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336 <br /> <br />January 8th, 1952. <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the City Council, held on January Sth, 1952, there were present: <br /> <br />Fred A. Duke~ Frank N. Bilisoly, Jro, Carl C. Houghton,Jr.~ James N. Howard, <br />Ri Irvine Smith, E. R. StUrtevant, C. E. ~arren, H. Earl ~¢eise~u, Pearle J. <br />Wilson~ I. G. Vass~ City t~anager, and R. C. Barclay, City Attorney <br /> <br />Minutes of regular meeting held on December 18th, 1951 ~ere rea d and approved. <br /> <br />The following letter from the Planning Commission was read: <br /> <br /> "At a meeting held on December 6th, 1951 the Planning and Zoning Commission considered the <br />followLug application and respectfully submit their recommendation: <br /> W.F. Jones to rezone the northeast corner of Nashville Avenue and Jefferson <br /> Street, fronting 29.5 feet on Nashville Avenue and 100 feet deep from Single <br /> Family Class ~B" to Two Family Class ~C~' be denied." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Weiseman to concur iu the recommendation of the Planning Commission was <br /> <br />ado pt ed. <br /> <br />The folloEing reports from the City ~nager were read: <br /> <br /> 1st - "iu accordance with a resolution of City Council, the parcel of land containing <br />approximately fourteen and one half acres known as a portion of Glensheallah Golf Course property was offered for <br />sale at public auction at twelve noon today and Mr. ~clid Hanbu~ymade the highest offer for the property in the <br />sum of $32,500.00. <br /> I recommend that ~. Hanbury be awarded the property and that the proper City <br />authorities be authorized and directed to execute a deed on behalf of the City for said property.'~ <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard that the .property be awarded to Mr. Hanbu~y and that the proper city <br />officials be authorized to execute the deed, was adopted, and by the following vote: <br /> <br />Nays <br /> <br />Duke, Bilisoly, Houghton, H~ard, Smith, Sturtevant, Weiseman <br />None <br /> <br /> 2nd - "In accordance with a resolution of the City CoUncil, lots number 18, 17, 20 and 21 <br />Block 6, 20 in Blockl3, 29 in Block l4 and 6 in Block 22 on the Plat of the Airline i~nd Company were offered <br />for sale at public auction at twelve noon today at which time Mr. Charles L. Reynolds was the highest bidder in <br />the sum of $600.00 for the fore~*ing lots. <br /> I recommend that the sale be confirmed and that the proper city authorities be <br />authorized and directed to execute a deed to said property for and on behalf of the City of Portsmouth." <br /> <br />Motion of F~. Houghton to concur mu the recommendation of the City Manager was adopted. <br /> <br /> 3rd - "In ancord~uce with a resolution of City Council, lots n'amber 8, 9, l0 and ll in <br />Block $ on the plat of West Park View were offered for sale at public auction at twelve noon today and the high- <br />est bid offered was by Mr. E.L. Robertson in the sum of $575.00. I recommend that the sale be confirmed and <br />that the proper authorities be authorized and directed to execute a deed to ssid property for and on behalf of <br />the City of Portsmouth." <br /> <br />Motion of ~. Smith to Concur in the recommendation of the City Manager, was adopted. <br /> <br /> ~th - "I submit the attached decision of Judge Albert V. Bryan of the United States Dis- <br />trict Court in the case of James L. Green et als vs the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, Civil Action No. 1271 and <br />recommend that it be copied in the minutes of the City Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia." <br /> <br />"~N THE UNITED STATES D/STP~ICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN <br /> D/STRICT OF VIRGINIA <br /> At Norfolk <br /> <br /> JAMES L. GREEN, et als ) <br /> va. ) <br />The City of Portsmouth, ) <br /> Virg~ia ) <br /> <br />Civil Action No. 1271 <br /> <br />%o be heard on the 15th day of November~ 1951, upon the plead- <br />the evidence offered by each of the parties, ~nd was argued by <br /> <br /> This cause eame on <br /> ings, upon the opening statements of comnsel and <br /> counsel. <br /> Upon consideration whereof, the Court at the conclusion of the arguments orally <br /> stated its findings and conclusions, which having now been transcribed and filed by the Court reporter are <br /> adopted by the Court as its findings of fact and conclusions of law in this action, and thereon the Court <br /> hereby: <br /> 1. ADJUDGES AND DECL~dtES that the City of Portsmouth, Virginia has heretofore ~aintained and <br />pursued a usage, policy and practice of denying Negro citizens of said city golf facilities substantially equal <br />to those provided by it to its citizen% of other races at the known as Glensheallah and City Park <br />and that s~ch usage, policy and practice is a denial by the said city of the rights and privileges of the said <br />Negro citizens, in violation of the laws and Constitution of the United States; <br /> 2. .~DJUDGES: oEDERS AN~ DECP~S that the City of Portsmouth, its officers, agents; serVants, <br />employees and other persons in active concert or participationwith them be, and each of them is now, forthwith <br />~estrained and enjoined from maintaining ~ud operat~ug ~acilities for golf for the use of its citizens of shy <br />race without providing substantially equal fan~_!ities for persons of all races; and <br /> 3. ORDERS that the plaiutiffs recover of the said City of Portsmouth their cost in this sectior <br /> <br />~exandria, Virginia, <br />January 3rd, 1952." <br /> <br />Albert V. Bryan~ United States District Judge. <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br /> <br />