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September 24, 1918 <br /> <br />At a special meeting of the City Council September Z~th there were present: <br /> <br /> ~essrs-- M. P. Claud, C. D. Deans, J. T. Hanvey, <br /> C. H. Herbert, E. H. ~right, 5. <br /> Also the City Manager. <br />The fot~lowing directions for the special meeting were read: <br /> "Portmmouth, Va., September <br /> <br /> ~r. L. C. Brinson~ <br /> <br /> ~City Clerk & Auditor, City.' <br /> <br />2t, 1918. <br /> <br /> .:~tJear. Sir: -- You wi!i please call a special meeting of the City Council for Tuesday, Sep- <br />tember 2~th, 8 o'clock P. M., to consider: <br /> ~First. Various matters pertaining to the ~ter question. <br /> <br /> ~Seoond. Report from the Finance Department. <br /> '~Very respectfully, <br /> <br /> "J. T. I!anvey, President." <br /> <br /> The "eail~' having been read the following report was received fr°m the Special ~ater Corn- <br />mi%tee, said report being submitted by the City Manager: <br /> ~Portsmouth, Va., Sept. 23, 1918. <br /> <br />~M~,. C. ~. Herbert, <br /> :"Chairman Special Water Committee, <br /> "City Council, Portsmouth, Va. <br /> <br /> ~Dear Mr. Herbert: <br /> ~(X) On Thn~sday, ~ept~;LRlgth, I aeeompanted Lieut. Col. Mazn~Y of the U. S. A~m~, on <br />a visit to. the sources of supply and the plants of the Portsmouth Water System, for the purpose <br />of ~iscussing ~the ,~tensiuns and enlargmmm~f~s to meet the government demands. <br /> ~'(2) Co!. Maury menti*ned the proposed extensions and enlargements, and ~we discussed <br />the immediate installation~, ~ch is~ .herein briefly listed as fo~lows: <br /> ~ (a) Acquire additional lands to be flooded by the raising of the dam at Lake <br /> Cahoon. <br /> <br />~ (b) The raising of the dam at Cahoon to the twenty eight foot level. <br /> <br />~' (c) Install two additiona~l ~,Q00,~00 gallon elec~ic d~iven centrifugal pumps <br /> to lift the ~ater ever %o Kilby. <br /> <br />=(d) Complete the 20'~ main from Cahoon to ICtlby, and to discharge the same into <br /> _ set~ling basiu at Kilby; <br /> <br />=(e) Install an additional generator and ongine at Kitby to operate the addition- <br /> al 5,O00,000 Eallon pumps, at' C~hOC~. <br /> <br /> ~(2) <br /> <br />~(g) <br /> <br /> Install o~e additional boiler to the present battery at Kilby. <br /> <br />Install one 6,000,000 gallon steam turbine high pressure pump, for Ports- <br />mouth supplyat Kilby. <br /> <br /> Enlarge-settling basin to approx~Lmately I~,00C,000 gallon daily capacity. <br /> Enlarge filtering house to same capacity. <br /> <br /> Acquire a strip of land owned by Eitby estate betweenthe boiler and engine <br />units and the settling and filte~ units necessaru to erect the additional <br />boiler and purifieation units. <br /> <br /> Construct a 30~ water main of California red wood satve pipe, p~rt of <br />wa~, and 30~ east ~iron pipe other paf~t, between F~[lby. and Portsmouth pumping <br />stations, also completing the 20~ trs~.ission main in Portsmouth. · <br /> <br />"(1) Constructing a ~,000,00o gallon storage basin at ~ortsmouthpu~ping ~tation, <br /> <br />;' (m) Install one additional boiler to the present battery at Portsmouth, <br /> <br />~(n) Install one ne~ 6,000,000 gallon steam pump at Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> Place a 2~': cast iron main from Portsmouth pumping station to Navy Yard. <br /> <br /> Ptaee in a ZO~' main to s~pply water to the distribution system in Norfolk, <br />crossing under the Southern Branch of' the Elizabeth River, through Berkley, <br />and under the Eastern' Branch of th~ Elizabeth Rive~. <br /> <br />"(q) Meters to be placed in the Cities of Portsmouth, Berk!ey and Suffolk, for <br /> each service connection. <br /> <br /> <br />