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312 <br /> <br />August 20, 1918 <br /> <br />. ! <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of th~ 'City Ootmcil August 2Ot~ there were present: <br /> <br /> Messrs-- T. A. Btmti~ C. <br /> C. H. Herbert, E. <br /> Also the City M~uager. <br />The m~nuteS of the regular meetiz~Aug~st 13thwere re~d and were approved. <br /> <br />REPORTS OF DEP~_RT~NTS <br /> <br />No report. <br /> <br />Puhtic Service-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public P~ope~ty-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public' Safety-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public Welfare-- <br /> <br />Finance~- <br /> <br />Referred A~o~st l~th <br /> <br />~ (With Law Department) Rec~om~endati~on of the De~.~men. t~ of_Law .th~.t the.?ffi?e ~f t~er~ <br />losis ~se be created, -at a sal~ of'S109. per m~; z~ sam~ ~o De pam~ ~ cz approprm <br />ati~ ~ ~e ~dget for Health ~der "0utsmde ~blic Health Offi~r, <br /> <br /> ~With ~blie ~elf~e ~partment) Eeco~e~ation of the City M~ger t~t ~ appro~iatio~ <br /> of $00~ be made for ~lead~g on ~e ~c~erator ~ope~ c~Ity wood ~nished <br /> <br /> It is reco~ded ~t a special appropriation be ~de for this <br /> A ~tition of ~ E. Jmcksen, ocr. ~tter ~ F~st aVe~u~ to be re~ded $1.80 paid <br /> e~or for soil t~ for ~e ye~ l~lV. <br /> <br /> ~ peti$i~ of the Assistant ~ ~e City Clerk f~ ~r sal~ to be ~e~eased to $1~. <br /> m~th. <br /> ~O~SS. <br /> <br /> A bill of the Glty ~eas~e~ to ~o~t of $45.5S~ fo~ m~ki~ ~d ce~tl~i~ list of persons <br /> fo~ 191~ ~o ~ve paid the~ State Pett?~es~ ~s pe~ A~ts of <br /> it is ~e~ded that said b~ll be p~fa, ~t of appPop~tfon ~ <br /> <br /> (With PuBlic P~oDerty Department) <br />salary to be increased. <br /> Progress. <br /> <br />m~nP~lie P~onerty Department) <br /> <br />A petition of the Assistant Clerk of the PJa~ket for <br /> <br />An increase in th~ sa!a~ for the Clerk of the Market.. <br /> <br /> A t~tition of the Civil & Police Justice for his sala~%o be increased. <br /> Pro~ess, <br /> <br /> A petmtmon of certain City Officers that thei~ salaries be ~aid twice a mont~~ instead of <br />oneee <br /> It is reco~.~ne~ded that said petition be granted. <br /> <br /> A petition of J. Earle Williams to be rel~ed $4.~0 paid in ~r~or for license on an amto- <br />mobile. <br /> Pro~ess. <br /> <br /> Reports of Officers for the montl~ of Jul~~ 1~18. <br /> We report that ss~me have bee~ examined and filed. <br /> <br /> (Nith Public Safety i~partment) 'An appropriation to pu~cD~e an automobile for the Chief <br />of the ~i~e- Department, a~ to report on sa~.e at the~ next meeting of the <br /> It is recommended that a~ approprmationno% to exceed $1700. be m~=e for this pu~poseo <br /> <br />0~motio~ <br /> <br /> (Signed) <br /> <br />(Signed) <br />the report of the Dep4~tment was adopted~ <br /> <br />C. H. Herbert, ChaL~man. <br /> <br /> t' <br />T. A. B~n zng, Vice-Chairman. <br /> <br />~ndby the followI~g vote: <br /> <br />Ayes-- Btu~tmn~, De,us, Hanvey~ Herbert~~ V~right~ ~. <br /> <br /> Th~ following comm~mications wer~ read fi~om the City Manager: <br /> ~i~_st. Recon~nendation t~t <br />2~000 feet off. new f~e hose be ~c~sed~ at ~ es~ated cost of $~B00.O0, f.o.b. Portsmouth. <br /> ~motion~ ,said ~ ec~endat~on was ~eferred to ~e ~ic ~fety and F~nce Dep~t~nts. <br /> <br />Seeoz~~. Su~Itt~_~g the fotiowi~ resolutio~ adopted by the Department of Public Welfare <br /> <br />-g <br /> <br /> <br />