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R. S. P, <br /> <br />Septemb~e~ Z~, <br /> <br />"(3) ~ne detail of the numerous items above mentioned, are to be worked out by-~he Govern. <br />mentpiant..F~ngineers, and are to be a part of, and conform to the operation of the present <br /> <br />"(4) Aceordir~ to ~he letter from A <br /> dmzral Harris, dated Sept, 19th, the Government has <br /> the apprgpriation available for the said enlargements and extensions, and are estimated <br /> to cost ~1,800,000.00. <br /> <br />~(5) The terms .a~d conditions wmil be covered in a tentative agreement, to be submitted <br /> at an early date by the Government authorities, and was outlined ~n a conference with <br /> ~ir. Dillon, of the marV!ndustrmal- Board; Admiral H~arris, Pres~ident of the Board of <br /> Contro~, ~ud Captain ~att, Industrial Manager of the Nat7 Yard. Lieut. Col. Nau~y <br /> also confirms our u~erstandlng and is in substance, as follows: <br /> <br /> ~(a) ~The U. S. Government to advance the necessary funds for tbs extensio~m <br /> and enlargements and to assist the City of Portsmouth, in f~uaneing the purchase price <br /> fixed by recent arbitration, if necessar-y. <br /> <br /> ~(b) All work to be under the supervision and inspec'tlon of the U. S. Government <br /> Portsmouth.Engineers' but sub~ect to the approval of du~y authorized official of the City of <br /> <br /> y~) ~The_oo.s~t 0~_.sala extensmons and enlargements to the Portsmouth Water Supply, <br /> to be p m~ rot oy %ne city of Portsmouth, three (3) yea~s after the duration of the <br /> war, at the then~ ~ appraised, value, taking into consideration the needs and demands ~ <br /> the City, for ~amc improvements at the time of the app~&isal, deducting such percent <br /> of the total value of extensions and enlargements put' in by the Government, and not <br /> needed at time cf the appraisal by the City to supply its then demands. <br /> <br /> ~:{~) The said apDraisal to be made in the usual m~une~ by 'Arbitration, each party <br /> to be ~ - 1 <br /> qua !y repr6sented by one disinterested a~oi~rator; the a~bitrator ~for ~the City <br /> of Portsmouth to be chosen by the Council of the City; and if they ~e said arbitrators <br /> do net agree then~by mutual selection of said arbitrators, an %~mpire may be chosen, <br /> and the decision o£ two of such three shall be final. The said a~bitrmtors, for the <br /> purpose of ascertaining the value or for aiding them in so doing, Shall have access to <br /> the books ~nd papers of said Company. <br /> <br /> '~(~) The City to pay to the U, S. Government 5% interest on the cost of said <br />extensions and enlarg~nents, provided 50% of the net revenue derived over operating <br />expenses by the City and above that derived by the City operating at its present ma~i- <br />nam capacity, f~om said ~xtensions anden~arg~ments~ is su~ficient to pay the said 5%; <br />otherwise the said 80% will be accg~ted by the Government as interest payment in full, <br />using the w~a%e~ . rates current~ at the time the adjustment' is made using~ the present maxi- <br />mum capacity of the plant as a basis for calculating the 5% interest to be paid the <br />Gov~r~nment. <br /> <br /> "(f) The City of Portsmouth to operate the Portsmouth Water SuUply and the said <br /> extensions and enlargements in conuection therewith, and to have c~mrge of and be re- <br /> sponsible 'for the collection of the revenues ther. ef~om. <br /> <br /> "(g) The City of Portsmouth, Virginia, may deliver water to the City of ~erfolk, <br /> Virginia, on metered rates and te~s to be agreed upon, said point of deliverv shall be <br /> at a location to be designated by the City ofPortsmouth,' Va., provided the contract <br /> for the sale of water to +JQ~e City of Norfolk is legal and everv right of the City of <br /> Portsmouth s~feguarded, as to its future needs. <br /> <br />"(~) At the several conferences held between the U. S. Gd~ernment and the City Officials, <br /> the g~neraI plans of enlargement and extenslons,also the financi~ arrangements, have <br /> been discussed and seem to ~eet with approval and understanding, although at present <br /> writing, no action has been taken by Council regarding said improvements. <br /> <br />"(~; Upon the receipt of Admiral Harris~ letter of Sept; 19th, and also b~ing informed <br /> by Lieut. Co~. Naury that orders have been placed for machinery and materials for said <br /> extensions and enlargements you wer~ advised by phone. <br /> <br /> I sincerely trust the Government's tentative agreement will be on hand for the Coun- <br /> cil's con~deration Tuesday night's call meeting, along with this or a report from your <br /> committee at that time. <br /> <br />=Respectfuliy submitted, <br /> <br /> aW. B. Bates, City Manager.~ <br /> Then the following resolutions were adopted: <br /> "Resolved, That the City Manager be instructed <br />%o prepare a letter, s-~oject to the approval of the City Attorney, %o the President of the P. <br />B. & S. Water Company, requesting data or inventory, &c., as requested by terms of contract and <br />arbitration.= <br /> <br /> "Resolved, That the 'City Manager be instructed to v~ite to the President of the P. B. & S. <br />~ater Company notifying him that the City Council requests the right to audit the books of'said <br />Companv since Apriilst, 1918, said audit to begin about October 10th, lgXe.~ <br /> <br /> At this point, letters to Admiral Harris from the City Clerk and f~om A~mirA~ ~Harris to <br />the City Clerk were read in regard to the Admiral.s~presence at the call meeting. <br /> <br /> The Chairm~n of:the Department of Finance presented the fotlowir~ repo~t:~ <br /> <br /> <br />