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R.C, P; <br /> <br />327 <br /> <br />October 8, 1918 <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the City Council October 8th t~here were <br /> <br />Nessrs~- W. H. Culpepper, C. D. Deans, J. To <br /> C. H. Herbert, Eo H. Wright, 5. <br /> Also the City Manager. <br /> <br />H~-tvey ~ <br /> <br />present: <br /> <br /> The minutes Of the regular~ meeting September I?th and special meetings September 24th sad <br />October 7th were read and were approved. <br /> <br />REPORTS OF DEPARTI~ENTS <br /> <br />Laww~ <br /> <br />No report <br /> <br />Public Service-~- <br /> No report <br /> <br /> Public Property-~ <br /> Presented two contracts between the United States Housing Corporation <br />and the City of Portsmouth and County of Norfolk apper~&ining to the lease and control of the <br />ferries by the United States Housing Corporatio~o ~ <br /> Said contracts were read and Mr. Culpepper offered the following meti~:~?~hat the said <br />contracts be adopted and that they be executed for and on behalf~of~ the City of Portsmouth by <br />the President of the Council and that the corporate seal be ~ffixed attested by the Cit~ Clerk. <br /> The ayes and n~ys being called for, the motion was adopted by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes-- Culpepper, Deans, Hanv~y, Herbert, Wright, 5. <br />Nays-- None-. <br /> <br /> Public Safety-- <br /> Presented from the Clt~ Manager a report on the matter of substituting <br />the type of lamp for street lighting, but action was deferred on sszae ~ntil the next meeting <br />of the Council. <br /> <br />Public Welfare-- <br /> No report <br /> <br />Finance-- <br /> <br />Referred September ~th <br /> <br /> An appropriation to pay an electrician $175. per month temporarily. <br /> It is recommended that a special appropriation of $525. be allowed towards <br />for the balance of the year. <br /> <br />said salary <br /> <br /> (With Public Safety Department) An appropriation Of $250. to pay the extra cost of Harry <br />Hall, policeman, for services rendered by Dr. Collins. <br /> It is recommended that an appropriation to -said amount be made. <br /> <br />(Signed) 'C. H. Herbert, Chairman. <br /> <br />On motion, the report of the Depar~ent was ~do~ted !a~d by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes-- Culpepper, Deans, Hanvei*, Herbert, Wright, 5. <br /> <br /> At this point, Mr. Herbert presented bills of Engineer Gilbert C. White and assistant to <br />amount of $2,709.15, for services in connection with water arbitration, and Ump~_~e Robert R. <br />Prentis, to ~ount of $V50.00, as City~s~hAIffor services in connection with water arbitration. <br /> 0n motion, said bills were referred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Herbert, an appropriation of $!,000. for the Council of Defense was refer- <br />red to the Department of Finance. <br /> <br />DILWINISHED BUSINESS <br /> <br /> Upon request of the City Attorney, the following resolution was adopted: <br /> ~WBE~S, the <br />award and appraisal of Charles F. Harper, the Arbitrator chosen by the Council of the City of <br />Portsmouth, Leonard Netcalf, the Arbitrator chosen by the Portsmouth, Berkley, and Suffolk <br />Water Company, and Judge Robert R. Prentis, selected ~y these two as umpire, has been reported <br />to the Council of the City of Portsmouth in the words and figures as follows: <br /> <br />~AW~RD AND APPRAISAL OF T~ PROPER~f OF TF~ PORTSMOUTH, BERKeLeY, D~-D SUFFOLK WATER COMP~. <br /> <br /> The predecessor in title and obligations of the Portsmouth, Berk!ey and Suffolk Water Com- <br />pany having by ~ticle XV of the contract dated the 13th day of Septe~mber, 1887, agreed with <br />the City of Pc~tsmouth that it might 'become the owner of said works and all of the property <br />connected therewith, and succeed to all the rights and franchises of the said The Portsmouth <br />and Suffolk Water Company ~t the e~piration of the said tlmirty years, beginning on the 1st day <br />of April, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, by giving, before the expiration of said thirty <br />years, two ~ears notice of such intention to purchase, and by p~ying said water compan~ the value <br />of said works, property and franchises, taking into view ~ ascertaining such value,'as well <br />its capacity to make e~rnings as other considerations, and in payment or part p~ment of such <br />purchase, the City of Portsmouth shall assume the then out~tandir~g contracts and obligations of <br />the company, and the value of the works, property, franchises s~i contracts shall be determined <br />by arbitration, each party to be equally re~esented by one disintereste~ arbitrator, the arbi- <br />trator by the City of Portsmouth to be chosen by~ the Council of the City; and if they, the said <br />arbitrators, do not ~gree, then, by mutual selection of said arbitrators, an umpire may be chos- <br />en, and the decision of two of such three shall be final. The said arbitrators, for tD~ purpose <br /> <br /> <br />