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317 <br /> <br />Septe~be~ S, t918 <br /> <br />At a special meeting of the City Council September 3rd there were present: <br /> <br /> Messrs-- M. ~. Clau~, C. D. Deans, j. T. H~nvey, <br /> C. H. Herbert, E. H. Wright, <br /> Also the City. Manager. <br /> <br />The following directions were read for the <br /> <br />L. C. Bminson, <br /> ;'City Cte~k & Auditor, <br /> Ozty. <br /> <br />special meetiz~: <br /> <br />~Portsmouth, Va., August Slst, 1918. <br /> <br /> nDear Sir:-- <br /> You will ~11 a special meeting of the City Council For Tuesday, September <br />5rd, S o'clock P. M., to consider~the following questions:relating to purchase of the Port~aouth, <br />Berkl~y and. Suffolk ~ater Co: <br /> ~*Fi~st. A com3m3nication From the Board of Control on ~ar Activities, H~mpton Roads District <br /> <br /> ~Second. A report from ~the special Water Eommmt~ee.' + <br /> <br />report from the Department of Law. <br /> <br />respectfully, <br /> <br /> The ~call~ having been read, <br />Depsi~tment of Law: <br /> <br /> ~J. T. Hanvey, President.TM <br /> <br />the first .matter taken Up was the following report from the <br /> <br /> Referred August 29th <br /> <br /> To h~ve prepared an ordinance petitioning the Co~t to call an election on a Bond Issue <br />to purchase the Portsmouth, Berkley and Suffolk Water Co. <br /> It is reco~wm~ended t~t +~he following ordin~uce be adopted to cover this matter: <br /> <br /> An 0rdin~nce to Authorize the Issue of T~vo ~zz_zon~*'~' and Seven H%~dred Thousand Dolla~s of <br />Bonds to be Enov~a as "Water Bonds" Pursuant to Section 12~ Clause B, of the Constitution of <br />Virginia, and ~ ~ct of the General Assembly of Virginia, Approved ~eh 16, 1918, Entitled, <br />'~An Act to Authormze the Councils of the Several Cities or Terms of the State to Issue Bonds <br />for a Supply of Water or Other Specific Undertaking from which the City or Town ~;~%v Derive a <br />Revenue, Pursuant to Section One Twenty-seven B of the Constitution of Virginia. <br /> <br />(Signed) C.D. Deans, Chairman. <br /> <br />(Signed) <br /> <br />M. P. Claud, <br /> <br /> On motion, under the ~uies~ the ordinance was ordered to lie on t~he table until the next <br />regular meeting of the body. <br /> <br /> Next, th~ following recomnendations off the Special Water Committee were adopted: <br /> <br /> 1st. TD~t the appropriation of $2,~00,000. for the purchase of the Portmmouth, Berkley <br />and Suffolk Water Company be referred to t~e Finance Dep~rtment. <br /> <br /> 2nd. ~Progress" as to contract with the Portsmouth, Berkley and Suffolk Water Comp~n~ <br />For inrprovements to properties of the Company. <br /> <br /> Then the following communication was read from the P~esident of t~he Boa~d of Control, <br />Wa~ Constr~ction Actmv_~mes H~mpton Roads Dmstrm~t, Norfolk, Va.; <br /> <br />"Mayor, City of Port~eouth, Va. <br /> <br />~August 29th, 1918. <br /> <br /> ~'~ de~ Er. Mayor:- <br /> In furtherance of the conference held in the municipal office yester- <br />day at which there was present yourself, Counei~en Wright ~ud Herbert, City Nsmager Bates, <br />~h~. Dillon of the War Industries Board, Captain Watt, Industrial ~anager, Navy Yard, and myself; <br />may I, in.con~i~tion of my.~u_n_ ~derstand'.rag~? .now ~s~nggest that y.our.City Council by resolution <br />or otherwzse indicate you~ willingness wztD_in SUCh legal restrzctzons as may be imposed' to au- <br />t~horize the ~xeOutio~ of the contract between your city and the United States to the effect <br />·hat should the City of Portsmouth become the ov~er of the Portsmouth, Berkley & Suffolk Water <br />Co.,it will repay to the United States two years after the war on some mutually satisfac~o~ <br />plan the appraised value at that time of improvements zuade on the Portsmouth, Berkley & <br />Company s wa~er plant wzth the vzew %o increasing the capacity o£ that pla~ut from seven and one- <br />half million gallons per diem to appro~Lmately 12 to 14 million gallons per diem. Such improve- <br />monte to be of such ~ cnarac~e_ and scope as may be determined by the United States and to cost <br />approximately t.wo mill~n dollars; and i~u~ther agree that should your city become the owner <br />of said plant, that ~t suoh~ t~ime it will pay to the United S~ates interest at the rate of <br />on the cos~ of the mmprovements made to the water clapt. <br /> <br /> ~It bein~ u-~derstoOd that such 5% interest should be paid out of 50% on these receipts for <br />water in excess of seven million g&tlons per diem average throu~ohout the period of the interest <br />charge; and where ~0% of such excess receipts are not sum~ficient to pay said 5% interest that <br />50% of said receipts shall be accepted in.full settlement for interest for that period. <br /> <br /> ~I ~ink if your Council will indicate its general approval of such plan the details could <br />then be l~ft to be wor~ed out by the Legal Representatives of your City and the United States <br />Gove~Iir~ent. <br /> <br /> <br />