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August 29, 1918 <br /> <br />315 <br /> <br />At a special meeting of the City Council August 29th there were present: <br /> <br /> Messrs-- T. A. Bunting, N. P. Claud, W. H. Culpepper, <br /> C. D. Deans, J. T. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert, <br /> E. H. ~iright, <br /> Also the City Manager. <br /> <br />The following di~eetions were read for the special meeting: <br /> <br />Portsmouth, <br /> <br /> "~. L. C. Brin$on, <br /> ~'City Clerk & Auditor, <br /> "City. <br /> "Dear Sir:-- <br /> ~ou will please <br />Aunt 29th: 8 o'clock P. <br />on valuation of ~e P. B. <br /> <br />Va., August 28, 1918. <br /> <br /> call a special meeting o~ the City Co,3neil for Thursday, <br />~., for the purpose of receiving a report fr~ the Boa~d of arb_trators' ~ <br />& S. Water Co. <br /> <br />"Ver~ respectfully, <br /> <br /> =J. T. Hanvey, <br /> Pmeszaen~ City Council. <br /> Whereupon, the call having been read, the following report was read from the Boa~d of A~. <br /> bitration: <br /> "AWARD AND APPRAISAL 0P ~ PROP~RTY OF THE PORTSMOUTH, WBERKL~-Y AdUD SUFFOLK EATER <br /> <br /> COMPANY.. <br /> ~The ~edecessor in title a~d obligations of the Portmmouth, Berkley and Suffolk Water Com- <br /> pa_ny having by Article ~; of the contract dated the 13th day of September, 1887, agreed with the <br /> City of P <br /> ortsmoutn ~at it might ~beeome the owner of ~aid works and all of.~the property connect- <br /> ed therewith, and succeed to all the. rights and franchises of the said The Po~t~mouth and Suffolk <br /> Water Company atthe expiration of the said thirty years, beginnLug on the !st day of april, <br /> eighteen h%%udred and ' * ,. '~ <br /> emghoy emght, by givir~E, hefOhe the expiration of said thirty years, two <br />Yea~s.notice of such intention to purchase, and by paying said water compan~ the value of said <br />works,' property ~ franchises, taking into view in ascertaining-such value, as well its capa- <br />city to make earnings as other considerations, and in payment or p~t payment of such purchase, <br />the City of Portsmouth sha~! assume the then out-standin~ contracts and obligations of the eom- <br />pan~, and the v~lue of the ~orks', Property, franchises and bontraots shall be determined by <br />bitpation, each pa~ty to be equally represented by one disinterested arbitrato~, the arbitrator <br />by the city of PO?tsmouth ~o~be chosen by the Council of ~he City; and if they, the said arbi- <br />trators, do not agree, then,~by mutual selection of said arbitrators, an umpire may be chosen, <br />a~dr the ~egi~ion_ of two of ;such: ~three shall be. finaf. T~e said arbitrators, ~or~ the purpose <br />o ascer~a~umng the value or for a~din~ them mn so doi~. ~b~13 ~ o~ +~ ~ ~ .... <br />papers of samd company. Sa~d sale to be confmrmed by a two-thirds vote of the Council ef said <br />City, and ratified trythe .Court of Hustings of said Cit$~;' the City of Portsmouth having given <br />such two years notice prior to the first day of April, nineteen hundred and eighteen, of its <br />intention tO exercise its option under said contract, and the Council' of the said ci~ havin~ <br />~elected~ Ch~s. F;HarPer and:th8 Portsmouth, Berkley and Suffolk ~ater Comna~v h~v~ <br />eorm-~ Netcalf~ and they-havmng selected Robert R. Prent~s as um <br /> ~'~ pi.e, ~h~ said arbitrators <br />a~d umpire proceeded oommenCLug on the twenty ninth day of July, nineteen hundred and eighteen, <br />and~ending on this date (afte~ adjournments from time to time), heard all Of the evidence sub- <br />m~tted, and having~ given ~ue consideration thereto ' <br />andaward, pursuant to ~ch' submissfon, nave th_s date made the ~fotlowing appraisal <br /> <br /> "1. We appraise and value the work~, property, f~enchises, real estate and personal pro- <br />perry as indicated in the inventory submmtted (exceoting therefrom non-operating and miscellane- <br />ous equipmenb, materials' ~Dd supplies shoe on page~ 267 to 293 inclusive, of the inventory), <br />at th~ sum of Two Million Se~en H~dred Thousand Dollars ($2,700,000), as of April ist, 1918. <br /> <br /> ~2. The non-operating and miscellaneous equipment, materials and supplies in possession <br />of the compan~ upon the date on ~hi~n~the City of Portsmouth shall exercise its ootion to pu~- <br />chase the property,.~hall be inventoried as of that date, and all such property w~ichhas been <br />purchased since April 1st, 19!8, shall be Daid for at its actual cost to the compar~f, and all <br />such ~sed ~perty as wasowned by t~e c~mpanv on the 1st day of April, 19!8, shall be paid <br />for at such fair value as may be agreed upon by the city and the cc~pany, L <br /> <br /> ~. A~i e~ensmons,_~provement~, equmpment and machinery constitUtin~ betterments to the <br />pro~er~y, an~ n0t. mere'rep±acements ~chhave been :installed either in~ ~ol~ or in ___tear ...... si~ee <br />zprm! 1st, 1~, ~hall be Paid for by the city at the actual cost te .~tHei~i0mpsny upon the date <br />of %he transz~ o~ the property. ~- <br /> <br /> "Given under ou~ hands this 28th day of August, 19~8. <br /> <br />(Signed) <br />(Signed) <br /> <br />Chas. F. Harper~ <br />Leonard Metcalf, <br /> <br />(Signed) <br /> <br />Robert R. Prentis.~ <br /> <br /> Then the follow'~mng report was read i~om the Soecial_ Water Comm_ttee* of this body; after <br />Harper had spoken as to the above report: <br /> ~'The Special Water Committee of the Council of 'the City of Portsmouth respectfully reports: <br /> '~That the Board of ~bit~ation, composed o~ Charles F. Harper, chosen by the C~3ncil <br />City of Portsmouth, Leon~d Metcalf~ chosen by the Portsmo~th, Berk!ey and S~folk Water Company, <br /> <br /> <br />