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April 2,7, 1926 <br /> <br /> Messrs~ Vernon Brooks, ~E..W.- Maupin, Jr., J. Alden Oa~t, <br /> J. O. Smith, J. R. Stewart, H.E.B. Stewart, <br /> L. G. White,- .7.~ <br /> Also the ~ity Manager. <br /> <br /> The minutes of the special meeting April 13th at l0 a. m., regular meet~i.~ April 13 at <br /> E p. m., and special meeting April 19th were read and were approved. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Brooks, the regular order of business was suspended and the privi-lege <br /> of the floor was extended to a delegation from Lee Ward. <br /> Mrs. Watson: Mr. ~[orris, ~ro Taylor, and ~lr, Laylor spoke and made incf~iry as to when <br />~sewers would be laid in that Section of Lee We. rd north of Randolph street. <br /> <br /> Then on motion of Mr. Brooks, the regular order of business was resumed. <br /> <br />Fi~c~ <br /> <br />REPORTS OF (;OMMITTEES <br /> <br /> Referred April i3th <br />A communication from the City Maua~er stating that it is necessary to make a special <br />propiiation of $312.00 to pay claim of Phoebe Harrison-~o.~ disability Day beginning January 3, <br /> i92~, at $6.00 per week, as awarded by the Industrial Co~mission. - <br /> it is recommended that a special appropriation of $3/2.00 be allowed to pay said award. <br /> <br /> A communication from the Manager ~Stating that he has several ~equests for sidewalk and <br />curbs and gutters, and that ~nile the projects are worthy, the City has no funds available for <br />the work at present, aud his only recommendation can be that the projects be deferred for con- <br />sideration w~enever a new paving program ~is taken up. <br /> It is ~ecom~mended that the Manager's recommendation be adopted. <br /> <br /> Recommendation of the Manager that a sidewalk be laid on the east side of Chestnut street <br />from the George Washington Highway to Centre Ave., ~nd that a special appropriation of $200.00 <br />be m~de therefor, same to be built out of Ninth Ward Bond F~d; and stating that he is of the <br />opinion that curbing recommended by the Ninth Ward Civic League on 0hestnut street from the <br />George Washington Highway to the Gosport Road, be delayed ~-util a large contract can be let. <br /> Progress as to same. <br /> <br />! 312 <br /> <br /> 0ommunication forwarded by ~the Manager from Mr. T. A. ~Gnting asking authority to -inaugu- <br />rate a taxi-cab service ~ith t~hree taxi-cabs in the City of Portsmouth. <br /> Progress. <br /> <br />Report from the Manager on the erdin~ce prescribing rates of fare for for-hire cars. <br /> Progress. <br /> <br /> An Ordinance Prescribing Rates <br />Penalties for Violation Thereof. <br /> Progress. <br /> <br />of Fare <br /> <br />in the 0ity ~of Portsmouth of For-Hire Oars <br /> <br /> Reports of the City Treasurer, Oity ~Collector, <br /> We have examined said reports and it is recommended that they be filed. <br /> <br /> Request of J. W. ~igh to be paid $189.06 overcharge in taxes paid by him for the Years <br />19 o, 19 l, 19S3 19 4, and 19S5. <br />refund. It is recommended that a special appropriation of $189.06 be allowed to make -said <br /> <br /> Petition of M. Katz to be relieved of payment of penalty, interest and advertising, to <br />amount of $30~45, on l~19 taxes on property on Riverview Avenue and Bay street. <br /> It ms recommended that said petition be not granted. <br /> <br /> (And City Attorney) Request of Oassell & 0assell, that the refund recently allowed Paul <br />B. Oodd for correction of erroneous assessment, as per Order of 0ourt~be made payable to <br />E. L. Lash, Txustee, as the payment of said taxes were made by E. L. L~sh, Tmastee, out of the <br />fund for which the property on Broad street, Port Norfolk, was sold, to pay the debt secured <br />by a deed of trust~e~r~, the property. <br /> We =epCOt that this m~tter has been settled. <br /> <br />and 0ity Auditor for the month of March, l~26. <br /> <br /> Referred Nary 9th <br /> Request of the City Oollec~or to be refunded $2~.3S paid in error on 1~25 tax ticket on <br /> November 14, 1925. <br /> refund, it is recommended that a special appropriation of $12.38 be allowed to make ~aid <br /> It is further recommended that the Treasurer be authorized to pay, out of fu~uds on <br />hand~frdm colzection of~Dog Tax~s, bill of J. Shirley Hope, State Game ~arden, to amount of <br />$150.O0, for services rendered [u destroying 60 ~agless dogs $ $2.50 each. <br /> <br /> (Signed) Vernon Brooks,~Chairman. <br />vote: On motion of Mr. Brooks, the report of the Committee was adopted, and by th~ following <br /> Ayes-- Brooks, Naupin, Oast, Smith, Stewart (J.R.'), ~ <br /> Stewart (R.E.B.), White, ~. ~ <br /> <br /> The following communications were read Yrom the City ~anager: <br /> <br />aDpro. <br /> <br /> <br />