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R. C. P. <br /> <br />Octobe~ 15, ~918 <br /> <br /> It is recommended that an appropriation of $2,000. be made for <br /> <br />An appropriation of $3,500. for the New High School Building. I% is reconmtended tb~t said appropriation be allowed. <br /> <br />this purpose. <br /> <br />An ap~z~opriation of $300. for the ~ergency Hospital. <br /> It is recommended tP~t said appropri~.tion be allowed and same be paid out as needed. <br /> <br />( Signed ) <br /> <br />C. H. He.bert, Chairman. <br /> <br />0n motion, the report of the Department was adopted and by the folloWir~ vote: <br /> <br />Ayes-- Claud, Culpepper, Deans, Hanv~y, Herbert,Wrzght,' 6. <br /> <br /> The following communications were read from the City ~ianager: <br /> <br />appointed Mr. P. H. ~gayo as City Electricia~at a salary of $1V5. <br />12th; and said notice was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br />1st. Notice that ~he had <br />per month, b~ginnfng October <br /> <br /> 2r~l. Notice ti~t he had appointed ~. W. A. <br />Lassister as patrolm~n, in the Police Department; <br />bet 15th, 1918. <br /> 0n motion, said notices were ordered to be <br /> <br />Gay as pOliceman, and F~. William Freeman <br />said appointmenets to take.effect as of 0cbc- <br /> <br />filed. <br /> <br /> 3~d. Recommendation that the Council designate the board in the passage o~-the <br />floor of the Municipal Building as the o~ficial place to post ordinances. <br /> On motion, said recommendation was adopted. <br /> <br />f~ont <br /> <br />Ut~INIS BED BDB I~-ESS <br /> <br /> The reports of the City Collector and the City Clerk & Auditor were presented and were <br />ordered to take the usual course. <br /> <br /> Mr. Herbert of£e~ed the ~followir¢ resolution: <br /> <br />· ~Res0!ved by the Council of the City of ~orts- <br />mouth, Viroznza, tb~t the proposed a~eement between the City of Portsmouth e_nd the Up, ted States <br />of ~e~icm in re,rich to the water works ~ste~ for the p~c~se of which the city is negotia- <br />t~ with the Port~ztk, Berkley a~ S~fo!k Water Compaq, which, a~eement is in word~ ~d <br />fi~es as follows: <br /> ~T~ ~TIC~S 0F AG~E~, en~red into t~s ~ d~ of <br /> 1918, b. tween R. C. N~shall, Jr., Brigadier General, U~ (P~reinafte~' desir- <br /> ed _as Contract~ Officer), for and ~ ~lf of t~ U~ted States of ~erica, of <br /> the fmrst p~, ~ the Czty om ,Por~smouth, V~gz~a, (herei~fter designated as <br /> the City), of the seco~ p~% acti~ ~o~h its duly auth~ized officers, ~IT~SS: <br /> W~S, the City is negotiating with the ~ortsmouth, Berkley and S~felk Warm <br /> Compa~ for the p~c~se of the water works sys%em'now sBpp~i~ water ~ ~d ab~t <br /> t~ City of Pomtsmou%h, V~gi~a, a~ <br /> <br /> W~S~ the construction, now in progress, of large additions to the various <br />Government activities in the terrmto~ supplied by the ~ater Works system now located <br />Lu~he City of Portsmouth, and the consequent increase in civilian and military popu- <br />lation in said 'territory, necessitate extensive additio~m to the present Water ~orks <br />system in the City, wD~ch additions wOUld be unnecessary except for such increase i~ <br />Government activities. <br /> <br /> ~REAS, the City is unable at this time to make such additions at its own <br />expense, therefore, Ehe parties D~reto do hereby mutually covenant and agree to and <br />with each other as follows: <br /> <br />TO BUILD <br />ADDITIONS <br /> <br /> Article 1. In consideration of the fulfillment by the City of ~bs covenants <br />and agreements on its part to be performed as hereinafter set forth, the Contracting <br />Officer hereby agrees to f~a~nish ~ in, tall certain additions to the present Water <br />Works system in the city, and ar~ other additions that in his opinion may become <br />necessary' to furnish an adequate supply of water to all of said Government acti¥1- <br />ties,~ b~t the title to and ownership in all of such additions shall re~in in the <br />Government until the same shall have been purchased in the manner b~reinafter set <br />forth~ ~s..contempl~ted at the ~iting hareof, the additions deemed necessary ~y <br />the par~mes hereto mnolude the following: <br /> <br />Installation of Meters. <br /> <br />Rafsir~ the dam at Lake Cahoon, together with necessary lands. <br /> <br /> ~ S ' <br />Additional Pum~p~ng Equipment at Lake Cahoon PumpiD~ barmen. <br /> <br />Additional Pipe between Lake Cahoon a~d Lake Kilby Pumpmng Stm.~zon. <br /> <br />Enlargement of Filtration Plant at Lake Kilby. <br /> <br />Additional P%%mpi~ Equdp~ent at Lake mi!by Pumping Station. <br /> <br />Additional Supply Main from Lake Kilby Pumping Station to Portsmouth Pumping <br />Station. <br /> <br />Additional Reservoir and P~mpi~n~ Equipment at or%smouth Puz~ping Station. <br /> <br />A 2~~ Nain ~om Portsmou. th PumpinE Station to the viciD_ity of the Navy Yard Wi~h <br /> <br /> <br />