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Ju~y Se~ 1918 <br /> <br /> At a special meeting of the City Council July 30th there were present: <br /> <br /> J. T. H~vey, C. H. Herbert, E. H. Wri~t~ 6. <br /> Also the Ci~ M~ger. <br /> <br /> ~e fo!low~ d~ections were read for the special meet~g: <br /> <br />~ =L.C, Br~son, ~q.., <br /> <br /> ~City Clerk & ~i~r'~ City. <br /> ~De~ S~:-- <br /> ~on will please call a special meet~ of ~ae <br />J~y 3Otb, 8 o'clock P. M.i to co~ider: <br /> <br /> ~Pi~st. <br /> <br /> ~Second. <br />Z2ndo <br /> <br />=Portsmouth, Va.~ July 29th~ 1918. <br /> <br /> City Cou~ci! for Tuesda%~ <br /> <br />A report fh~om the City Eanager on the night soil s-tuatzon.~ ' <br /> <br /> A reply f~om the P. B.-& S. ~ater Co. to resolution adopted by the Council July <br /> <br /> =Very respectfully~~ <br /> <br /> ~J. T. Hanvey~ President.~' <br /> The "call" having been read', the first matter taken up ~as the following reply ~rom the <br />Water Company to resolution adepted by the Couucil July 22nd: <br /> <br />P rtsmouth, .Va., July 27th~ 1918. <br /> <br /> = Luther Brinson~ <br /> city Clerk <br /> <br /> Portsmouth, Virginia. <br /> <br /> ~:Dear SiP :-- <br /> r ~ I'~s~ in receipt of a letter ~om ~. G. E. Hof~ster~~ ~esident of the <br /> -ort~ou~, Berktey & S~folk ~ter Comps, enclosi~ a co~ of a resolution adopted ~ the <br /> Port~ou~ City Cocci! on th9 23rd inst~t, authoriz~ certa~ ~u~ovements to o~ pl~t <br /> reco~nded ~ the G~er~nt~~ ~ich letter ~s been referred to me for ~swer. <br /> <br /> ~'~ repl~~ I .~es~e to s~te ~t ~e resolution adopted ~ the Co~cil of ~e City of Ports- <br /> m~th is not satisfacto~ to ~ Co~. ~e water c.~ can not ~ke a~ ~g~ents with <br /> the City of Fort~th which ~ ~ m~ d~ectly or ~d~ectlY ass~es t~t ~e <br /> is not to receive full cQst for every doll~ spent for additions ~d ~provements to the property <br /> fr~ ~d ~ter ~r%l 1st, 1918. <br /> <br /> =~ile it is t~e ~t ~bi~ati~ proceedings ~e~ p~o~ess for the f~ng of a valuati~ <br /> upon the pro~rty of this C~p~ as of pril 1st, 1918, yet, ~ ~st be ~derstood that the <br /> ~omp~ is a go~ c~ce~, .~s to c~p~ with its ~aties ~$s a ~blic ~ilities corporation <br /> or su~ length om t~e as mt ms ~po~sessl~ of ~e property; ~d the cost of ~!l ~p~ovem~ts <br />~made ar%er the first day o2 A~il ~l?lS~?.$ili ~ve ~o be paid mcr in <br /> ~ s~ t~t the ~bitrat~rs ~ fix as the val~ of ~e property on the first day of April, 19~. <br /> <br /> :'~ne Wate~ Comp~ ~s been extreme~ ~i?us te meet th~ needs of the Gove~en$~ especi- <br /> ally at ~is t~e ~nen ~e C~t~ is involved ~ a ~eat w~ ~d so ~ch ~depe~s upon the work <br /> produced at ~is Na~ Y~d ~d the ot~r Gove~ent activities in this vic~ity. Co~equently~ <br /> notwiths~d~ the fact ~at ~bitrati~ proceed~gs were in pro~ess, the Water C~pa~ <br /> ~cFned ~s. rg~. ~d~tig~i.e~en~ip~e?. ~d ~s be~n ~ill~ to~ e~end ~mther ~ge s~ of mR~y <br /> ~rov~ %ne pz~% ~d servmce, wmth a vmew or meet~ the re~ir~ents of th~ G~-,= <br /> ~d at the s~e t~e 'Ea~tain~g as satisfacto~ a servic~ to o~=~o~ers as woOd'be <br /> ~der the condition. <br /> <br /> ~Months ag~ the City ~uthorztzes were informed that the increas~ demands of the Govern- <br />ment wore such as to require improvements and additions to our plant~ calling for the expenditure <br />of several huudreds of thousands of dollars, and ttmt these additions and improvements should be <br />promptly made if the Company was to be put in a position to meet the increasing demands of the <br />Goverm_ment and the influx of population. -.The only res~or~ that we have received ih~om the City <br />is the resolution t~hat was adopted on th~ 2~rd of July~: whmch is in such terms that it cannot <br />be ~cceptedby this Company. <br /> <br /> ~It would seems'to the Compan~y tP~t the City of Portsmouth would be as anxious to meet the <br />demands of the Gover~nment at this time as this Company hasaho~n itself to be, and we regret <br />that the City has seen fit to delay action on this m~tter and that when actzon'~ is taken, it is <br />such that it o~mnot be accepted by the Compaq. <br /> <br />On mOtion of P~. He~bert~ the <br /> <br /> ~Yours very trul~'~ <br /> <br />nE. ~. Ola~: Superintendent.~ <br />letter was referred to the Special Water Co~mnutttee. <br /> <br /> NeXt, the following resolution adopted by the Department of Health July 28th~' 191~ was <br />read: ~Be It Resolved by the Cotmcil of the City of Ports~outh~ <br /> ~First. Tlmt the contract (with E. C. Dunn for removal of night soil) is hereb~ immedia- <br /> <br /> <br />