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308 <br /> <br />August 13, <br /> <br />1918 <br /> <br />-- ] <br /> <br /> ~At a regular meeting of the City Council A~st !Sth there were present: <br /> Messrs-- ~. P. Claud, ~W. H. Culpeppe~r, C. ~.~ Deans~ <br /> ~. T. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert~ <br /> E~l~ mH' Nr ~~, $ ' <br /> Also the City P~anager. <br /> Th~ minutes of t~e regular meeting July 18th and special meetings JtLly 22nd and July $0th <br />were read and were approved. <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF DEPART~'LEJ~TS <br /> Law-- <br /> Recommended tb~t the office of tuberculosis nurse be created, at a salary- ~f $100. <br />Pg~ month, to be paid out of the $1,000. allowed in the Budget for Health Department under <br />side Health Officer." <br /> (Signed) C.D. Deans, Chairman. <br /> <br /> On motion~ the recommendation of the Dep~rtment w~sJ~eTerred to the Department of Law <br />and Finance Department. <br /> <br />Public Service-- <br /> No ~eport. <br /> <br />Public Property-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public Safety-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br /> Public Neifare-- <br /> Presented a plat e~otEe cemeter~ site recently purchased by the City, <br />snowing the one. acre which the Go~ernment wishes to p~cb~se from ~.~ City; and recormnended tD~t <br />the acre as sho~ on the plat be sold to the U. S. Government for $1,000.o0.. <br /> <br /> Whereupon, ~h~. C~-lpepper~ moved to amend, that the Council visit the property before <br />action is take~ on the recommendation, but the amen~ent was lost. <br /> <br />Then the recommendation was adopted and bY the following vote: <br /> A~s-- Claud~ Ctu!pepper, <br /> Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, Wrmght, 8. <br /> <br /> The following resol~tion and letter were read from the ~Special Water ommmttee, an~ copies <br />~of same ordered to be sent to ~he W~ter Compa~ and to Admiral HarriS: <br /> <br /> "~ereas, The City of Portsmouth claims ~the right to take over and become the owner of the <br />Portsmouth, Berkley, and Su~folk Water'Ccmpa~'s properties at a valuation to be fixed and de- <br />term~ued by the Board of Arbitrators selected for that purpose; a~ <br /> <br /> ~'~ereas, It has come to the ~owledge of this Council ~hrough Admiral Harris and others <br />that certa~in extensions, improvements, equipment, and m~chiner~ are now ~eeded to enable~ the <br />United States government to get an ampte sup~Sly of- water; <br /> <br /> ~'Now~ Therefore~ Be It Resolved by the Council of the City of Portsmouth that the Presi- <br />dent of the ~ouncil an~ ex-officio 2~ayor of the City of Portsmouth be, and he is hereby, autho- <br />rized and directed to enter into an agreement with the Po~rtsmouth, Berkley, and Suffolk Water~ <br />Compar~ that such extmn~ions, improvements, equipment, and z~chinery as may he purchased ~or in- <br />stalled by the Portsmouth, Berkley, and Sh~ffolk Nater Company as approved by the City N~ ager . <br />of the City o£ Portsmouth~ and the United States government, will be included or added to the pu~ <br />~se price of the Portsmouth, Be~kley, and~.Suffolk ~ater Company as may be determmned~a$ o~ <br />Apl~il.1, 1918, b~ the arbitratorS~ prov~ided, however, that the cost of suc.h extensions, improve- <br />m~ts, equipment~ and machinery do not exceed the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars <br />($25o, ooo.oo). <br /> <br /> ~The said agreement shall be executed under the s~aI of the City of Portsmo. uth, attested <br />by the city clerk, and s~ll have~0 effect~n tD~ rmght~Of the city to acquire a~ take <br />over the property of-the Po~tsmou~, Be~kley,' and ~uffolk ~ater Company at the valuation to be. <br />fixed and determined by the arbitrators plus the nerm~l costs of such e~te~sions, improvements~ <br />and m~chinery~as set out above." <br /> <br />"Portsmouth, <br /> <br />A~gust l~th, 1~18. <br /> <br />E. W. Clark, <br /> <br /> ~'Supt. P. B. & S. Nater Co,~~ <br /> <br />~Portsn~uth, Va. <br /> <br /> "Dear <br /> You~ letter of July 27th directed to N~. <br />sent to the. Special ~ater Committee for a <br /> <br />L. C. B~inson, <br /> <br />City Clerk, has been <br /> <br /> ~We are herewith enclosi~ a resolution which was adopted by the Cotmci! August 13th (~s <br />first meeting since receipt of letter). <br /> <br /> ~In~passi~g these resolutions, we hope that immediate steps will be taken fo~ th.e imp~ove- <br />I merit o~ water conditions, also that.wmth~ such lr~provements ~t~at the Government ~e~ds may be <br /> met, and, as the Special ~ater Comm~.ttee of the City Council, we a~e willing and a~xious at a~l <br /> times, .especially under the war condmtions~as now existing, to co-operate with the Government~ <br /> and all others interested. <br /> "Very t~ly yours, <br /> <br /> <br />