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April 13, 1~26 <br /> <br />0ity taxes for the year 1923, and for the payment under-the order of Oourt rcm the year <br />1925, you are informed that the payment of those taxes were made by E. L. Lash, Trustie, <br />out of ~ne fund for which the property on Broad Street, Port Norfolk, was sold, to pay <br />thedebt secured by a deed of trust on the property, and while the petition to the <br />Oourt asking for the correction of the erroneous assessment w~s m~de in the n~me of <br />Paul Bi 0odd,~ the p~u~.ose was to recover by E. L. ~.~sh, Trustee, the money which tem- <br />porarily he had to divert from the money he received from the sale of the Broad Street <br />property. The Oounci& is therefore requested when the warrant is issued for re-p~y$~e~t <br />of the mone~, that the ~rrant be m~de p~y~ble, to E. L. L~sh, Trustee, or to Oassell & <br />'Oassell, ~ttorneys for E. L. Lash, Trustee. The fund is not the property, however, of <br />Paul B. Oodd, but belongs to E. L. Lash, Trustee, proceeding under a deed of trust to <br />secure the paymmnt of the debt to ~h~ Bank of Tidewater, Incorporated, of the City of <br />Portsmouth, Virginia. <br /> <br /> Very truly yours, <br /> <br />0ASSELL & OASSELL, <br /> By Norman Cassell." <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />adjourned. <br /> <br />April 19, 1926 <br /> <br />At a special meeting of the Oity 0ouncil April 19th there were present: <br /> <br />Messrs-- Vernon Brooks, E.W. Maupin, Jr., J. Alden Oast, <br /> J. O. Smith, J. R. Stewart,.R.E.B. Stewar~, <br /> L. G. ~Vhite, y. <br /> Also the OityM~nager. <br /> <br />The following directions were read for the special meeting: <br /> <br />"Portsmouth, Va., <br /> <br />April 16, 1926. <br /> <br />Mr. L. 0. Brinson, <br />Oity Clerk & Auditor, <br />Portsmouth~ Va. <br /> <br />De~r Sir:-- <br /> <br /> You will please call a special meetir~ of the Oity Council in the Municipal <br />~_d~ug. No~day, April l~tnz ~t 6 o,o!oek po m., to consider the License Tax Ordhance for <br />Year beginning N~y tst, 1~28, which was placed on first reading by Council April 13th. <br /> <br />Vez~y truly yours, <br /> <br />L. G. ~ITE, President. <br /> <br /> The "call" h~ving been read, the License T~x Ordinance for Year beginning 2~y let, 1926, <br />which had been placed on fiist reading ~oril 13th, was taken u~ and re~d. <br /> <br />On.m~tioh of Er. Brooks, the following amendments were adopted: <br /> <br />Section 5, Attorneys, Physicians, &c~, the last p~ragraph to rea~ as follows: <br /> <br />~Ohiropodist establishments, $1t.00." <br /> <br /> The following parngraph &dged to Section lO, ~AutomoBiles, ~agons, Etc., Using Streets <br />of City: "Any person, firm or corporation who shall engage in the business of renting automo- <br />biles, without drivers, on a mileage basis, shall pay a license tax of $101. O0 per annum, <br />not pro rated, where twenty automobiles or less are used in said business; and an additional <br />tax o£ $5.00 per car per annum, not pro rated, on every car above twenty." <br /> <br /> Section ll, B~rber Shops, to read as follows: "Barber Shops, &c. On every barber shop~ <br />beauty parlor, hair dresser or m~nicure, $16.00 for two chairs; for each chair over two, <br />$~.00 additional. This license applies to any barber chairs in the shop whether s~id ch~irs <br />~re in oontinuous ~e or not.~ <br /> <br /> <br />