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326 <br /> <br />A~u~ 99, 19!8 <br /> <br />Mud Judge Robert R. Prentis, chosen by those two as t~mpire, appo~_~ted for the p~J~pose of valuing <br />the works, property, frs~uchises, and contracts of the Fortsmouth, B~rkley and Suffolk V~ater Com- <br />i pa~ under the contract between the City of Ports~.out-~- and ?he Portsmouth'an~ St~ffolk ~ater <br />~ Co~pany, the predecessor of the Portsmouth, Be~kley, and Suffolk Water Co~_~ar~y, have met and <br /> should <br /> after much conszdera~zo fixed the price of $2,~00,000. at which the City-of Por~outh <br /> buy all the property of said ~'ater Co~.par~-. <br /> ~That this Cozmnittee believes that the said Arbitration was fair s~d in all respects proper, <br /> and believes it to be to the best interest of the City and its citizens to ~rchase the said <br /> water plant at the fzgures fixed by the said ar~_t~ ators s. nd the sale of the property as set <br /> forth in maid contract and the award and appraisa! of said arbitrators be oorafir~d, and~ that the <br /> Co~t of Hustings for the City of Ports~outh be requested to ratify the s~e.~ <br /> (Si£~ed) Co H.-Herbert, Ch~. Special ?~ater Com. <br /> <br />( Signed ~ T. :a. <br />(Signed) ~. H. Culpepper.~' <br /> <br /> 0n motion, the report of the Committee was adopted by the following vote~ <br /> Ayes-- B~ting, Claud, Culpepper, Deans~ H~vey, Herbert, Wright, ~. <br /> ~ne f611owing resol~.tion sdb~Ai~ed by ~. Herbert,%was adopted: <br /> "W~REAS, ~he award and ~aP- <br /> praisal of Charles F. Y~rper, the Arbitrator chosen by the Council o£ the City~"of Portsmouth, <br /> Leonard ~et~al~, the ~bitrator ehGmen by the Portsmouth, Berkley, and Stuffolk ~ater Company, and <br /> Judge Robert R. P~entis, selected by those two as umpire, has been reported to tt~ Co~ci! of <br /> the City of Ports~.outh, fixing the price at ~9,~00,000 at which the City of Portsraouth shall b~ <br /> the works, property', franchises, and contracts of the Po~t~*~h, Berkley, and Stt~olk V~ater Com- <br /> pany uuder the contract .entered into between the said C.ity~ e~ Ports~.outh and The Portsmouth ~ <br /> Stt~folk Water Comply, the predecessor of the Portsmouth, B~rkley, and Suffolk ~ter Compar~ <br /> hearin~ date on the l~th day of Septer~£oer, 188~; and, <br /> ~'~AS, ~ Codicil of the City of Portsmo~oth believe t~t the fir_dings of the said arbi- <br />trators and ~mp~e have been fair and in all respects proper, and deem it to be to the best i:- <br />I terest of the C~ty of Port~ath and its citizens that the City purchase the property of said <br />~ater Company as fixed by them; <br /> =NON, .~RF~WORE~ ~ IT RESOL~KD, ~y the Council of the Cit~ of Portsmouth, Virginia, That <br /> the award and appraisal of said arbitrators and the sale of the property ~f~ the. Portsmouth, Berk~ <br /> ley,~ a~d S~t~folk Water-Oompany to the City of Port~mouth at the price of $2,~00~,000 be confirmed; <br /> and that the City AttoNney be i~structed to present the report of said arbitrators to t~_e Ccttrt <br /> of H~timgs for the City of Portsmouth with the request that the s~e be ratified.~ <br /> <br /> .~d ~by the followir~ vote: <br /> Ayes-- Bunting, Claud, Culpepper, Deans, Hanvey, <br /> Herbert, Wright, ~. <br /> <br /> Next, on metio~ of ~. Herbert, the Dep~itment of Law was instructed to h~ve .prepared and <br /> presented to the Council an o~dinanee petition~g the Cour~ to ea!l an elebtion on a bond issue <br /> to purchase the Portsmouth, Berkley~ and S~folk Water Co. <br /> 0n motion of ~tr. Claud, a vote of thanks w~as exte~ied to ~. Chas. F. Harper for the cap- <br /> able and satisfactory manner in which he has handled tD~ City's interest in the arbitratio~ pro- <br /> ceedings. <br /> <br /> ~n~ ~greement was pre~ented between the City of Portzm~outh and The Portsmouth, Berkley <br />I~,~a ......... .~e,~l~ ~'~W_ter Com~v.__~ ooncern~ug_ additions, ex~ensmons ..... and zmprovements made ~. to be made <br />Itc the oro~erties of the Water Comps~ from and after the fmrs? may of April, 19~8,~ and same <br />twas referred to the City ~anager, C~ty Attorney, and the Specmal ~ater Ccm~Ittee cz the Co~ncil. <br /> <br /> be <br />On mo <br /> <br />adjottrned. <br /> <br />CiTf CLE?~X AND AUD~TOB. <br /> <br /> <br />