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R. C, P. <br /> .35 <br /> <br />1918 <br /> <br /> Thirty-seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($~7,500.00) each, date December 27th, 1918, <br />payable thirty days bearir~ interest at six per cent. That said notes be issued for <br />para payment for purchase of Portsmouth, Berkley and S~folk 5aterCompan~. <br /> <br /> Resolved Further, That the Treasurer and City C~erk and Auditor be authorized to execute <br />said notes in behalf oF the Cit~" <br /> <br /> 0n motion of Nr. Claud, seconded by ~L~. Deans, the resolution was adopted, and by the <br />followir~g vote: <br /> Ayes-- Claud, Culpepper, Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, Wright, 8. <br /> <br /> 0n motion of ~f~. Herbert, a special appropriation of $900. was allowed for expenses in con- <br />nection with purchase of the P. B. & S. Water Company~ and by the Following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes-- Claud, Culpepper, Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, ~right, 6. <br /> <br />01~motion~ <br /> <br />adjourned. <br /> <br />CiTY CLERK AND AUDiTOr, <br /> <br /> December 30th, 1918 <br />At a special meeting of the City Council December BOth there were present: <br /> <br /> Messrs-- M. P. Claud, W. H. Cutp~pper, C. D. Deans, <br /> J. T. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert, E. H. ~right, 6. <br /> <br /> Also the Ci~y Manager. <br /> <br />The following directions were read for the <br /> <br />"~. L. C. Brinson, <br /> <br />special meeting: <br /> <br /> "Portsmouth, Va., December 28, 191S. <br /> <br />City Clerk & Auditor, <br /> <br /> City. <br /> <br /> l~ou will please call a special meeting of the City Council for ~onday, Decem- <br /> ber GOth, at 7 o~clock p. ~., to consider: <br /> <br /> ~irst: An Ordinance in relation to issu~-ug bonds fo~ water works. <br /> <br /> S~co~: A deed ~ the Portsmouth, ~kley & S~folk VYate~ Co. to the~Ci{y of Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> nVe~ res~ctfully, <br /> <br /> ~C. H. He~be~t, Vice-P~es~ent.~ <br /> The ~'calI~ ~vi~ ~een ~ead, t~ followi~ ordi~ee was ~esented in melation to the issue <br />~d sale of water bonds and ~er the ~les, on motion of ~. Claud, seco~ed ~ ~. Dea~, <br />~the 's~e was ordered to lie on the table ~til an adjoined soeola! me~ti~ to be held on J~u~ <br /> 2nd, 1919: <br /> AN ORDINANCE IN RE~TI0~ T0 ~ ISS~ AG~ ~A~ 0P %VA~ B0~S P~SUAI~T~ T0 ~ ~u~0- <br /> ~I~ COnRaD ~ AN O~I!~ANCE E!~IT~:_ _ "AN O~INA~ TO AU~iORIZE~ ~ ISS~ OF ~VO ~ILLION <br /> A~ S~I i~D THOUS~ DOL~S 0F B0~S T0 BE ~07~ AS ~7~A~R B0~S' P~SUSNT T0 'SECTION <br /> C~USE, B, OF T~ C05~TITUTi0N 0F VLRGIi~IA, Ah~ AN ACT 0F T~ G~AL aS~LY 0F V~GiNIA~ AP- <br /> PR0~CH 18., t918, EA~IT~D, ~AN ACT T0 AUTHORI~ ~ C0~CILS 0F T~ ~L CiTeS 0R <br /> T0tYES OF T~ STATg T0 ISS~ B0~S FOR A SUPP~ OF %TA~R 0R 0T~ SPECIFIC ~D~RTA~NG .FR0~ <br /> <br /> 0F ~IRGIG~A, ~ ~OP~ ~P~ER t0, l~Id, A5~ APPR0~D ~ A ~JOR7~ Ow Tw~ <br /> ~ION~ - FOR~ ~ FO~ ~F ~2,01~,500. 0~ SA~ BONDS, T~ ISS~ A~ USE 0w_ S~_D~Y ........ BOttS ~m ~. <br /> <br /> .Next~ t~ G~m~ of th~ ~a$e~ C~ittee ~o~ittee pmesented a dee~ from the Po~t~outh, <br />Ber~zey and S~fo!k ?~ate~ Compa~ conve~ing to the City of PoPt~outh all ~e pro,Pry, rights <br />a~ franchises of s~d Compaq. <br /> <br /> Said deed having been read, the foliiowing re~olution was p~esented: <br /> <br /> f · ~ ~W-HEREAS, tb~ Chairman <br />~o it~e Water Committee D~s pre.sented to ~he Council a copy of th~ dee~d~conveying to the City o£ <br />~Por%smoutti all the property, rights and franchises of the Portsmouth, merk!ey and S%%ffolk Water <br />Compare, and said deed having been read ~o the Council, <br /> <br /> "BE ~IT RESOLVED, that the ~e ~be approved by {he Co~cil, a~ that the said deed be exe- <br />~ cu~d ~oP ~d on be~If of and zn the n~e of the Ci~ oF Portsmouth, V~ginia, ~ t~e ~esi- <br />~ ~ent o~ the Co,oil sign~ the s~e and ~ the seal of the ~aid <br /> F~T~ RESOL~ t~t ~he ~ooer off <br /> <br /> <br />