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356 <br /> <br />1918 <br /> <br />At an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council December 20th there were present: <br /> <br /> Messrs--T. A.-Buntmng,' M. P. Claud, W. H. Culpepper, C. D. Deans, J. T. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert, <br /> E. H. ~right,~ 7. <br /> <br /> Whereupon, the following ordinance presented by R. M. Grant & Co., which l~ad been laid over <br />December l~Vth until this meeting of the body, was taken up: <br /> AN 0RDI_%~ANCE IN ~LATION TO THE ISSUE <br />A}~D SaLE OF WATER B01~-DS PURSUANT TO THiS AUTHORITY CONFERRED BY AN 0RDII{ANCE RIgiDITY: ~'AN 0RDI- <br />NANCE TO AUTHORI~ T~ iSS~ 0F ~0 ~ILLION A~ SE~ R-Ji~D~-D THOUSA~ DOLL&RS OF BONDS TO BE <br />KNOWN AS 'WATER BONDS! PURSUANT TO ~ECTION 127, ~CLAUSE B, OF T~iE CONSTITUTION OF V~GINIA,'-w ' A~ <br />AN ACT OF T~ GEi~ERAL_ASSE~BLY OF VIRGINIA, APPROVED MARCH I8, 1§18, ENTITi~L~), ~AN ACT TO AUTHO- <br />RIZE T~ COUNCILS 07 Tb~ ~L CITIES OR TO~NS 0F T~ STATE TO ISSUE B01~DS FOR A SUPPLY OF <br />WATCH OR 0~ SPECIFIC ~ERTAKIN~ FROM WHICH T~ CITY 0R TO~.~N ~&gY D~RItNE ~ ~VE~MNE, PD~SUANT <br />TO ~CTION 0~E T~fENTY-SA~ B 0P TP~ C0~STITUT!0N OF VLRGINL&,'" ADOPTED SEPtemBER 10, 1918, <br />~P~-~_R0? BY ~.~NAJ?RtTY OF THE QU%LIFiED ¥0TERS OF ~ CITY OF PORTS~0UT~, VOTZNG UPON THE <br /> ~:~'f'~0N AT AN ELECTION ~LD NOVE~;~ 5, 1918: MAKING PROVISION FOR THE FORM OF SAID BONDS~ ~THE <br />APPLICATION OF TItE PROC~S AND THE PAY%4ENT THEREOF. <br /> <br /> 0n motion Of Mr. Herbert, seconded by Mr. Deans, section ~ of the ordinance was ~mended ~o <br />read as foliows: <br /> ~Section ~. The prOCeeds of the ~ondS authorized to be issue~ and sold by <br />tlmis ordinance shall be paid to the Portsmouth, Berkley and Suffolk Water Company upon the de- <br />liverv of a deed of the said waterworks system and all property rights and franchises co~m~ected <br />therewith to the City of Portsmouth, Virginia.~ <br /> <br /> Then on motion of Mr. Wright, seconded by Mr., Bttutmng, the ordinance was adopted, as smend- <br />ed, and by the following ~ote: <br /> Ayes-- Bun~ting, Cia. ual, Gulpepper, Deans, Hanvey, <br /> Herbert, V~rzgh~t, ~. <br /> <br /> By unanimous consent, the following resolution was presented by ~. Herbert and u_nder the <br />rules of the Council, s~ae was ordered to lie on the table until a special meeting to be held <br />December 26th: <br /> ~Be It Remolvedby the Council of the City of Portsmouth, ~nat the Finance De- <br />partment negotiate fottB notes of the City of Portsmouth, Va., <br /> <br /> Thirty-seven Thousand Five Hur~lred Delia, s ($37,800.00) each, date December 27th, 1918, <br />payable thirty days s~ter Gate bearing interest at six per cent. That said notes be issued <br />for part payment for purchase of Portsmouth, Berkley and Suffolk Water Company, <br /> <br /> Resolved Further, That the-T~easurer and City Clerk and Auditor be authormzed to execute <br />said notes in behalf of theC~ty,' ~ <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />adjourned, <br /> <br />C Tv CLE~.~ A~D <br /> <br />December 26, 1918 <br /> <br />At a special meeting of the City Council December Z6th there <br /> <br /> M~srs-- M. P. Claud, .~. H.' Cutpepper, C. D. Deans, <br /> J. ~. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert, E. H. ~rmoht, 6. <br /> <br />T~e followin~ directions were read for the special meeting: <br /> <br />were present: <br /> <br />L. C. Brinson, <br /> <br /> City <br /> <br />Clerk & Auditor, <br /> <br />"Portsmouth, Va., <br /> <br />December 2~, 1918. <br /> <br /> City. <br /> ~Dea~ Sir:-- <br /> You ~i!l please~eall a special meeting of the City Council for Thursday, <br />December ZSth, V o'clock P. ~., to consider adoption of the resolution authorizing the Finance <br />Department to negotiate four notes for $57,500. each, for part payment for ourchase of the <br />Portsmouth, Berkley & Suffol~Water Company, which resolution had been ordered to lie on %he <br />table December Z0th. <br /> <br />Very respectfully, <br /> <br /> ~J. T. Hanvey, President.'~ <br /> <br /> Whereupon, the ~call" having been read, the following resolution w~hfch had been ordered <br />· $o lie on the table December 20th was taken up and read: <br /> <br /> B . "Be It Resolved by the Cotuucil of the <br /> r of ~ortsmouth, ~t the Finance Department negotiate four notes of the <br /> <br /> <br />