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March 23rd, 1954. <br /> <br />vised that on January 21, 1954, Benjamin Gunter was fined $100.00 and costs in the Traffic Court of the City of <br />Portsmouth, Vi~g~inia, to-wit: $104.00 for driving under the influence. He paid the fine and costs. The case <br />was appealed within the pro,er statutory period. On March 3, 1954, Gunter was convicted on the appeal of reck- <br />less driving in the Hustings Court, and paid the fine and costs there. In view of this situation, in accord with <br />your directions, I am requesting on behalf of client, tha~ the sum of $104.00 be refunded to client. I am await- <br />ing your reply." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Howard that the refund be granted, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-88, Motion of Mr. Wilson to refer to the City Manager to have an estimate made of the <br />cost oT curbing and guttering Charles Street, east of Sixth Avenue, was ad~pted. <br /> <br /> 54-89. Motion o£ Mr. Warren to refer to the City Manager to have the holes in Fourth Street, <br />caused by the Gas Company cutting into the street, repaired, was adopted. <br /> <br />On motion adjourned. <br /> <br />Approved - <br /> <br /> President. <br /> <br /> <br />