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April 19, 1927 <br /> <br /> Mr. !~aupin moved that the following be substimuted therefor: "Each baker w~ggn, truck, <br />or push cart, $31.00 for the first of the said wagons, tracks, or push carts, and $16.00 extra <br />for each subsequen~ one, with the prlvilege~ to sell goods~ therefrom. Pro-rated quarterly <br />after AUgust lst." <br /> The substitute was adopted. <br /> The M~nager recommended that the 26th paragraph of- said section be amended to read as <br />follows: "Tags must be displayed on automobiles in the front attached to the s~ate tag~ horse <br />drawn vehicles, on the left side near the front." <br /> O~--motion, the reoommendatiomw~s~adopted. <br /> The N~nager recommended that a ~new section be added as follows: _"Battery 0harging' StatiOn. <br />Each battery cha~ging station, separate from garage and repair shop, $26.00." <br /> On motion of Mr. Stewart, the recommendation of the N~nager was adopted. <br /> The M~nage~ recommended that the following section be added: ~D~nce hall, conducted for <br />profit, $51.00; dancing teachers, $5.00 per quarter." <br /> No action on s~me. <br /> The Manager recommended that the section on ,Hotels, Lodging Houses, ~ ,, be amended <br /> to read as follows: ,Each ~erson, firm or corporation conducting the business of keeping a <br /> hotel, lodging'house or ro~ing house, a flat t~x of $1.00, and $1.~0 for each room andS0.50 <br /> for each bath. This does not apply to private residences, or lodging houses with less than five <br /> rooms. This does not apply to private residences used as lodging houses, that have lees than <br /> six rooms to let." <br /> On motion, the. recommend~$ion was adopted. <br /> The Man, get recommended that the following paragraph under Section ,N~sicians," be struck <br /> out: "Ali orchestras composed of fo~r or more ~sioia~uS rendering so,vice for hire, $2~.00.~ <br /> On motion, the recommendation was adopted. <br /> <br />(Dr. Dunford exc-o, sed from i~zrther ~ttendanc$) <br /> <br /> The M~nager recommended certain changes in the section on ,Peddlers." No action taken on s~me. <br /> The Manager recommended the following clause i~ the secti~ "Plumbing" be struck out: <br />"Any non, resident person or firm installing or contracting to install any of th~ above in the <br />City ofportsmouth shall pay this license tax." <br /> On ~Dtion, the reoommend~ti~m-~w~Sa~m~Opted. <br /> <br /> ~The Ma~zager recommended that t~e ~ollowing be adopted for Section, "Slot M~chines. .Each <br />slot machine of every description allowed by the laws of the State, $2.00, and the license for <br />the same shall be properly posted." <br /> On motion, the recommendation Of the Manager was adopted. <br /> <br />The Manager ~e¢ommended that the tax on each place of l~ess selling soda or other <br />drinks from "goose necks" be m~de$11. O0 additional to any~cther tax imposed by this ordinance, <br />instead of $1~.00. ~ <br /> <br /> On motion, the recommendation was adopted. <br /> <br /> Tko M~__nager recgmmended t~t the words "or trucks" be added after the word "wagons" in <br />paragraph ~'of Section ,$~Water and Soft Drinks." <br /> On motion, the recommendation w~s adopted. <br /> <br /> The N~nager recommended that the ts~x o~ each "threatre, or place where theatrical perfor- <br />~nces are us~tly held, be made $501. O0~per annum, $101. O.O per month, $36.00 per week, Or <br /> ll. O0 per d~Y," instead of SY51. OO,per ~rmum.~ . <br /> On motion of Mr. M~yo, the tax w~s made $351.00 per annum, $101. O0 per month, $36.00 <br />per week, or $11. O0 per day." <br /> <br /> Mr. '~hite ~moved that the ~ax on moving p~otu~e shows be m~de $201. O0 where th~ admission <br />Fe~ is 20$ or un~d~r, $301.00 where the asmission fee is over 205. <br /> Nm. M~yo moved to substitute the following therefor: "Each movlngpioture <br />vaudeville, or both combined, where' the ax!mission fee is 1OS ~nd not over 205,$201.00; where <br />the admission fee~ is over 20$, $351.00." <br /> The substitute offered by Mr. Mayo was adopted. <br /> <br /> The Manager r~ccmmended that the.7th paragraph of Section "General Pro~dsions," be a~end- <br />ed to rea~ ~s~-fol~6ws: "Licenses issued to persons, firms, or corporations just starting into <br />business~after September let may be pro-rated, excerpt where in this o~dinance it is stated <br />the,t licenses are ~aot to'be' pro, rated'and excep~ licenses to non-resident persons, firm~o~ <br />corporations." <br /> Mr. ~hite moved that the following be substituted therefor: ~Licenses issued ~t~persons, <br />firms, or co=potations just starting into business after August 1st sh~ll be pro-rated quarter- <br />· y, except where .in this ordinance it is stated that licenses are not to be pro-rated and ex- <br />cept licenses tolnon-resident persons, firms o~ <br /> The substitute was adopted. <br /> <br /> The'M~nager recommended that a new!. ,~indow ~cree~ing'and <br />Weather S%rippirig. Each person, firm o= 'co~p~rati~n en.g?~e~mn~& om win~ow screen- <br />ing and wmather stripping, either or both, $2~.00, if hem o~nerwm~e maxea.~ <br /> The =e~$mmendation was adopted. <br /> <br /> TbS ~nager stated that he was of the opinion that the section on shoe repairing should <br />be amended so,that the shops using ~.~ectric polisher only should not be taxed as high as those <br />using both eieotria p~'~sher and stitcher." <br /> On motion, the section on "Shoe Repairing" was amended to read as f~llows: "Each shoe <br /> <br /> <br />