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399 <br /> <br />Nnvember 25th, 1952. <br /> <br />.... A~ a regtLtar meeting of the City Council, held on November 25th, 1952, there were present <br /> <br />Fred A. Duke, Frank N. llleoly, Jr., George L. Grimes, R. E. Hawks, C.C.Houghtqn,Jr., <br />James N. Howard, E. ~. Lawrence, R. Irvine Smith, E. R. Sturtevant, C.E. Warren, <br />Pearle J. Wilson, I.G. Vass, City Manager, and E. C. Barclay,City ~Attorney. <br /> <br />~inutes of regular meeting held ~u November &lth,1952 were read and approved. <br /> <br />The following reports from the City Menager were read: <br /> <br /> let - "I desire to report that I consulted Judge Morrissette, State Tax Commissioner, in <br />Eichmond, Virginia, on T~esday, November l~th, 1952, concerning Section 58-795 of the Code wherein the State T~x <br />Commission is authorized to make appraisals of real estate in cities and counties within the State if they deem <br />it advisable. <br /> I was advised by Judge Morriseette that the State Tax Commission was entirely sat- <br />isfied with the appraisal of property within the City of Portsmouth a~ud it was not their intention ~ o make an <br />appraisal by the State at the present ~time. %~e will therefore not be able to receive assistance from the State <br />Department ia our app~aissl of real estate. <br /> I request that the Council advise me what action they desire to be taken concern- <br />ing the appraisal ~ud reassessment of real estate within the City of Portsmouth as provided hy the Code of Vir- <br />ginia which will be for the year 1954." <br /> £ <br /> <br /> On motion filed ~ ~<3~, ~,~-~, ~7~ ~'~ <br /> · <br /> <br /> 2nd - "i submit the attached letter from the Superintendent of Schools and recommend that <br />the Council concur in his report." <br /> <br />Attached - "~hen the contract was let for the Norcom School, the cost of wi~ng <br />the building for a public address system was included Ln the original contract, <br />but at your request the School Board postponed the installation of the public <br />address equipment because of the cost. The installation of this equipment w~_ll <br />add $16,000. to the cost of the building, but it is necessary for the efficient <br />operation of a plant of this size. The School Board requests that it be autho- <br />rized to install this equipment and would appreciate it~ry much if you 'would <br />take action on this request at your meeting, Tuesday, November 25, 1952." <br /> <br /> Motion of ~r. Houghton that the School Board be authorized to install a Public Address <br />system in the new I. C. Norcom High School, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 3rd - "i submit the attached agreement dated November 6th, 1952, covering pipe line <br />crossing under the tracks of the Atlan{ic Coast Line Railroad Company near Churchland, Virginia, and recommend <br />that the M~or be authorized to execute the contract for and on behalf of the City of Portsmouth and that the <br />City Clerk be directed to attest the same and affix the City's seal." <br /> <br /> Motion of ~ir. Grimes that the proper City officials be authorized to sign the agreement, <br />was adopted. <br /> <br /> 5%h - "I recommend that an appropriation in the sum of $10,000.O0 be placed on its first <br />reading, t o supplement the appropriation for the construction of the new fire station at Fifth Avenue. The ori- <br />ginal estimate of the building was $50,000.00 and the land $5,000.00~ On receipt of bids, we found that the <br />cost of const~acting the ~uilding had increased. The lowest bid submitted was $69,958.00. By m~king some revi- <br />sions e~ud eliminating a few items, the cost was reduced to $5~,298.00. ~en the construction of the building be- <br />gan, it was found to be necessary to drive piles for the foundation: increasing the cost of the building from <br />$55,298.00 to $57,063.36. Adding to this the estimated architect, s fee of $3,500.00, the totsl cost of the <br />building amounted to $60,563.36. <br /> The land was purchased for $5,666.66, and we have p~rchasef two hose dryers at a <br />cost of $1,268.~8 and a plaque for $10i.83. By setting the building further back from the street line, in order <br />to secure a better foundation, it was necessary to construct a concrete slab in front of the building at a cost <br />of $1,789,00 - making the total overall cost $69,298.85. <br /> 'We had originally anticipated selling the old fire station for appro~dEately <br />$5,000.00 ~icbwe expected to absorb the c~st of the land but at the present time no disposition has been made <br />of the old building. We had intended including ia the wegul~r budget the price of the hose dryer, which we also <br />omitted. The foregoing are the reasons for reqdestLug the additional appropriation.~' <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Wilson that an appropriation of $10,000.00 for said purpose, be placed on <br />its first read~.g, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 5th - ,q]urir~ the month of October, which is an average month of the year, I find that <br />in the Food Division of the Public Health, the two inspectors made 9~+ inspections of food establishments and <br />meat markets. The two inspectors were on duty a total of &O0 hours during this period and you will observe <br />that there was less then ~ue half hour consumed for each inspection which includes the total travel time from <br />the office to the various places of ~siness over the City which, as you can readily see, is not sufficient time <br />5o properly inspect food establishments. For this reason, I ha~e transferred I. A. Beard from the position o f <br />Superintendent of the Stadium to the Food Inspection Division of the Department of Public He~!th, effective as o~ <br />December l, 1952.. His salary is to be the same as that of the regular food inspectors. <br /> I proposed to transfer the remainder of the Budget items for salaries at the Sta- <br />diumto the Health Department and s~pplement it in the sum of $/40.00 from the Contingent Fund in order to keep <br />the budget items in balance. I have transferred the responsibility of the maintenance and operation of the Sta- <br />diumto the Department of Buildings ~ud G~aunds under the supervision of H. E. Phelps, Jr. The only additional <br />funds involved will be that of the increase in salary for Mr. Beard, in order to equalize his salarywith that of <br />the other food inspectors. I am making this report as r~uiredbythe Code and Charter of the City.- <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 6th - "I submit the attached report from R. T. Trafton, SuperLutendent of the~ectrical <br />Department, concerning t~e traffic th~ intersections of County and Chestnut Sts., and South and Chestnut1 <br /> .... appropriatmon of $!,000.00 for said put- <br />Sis.I am su~mittm~ tams for your consmderatmon and recommen~ that an <br /> pose, be p~aced on its first reading." <br /> <br /> <br />