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A~gust 20~ 1918 <br /> <br />and the Board of Health: <br /> "BE tTRESOLVE~ by the Council of the City ofPortsmou~,'*~ That the <br />City Manager employ engineers~to prepare plans and data fQr th~ installation o£ sewerage <br />tmsewered portion of the City', at an estLmated cost of ~8~ ~. ---~ *~ ~ in the <br /> · . ~ ~ · ~v, ~n~ ~ s~ s~m be made a- <br /> vailable, also that the cost of installmng sewers be constructed upon the local assessment plan.~ <br /> 0nmoti~u, said resolution was referred to the Departments of Public Welfare and Finance. <br /> <br /> Third. Reco~endation that, owing to the demands for cemetery 10ts at this time and as <br />Second avenue in the Oak Grove Cen~tery is not needed as a ~0~ectingtho~ough. fare and can be <br />closed without affecting the traffmo or beauty of the g~o~n~s, the fo!low~ng ordinance be adopt- <br />ed: <br /> ~An 0~dinance Entitled an Ordinance to Close Second Ave. and Sell Certa~Lots in Oak <br />Grove Cemete.r~.~ <br /> On motmo~~ the recommended ordinance was referred to the Departments of Law and Public <br />Welfare. <br /> <br />Fourth. The following communication: <br /> <br />"Honorable City Cott~cit~ <br /> "Portmmouth~ Va. <br /> <br />~Po~tsEouth~ Va., Aug. 1918. <br /> <br /> "Gentlemen:- <br /> M~. W. H. Edmonds~~ Clerk to the Civil & Police Justice~ and Clerk to the <br />Chief of Police, ~esigned on%u~, lSthandhas not served e~uce that date. In lieu Of a~ <br />authority to appoint a Clerk, other than that which has already been provided by ordinanc~ <br />I beg to advise that i have requested ~. Deansn~o act as Clerk to the Civil & Police Justic~ <br />pendi~ the revision of the present ordinances and adoption of new ordinances to meet the <br />qui~ement. <br /> <br /> .~'~M~. Deans is not willing to act in the capacity of a Clerk to the Police Depa~ment~ there- <br /> fore~ the Police Depa~ent is without a Clerk and provision should be made to appoint a Clerk <br /> to keep the records of the Department in good shape. <br /> <br /> ~It is understood that N~. Deans is to be ~esponslble for all fines collected and he is te <br />turn over to the City T~eastu~er all s~ms collected for the issuing of wa~rants$' honds~ etc. <br />du~ing working hou!~s. <br /> <br /> . . or,such sexy%cos rendered by M~. Deans as Clerk to the Civil & Po!ice J <br />mssumng ox warrants, bonds, etc., as well as bei~ responsible fo~ the fines and other funds~ <br />M~. Deans is to be p~id the salary now fixed by ordinance and to comtlnue in this canacityuu- <br />til the ordinance be revised and new ordinances adopted by this Honorable body. <br /> <br />to th , thev~fo~i respecti~l~ly recorm~end that the Department of Law bring in amendments both <br /> e presen~ oramnances an~ a new ordinance c~eating a Clerk to the Police Cou~' which I <br />respectfully recommend fo~ thei~ consideration. <br /> <br /> '~Respeotfully sub~itte~ <br /> <br /> ~W. B. Bate~ City Nanager.~ <br /> On motio~L~~ the communication was referred to the Department of Law. <br /> <br /> Fifth. Tlt~e following ccmmmm~icatiOn~ ~nich was refer~ed to the Departments of FLuance~ <br /> Public Servlce~ Public Property, and Public Welfare: <br /> <br /> "Ho~o~able City Co~unci~ ~Portsmouth~ Va.~ Aug. 2~ 1918. <br /> · ~Portsm-out~ Va. <br /> <br /> "Gentlemen:- <br /> <br /> ~ In o~de~ to advance the prosperity and future of ~he City of Portsmouth~ it <br />is absolu~elynecessa~y that the Council~~ City Manager and the Public should know that the im- <br />provements made a~e for the u~timate chain of development and that no money is expended without <br />due consideration of same definite and comprehensive system inview. <br /> <br /> I ~ORE RESPECTFULLTREC0~gW~D that the Cit~ Manamer be authorizes ~s ~~ +~ <br />?mptoy ~gineerand. Nunmcipal~ . Experts, for the followzng reasons b~iefty outlined but no specie- <br />mc mention of detamls, whmch w~uld be - 1 <br /> impossible to consmder at this time without the data of <br />maps being first prepered. <br /> <br /> '~FIHST: iAccumu~ation of basic data'elating to pllysical and economic conditions in and <br />about h~ity and its utilitieS'~ pmblic service and municipally owned, through the means <br /> <br /> (A) An accurat~survey of the city fixing for all time~ by a system of ce-ordluate~ the <br />exact location of all important points within the present or possible future city limits. <br /> <br /> (B) Indication of the actual location of such points by the installment tn place of a <br />~ystem of monuments. <br /> <br /> (C) Establishment of a system of bench marks and elevations over the city. <br /> <br /> (D) SeCUr~i~ t~e necessary topographic data for storm water d~ainage syst~ street ex- <br />t~ension and d~ain~ge~~ and s~udy of present sewer system for future sewer extension. <br /> <br /> (E)~ Securing necessary data for detailed maps of present water system and appurtenances <br />and future installation az~ extensions. <br /> <br /> (F) Securing necessary data for s~dy of capacity and ~fficiency of present sewers and <br />appurtenances ~nd for ~tu~e extensions and new construction, <br /> <br /> <br />