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October 8, 1918 <br /> <br />of ascertaining the value or for a~dlng them in so doing, shall have access to the books ~nd <br />papers of saiA company. Said sale to be confirmed by a two-t.hirds vote of the Council of said <br />City, and ratified by the Court of Hustings. o£ said City~;~ the City of Portsmouth having given <br />such two years notice prior to the first day o~ Apr£!, nineteen hundred and ~ighteen, of its <br />intention to exercise its option under said contract, ~ud the Cotuucil of the said City having <br />selected Chas. F. Harper and the Portsmouth, Berkley and Suffolk Water Compar~ having selected <br />Leonard ~Aetcalf, and they.'havin~ selected Robert R. Prentis as umpire, the said'arbitrators <br />and nmpire proceeded con~uencing on the twenty nin~ day of July, nineteen ~n¢tred and eighteen, <br />and ending on t~his date (after adjo'o_wnmenta from tame to time), heard all of the evidence sub- <br />mitted, and having given due consideration thereto have this date made the following appraisal <br />and ~ward, ptu~suant to such submission: <br /> <br /> 1. We appraise and value the works, property, franchises, real estate and personal-proper- <br />ty as indicated in the inventory submitted {excep%ing there~om non-operating and miscellaneous <br />equipment, materials and supplies shown on Aa§es 26V to 293 inclusive, of the inventory), at <br />the s~m of T~o Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ~$$,VO0, O00), as of April 1st, 1918. <br /> <br /> 2~. '~ne non-openating an~ misee±laneo~ equzpment, mat~rzals an~ supplzes mn possesszon <br />of the compa~ upon the date on which the Czty of Portsmouth shall sxercise its option to pur-- <br />cDase the property, sl~ll be inventoried as of Ahat d~te, and all such property which has been <br />purchased since April !st, 19lS, shall be paid for at its actual cos~ to the company, and all <br />such tmused property as' was owned by the company on the 1st day of April, 1918, shall be paid <br />for at such fair value as may be agreed upon by the city'~and the company. <br /> <br /> ~. All e~tensions, improvements, e~.uipment and machinery constituting betterments to <br />the property ~d nat mere replacements which have been installed eithe~ in whole or in PSat <br /> -] <br />since Aprz_ 1st, 1918, ~hall be paid for by the city at the actual cost to the company upon <br />the date of the transfer of the property. <br /> <br />Given uz~ler our hands this zStr,_ say of August, 1918. <br /> <br />Cb~o F. Harper~ <br /> <br />J.~oz~..~ m Netoalf, <br /> <br />Robert R. Prentis.~ <br /> <br /> ~HEP~AS, The Council of the Cit. y of Portsmouth believe tb~t the f-~ndings of the said <br />bitrators and umpire have been fair and in all respects proper, and deem it to be to the best <br />interest of the City of' P. ortsmouth and its citizens t~b the Cmt~ purchase the property of <br />said Water Company as fixed by them; <br /> <br /> NO~, T~LREPORE, BE IT RESOL~U~D, by %he Councz_ of the City of P~rtsmouth, ~zrg~nza, -that <br />the award ar~l appr~isai of said arbitrators and .umpire and sale thereunmer o~ the lrropert-y of <br />the Portsmouth,.Berkley, and Suffolk Water .Compar~ ~o the Ci~y of Ports~_outh be e~ud the same <br />are h~reby cor~zrmed and. approved; and tb.~t the City Attorney be instructed to present the re- <br />port of said arbitrators and t~upire to the Court cf Hustings for the City of Portsmouth with <br />the request that the said award and ~the sale thereunder be ratified°" <br /> <br />the foliowin~ vote: <br /> <br />Ayes-- Culpepper, <br />Nays-- None.. <br /> <br />Dean~, Hanvey, Herbert, Wright, ,5. <br /> <br /> On motion of <br />at 8 'o'clock P. M. <br /> <br />HePbert, the body stood adjourned to meeton Th~trsday, <br /> <br />Get,bet 10th, <br /> <br /> <br />