvey~ <br /> Herbert, ~righ~, 6. <br /> <br /> The following resolution was presented and adopted: <br /> ~W~IERF~S, The Norf01kand WashLugton <br />Steamboat Company has anuou~ced its intention to withdraw the service of its steamers from <br />Portsmouth after August l~ 1918; and <br /> <br /> -~V~EREAS; This will. necessitate such additional expense in transferring baggage and f~eight <br />from Portsn. outh to the ~narf in Norfolk as to increase th~oeosts to passengers and' shippers <br />more than fifty per cent, thus ~mounting to granting a discriminating rate to Norfolk over <br />Portsmouth; and in addition will result in great ~uconveni'ence and loss cT ~ime~ to passengers <br />from Portsmouth over this line; <br /> <br /> ~N~; ~uUEREFOR~~ BE IT RESOL~UED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth~ Virginia: <br /> <br /> ~Fi~st~ That the CounOil'ef the City of Portsmouth do most earnestly protest against <br />the withdrawal of the so,ice of the Norfolk and ~ashington Steamboat Company ~om this City. <br /> <br /> ~Second. That we request the officials of the Norfolk and Nashington Steamboat Company <br />to reconsider, this action in this matter. <br /> <br /> '~Third. That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to' the officials-of ~id Company,~ <br />and that the newspapers be requested to publish the saz~e.~ <br /> <br /> . . <br /> <br /> <br />