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On motion o£ .~Mr.~ ~Bilisoly,· said ordinance was adopted and by the following vote: <br />Ayes:Warren,DUke~Bilis°lY'wilson Grimes~ Hawks, Howard, Lawrence, Smith, Sturtevant, <br /> <br />Nays: None <br /> <br /> The following bills approved by the Game W~rden, were presented: <br /> 1. For chickens killed - W. J. Ryals, 2011 London St,16 chickens,359 lb. 33.60 <br /> 2. - E G.Hatchell,Sr.1910 Camden Ave.,2 chickens .~0 lb. 5.00 <br /> 3. - Mrs.W.E.Callis,414 Queen St., <br /> 4. .~ 5 chickens, .35 lb. $.?5 <br /> _ Mrs.E-B.Stephenson,2209 Elm Ave.4" .35 lb. 8.40 <br /> 5. - Wm.D. Alford,1319 Lansing Ave.,19" , .35 lb. 36.05 <br /> Mofinn of Mr. Warren that the City Treasurer be authorized Go pay said bills from funds <br />in her hands from collection of D~g Ta~s, was adopted. <br /> <br /> The following bill, not approved by the Game Warden, was presented: <br /> <br /> For chickens killed - Orin Summers,2501 Des Moines Ave. <br /> - 27 hens valued ar SS.00 each <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Grimes that <br />her bands from collection of Dog Taxes, <br /> <br /> 81.00 <br /> the City Treasurer he authorized to pay said bill from funds <br />was adopted. <br /> <br />establishing requirements <br />adopted. <br /> <br />54-52. <br /> <br />for the protection of yards or places in which residents of The City keep fowl, was <br /> <br />The following letter from Mrs. Ishai Ben Asher, was read: <br /> <br /> "Recently I contacted different individuals to sign a petition drawn up by Senator A. <br /> Willis Robertson in behalf of my husband, Rev. Ishai Ben Asher. This maTTer is now covered by Bill No.S.1352 <br />The members of the Immigration and Naturalization Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee are: Sen.Arthur <br />V. Watkins, Chairman, Sen. Robert C. Mendrickson, Sen. Everett McKinley Hirksen, Sen. Herman Welker, Sen. Hugh <br />Butler, Sen. Pat McCarran, Sen. Harley Kilgore, Sen. James O. Eastland, Sen. Estes Kefau~er. This matter is now <br />very pressing, and I would appreciate it very much if the Council will pass a resolution and furnish me with <br />copies of letters ~o each member of the above commiTTee for action. This action on the part of the Council will <br />be deeply appreciated by me. <br /> <br /> Words can not thank the members of the Council for their help, and kindness to me. <br />The only thing I can say is that the Almighty shall bless each and every o~e of you for your kindness. Thank you <br />very much." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Bilisoty that the City Council go on record requesting the members of the <br />Immigration and Naturalization Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee to give favorable consideration to <br />SenaTe Bill 1362, was adopted. <br /> <br /> were read: 54-53. The following letters from the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co~nany and L.B. Roberts <br /> <br /> "We should like to ask your aid in helping us to obtain a much needed traffic light <br /> a~ Firs~ Avenue and High Street. There was a traffic light here at one time but it was eventually moved to <br /> Second Avenue and High STreet and since then our business has been seriously affected because our customers have <br /> considerable difficulty in entering and leaving our own parking lot. Not only is this creating a dangerous traf- <br /> fic hazard at the entrance of our parking lot, but it has created a bottleneck aT First Ave. and as a result man <br /> of our customers now drive down Secon~ Avenue and do not shop with us any more because of this situation. <br /> <br /> If we could get a traffic light put back aT Firs~ Ave. and High St., many of our cus- <br /> tomers would then leave our parking lot from the Queen St. exit instead of attempting to re-enter High S t. <br />Aside from this we would like to point out the fact that First Ave. is a straight thoroughfare from West Park Vie~ <br />whereas Second Avenue is not and it would seem to us that a light would be mo~e advantageous to the control of <br />traffic at First Avenue than ~ Second Avenue. <br /> <br /> The City of Portsmouth has always been most co-operative with us and we do no~ wish to <br />have anyone feel that we have any complaint in that respect, however, in vzew of our experience with this parti- <br />cular situation, we do hgpe you will see fit to draw the matter to their attention and if possible have a light <br />put back ar First Ave. a~d High S t. <br /> <br /> Your presentation of this problem will be most genuinely appreciated. <br /> <br /> R L Moore, Sales Manager, A & p. Tea Company." <br /> '~s representative of the owners of the property at the northwest corner of High St. <br /> and First Avenue, I am writing to ask abou~ the possibility of having a traffic light installed at that intersec- <br /> rich. Our tenants, the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company have asked that we make this request as they have <br /> had complaints from a number of their patrons about the difficulty in entering or crossing High St. from First <br /> Ave. and the trouble cars have in leaving their parking lot into High S t. To alleviate the trouble as best they <br /> could, they have made an exit an rear of their lot out to ~ueen Street; however, Queen St. as one-way going east <br /> so that all cars using this exit hav~ to go To First Ave. and then those wanting to go South and West have to <br /> gOlem.tO the corner of High and First Ave. They feel and I agree that a traffic light would solve most of the prob- <br /> The installation of this light will not only benefit the patrons of our tenants but <br />everyone USing First Avenue. The people of the West Park View area would certainly be helped as it is the direct <br />outlet from that section· I have seen several accidents and have heard of a number of others a~ this corner and I <br />feel certain that some of them would not have occurred had a traffic light been there. I would like also To point <br />out that at one time there was a light on this corner and I would certainly think with the increase in traffic <br />Kh~$ more lights would be in order rather than eliminating any. I will appreciate your taking this up with the <br />properauthorities. Thanking you for your consideration. <br /> <br /> L. B. RoberTs." <br /> <br /> <br />