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338 <br /> <br />November 19, 1918 <br /> <br /> At a regular meeting of the City Counc-i! November 19th there were present: <br /> Messre-- ~. P. Claud, ~. H. Culpepper, C. D. Deans, <br /> J. T. nanvey, C. E. =eroert, Earz r~. Nright, 6. <br /> <br /> The zuinutes of the regular meeting October 10th were read and were approved. REPORTS 0F DErART~i~S <br /> <br /> Presented the following ordinance, .which, under the rules, was ordered to lie on the <br />table until the next regular meeting of the body~ ~ 0rdknance to Create the Office of the <br />Superintendent of the ?~ater Department, Defining his Duties and Compensation. <br /> <br /> Public Ser~iee-- <br /> Presented a communication, together with a pla~, mhowing the proposed <br />re-routing of the street car system in this City. <br /> On motion, said commu~ieation, and plan were re-referre~d to the Public SerVice Depar~ent. <br /> <br />Public Property-- <br /> Reported rrogress on ~he appraisal of the property of the ferries. <br /> <br />Public Safety-- <br /> · No report. <br /> <br />Public Welfare-- <br /> NO report. <br /> <br /> Finance-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br /> The followin~ notices of appointments by.-the CityNana~er were received and were ordered <br />to be filed: <br /> 1st. Appointment of T. ' as a policeman in the Police Department, said <br />appointment to ta~e effect as of Nov. ~ <br /> <br /> 2nd. Appointment of Joseph F. Harrell as a policewoman to fill a vacancy. <br /> <br /> ~rd. Aooointment of M. Gorma~ Prince as Sanitar~ I~pector fo~ the City of Portsmouth, <br />stating th~t~P~. Prince is the Sanitary Inspector in the empl~ of the Red Cross Sanit~y Unit <br />No. 28, and will b~come a member of the Health Department of the Oity. <br /> <br />UN~iNIS~D BUoz~SS <br /> <br /> The regular reports of Officers for the month of 0ctober~ 1918,- were presented and were <br />ordered to ~ake the usual course. <br /> <br /> The following ordinances which were ordered to lie on the table by this body October 1Sth <br />were taken up, read, and adopted: <br /> AN ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE A PERMIT BEFORE LICF~SES ARE ISSUED <br />FOR PUBLIC E~IBITiONS, CIRCD~S, ~KXHIBITION OF ANI~o~LS OR J-0GGi~S, FOHTU2~ ~LLPLRS ~D ~ <br />©~R ~.UBLIC SEO~, ~iEHiBiTION OR PER~0R~L&NCES F~CEPT IN A LICENSED ~EATER OR ROOM FOR PUBLIC <br />E~GEIBiTiON. (See 0~dL~ance Book). <br /> <br /> AN 0P~DINANCE TO REQU~ PAWR~ROE~RS DOING BUSINESS tN~E CITY~ OF PORTSMOUTH TO KEEP <br />A BOOK A~iI~E A COP~ OF ~&ID BOOK D~ILT Wi~ THE CHIEF 0F POLICE. (See Ordinance Book). <br /> <br />~nd by <br /> <br />the following vote, <br /> <br />the vote being the same for each: <br /> ~yes--~C~aud, Culpe~per, <br /> Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, ~right, <br /> <br /> The fo!lowing report was read Ik~om the Keeper::of Cemeteries of <br />Oak Grove Cemeter~y~during the months of Septemb~ and October, 1915: <br /> <br />September 3, to L. R. Brinkl y and E. R. Beaty, lot No. B 4, Ave. <br /> 6, ~illimm Massey, lot No. B 3, N. H., Ave.-E. <br /> <br />lots and graves sold in <br /> <br /> E. <br /> <br /> ~. I. Clements, S. H. lot No. B 5, Ave. H. <br />1t, H.C. Smith~ ~ild's grave, lot No. 924, Ave. J. <br />12, Philip S. Flint, No. 858, !ye. G. <br />13, C.F. Jaines, child's grave, lot No. 92~, Ave. <br />1V, Mike CSprib, adult:s grave, No. 920, ~ve~ J. <br />19, B.F. Duke, child"s grave, 1~o. 924, ~ve. J. <br />28, A.B. ~ickers, N. H. No. B 5, Ave. H. <br />28, Mr. Creecy, chitd~'s grave, No~ 9~4, Ave. J. <br />80, N.C. Cher~y, No. B ~, Ave. G. <br />G0, <br /> <br />Josephus Ros~., Jr., llt~ Walk, 2nd lot, from C. East, old part. <br /> <br />October <br /> <br /> 2, J.A. Jo~son, No. 9 B, N. H., &ye. F. <br /> Robt. Earshall, child:s grave, No. 92~, Ave. J. <br /> Mrs. A. H. Conover, No. 10 B, Ave. E. <br /> O.J. Nomble, No. 9 B, S. H., Ave. F. <br /> S, F.D. Fost~r~ child's grave, No. ~24, Ave. J. <br /> 8, D. ~. Everett, adult's g~ave, No. 920, Ave. J, <br /> 8, E.D. Allen, No. 8 B, S. H., Ave. F. <br /> 8, S~el Barga~n, child's grav~, No. 924, Ave. J. <br /> 8, Ecsc Spodinie, adult's grave, No. 9~0, Ave. J. <br /> $, A. Elki~, child's grave, No. 924, Ave. J. <br /> Mrs. Berth~ Stephenson, No. 12 B, S. H., Ave. D. <br /> J.T. HodEes & E. L. Hedgers, No. ll B, Ave. E. <br />10, R.A. Hudgi~ & wife, No. 8 B, N. H., Ave. F. <br /> <br /> <br />