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Narch 23rd, 1954. <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the City Council, held on March 23rd, 1954, there were present: <br /> <br />Fred A. Duke, Frank N. Bilisoly,Jr., George L. Grimes, R. E. Hawks, C.C. Houghtin,Jr., <br />James N~ Howard,, E ~ W. Lawrence, R. Irvine Smith, E. Robie Sturtevant, C.E. Warren, <br />Pearle J. Wilson, I. G. Vass, City Manager, and R. C. Barclay,City Attorney. <br /> <br />Minutes of regular meeting held on March 9th, 1954 were readand approved. <br /> <br />The following reports from the Ci~yManager were read: <br /> <br /> 54-75. '~t a previous meeting, with Council, the matter of the City's participation in the Patrick <br />Henry Hospital was deferred until the matter 'could be presented to the public concerning the facts in the case. <br /> I am attaching hereto a newspaper clipping indicating that an ilem of factswms published <br />in the Portsmouth Star in the Sunday issue March ~l: 1954, and also copy of a news item carried in the same issue <br />of the newspaper concerning facts pertaining to the Hospital. In addition ~o my former recommendatienthat the <br />City Nanager be authorized re include the ~mount of the ennrance fee in the sum of $16,007.80. I recommend that <br />the C~ty name two citizens of the City of Portsmouth to serve as members of the Board of Trustees of said Hospital." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Hawks ~o suspend the rules to hear from 0. P. Lively, was adopted. <br /> <br />Mr. Lively spoke for the City participating in the Patrick HenrM Hospital plan. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Bilisoly that the City officials be authorized to enter into an agreemen~ <br />with the Patriqk Henry Hospital and that an appropriation to cover the expense be included in the next budget, <br />was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-76. "On January 12ik~ 1954, ~ submitted a report to the City Counci~ from F. J. Bergeron, City <br />Engineer, concerning the condition of the City Incinerator. At that time, I requested that no action be taken on <br />the Report until we received a report from the firm of Greeley and Hansen who had been employed to make a study <br />and report of our present incinerator and incinerator needs of the City in the future. <br /> I have now received a preliminary report from the firm of Greeley and Hanson and I have been <br />advised by Mr.Greeley that the repairs referred to in Mr. Bergeron's report would in no way affect the alterations <br />of the incinerator and that such repairs should be made. <br /> I therefore recommend ~hat a sum in the amoun~ of $10,O00.00 be placed on its first reading <br />to provide funds for the alteration and major repairs of the incinerator since no such item was placed in the bud- <br />get for the current year." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Hawks that an appropriation of $10,000;00 for said purpose be placed on first <br />reading, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54~77. "I recommend that a sum in the amount of $7,000.00 be transferred from nhe Contingent Fund <br />to the account to pay the premium on Fire Insurance on all of our buildings and contents. <br /> T his will p~y for the premium on a three year policy and will be a saving of quite a sum <br />by purchasing a three year policy i~stead of buying it annually." <br /> <br /> F~otion of Mr. Lawrence to concur ~n the recommendation of the City Manager was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-78. "I submit the attached repor~ on Audit of Commonwealth Revenues for the fiscal year ended <br />June 30th, 1953, of the City Treasurer's office of the City of Portsmouth, Va., This is for your information." <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54-79. "I submit the attached letter from X. D. Mnrden, Supt., of the Water department, and recom-; <br />mend that we employ a firm of engineers to make a preliminary report on the expansion of the source o£ water suppl~ <br />for the City of Portsmouth." <br /> <br /> Attached- "We are inclosing a letter £rom Causey and Weeks, Engineers, outlining proposed survey and <br />inves~isatien of the area below the spillways at Lake Kilby and Lake Cahoon converging at a position the Nansemond <br />River, Riverview Sub-Division, Suffolk, Virginia. <br /> We have authorized Mr. Causey ~o proceed with the survey ~n order that as much as the area <br />may be covered before spring growth makes the surveying more difficult. There is an item in the 1953-54 budget <br />approved for this work in amount of $6,000.00 with $371.27 expended on preliminary survey made by Water Department <br />personnel. <br /> It is essential that this information be obtained before we can proceed with plans for <br />construction of a ~am across the Nansemond River near Hiverview. There is also au item of $6,000.~0 in ~he 1954- <br />1955 budget which, if approved, would, be available July l, 1954. This will be sufficient to cover the entire sur- <br />~ey as outlined in Mr. Causey's letter. Your assistance in expediting the approval of this work will be appre- <br />ciated " <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Hawks to concur in the recommendation o£ the City ~anager and that the work <br />be awarded to the bidder suhmitting the best hid, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54--80. "I submit an invoice for the mouth of February 1954 for the care of City prisoners in the <br />County Jail at the ra~e of $2.00 per day. This is an increase of more tha~ one hundred per cent in their charges, <br />will increase the cost of Jail expense by several thousand dollars annually. <br /> I am calling it to your attention in order that you may be familiar with the matter when <br />the new Budget is prepared." <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54-81. '~t a recent meeting of the City Council, a traffic light was approved ~o be installed at <br />the intersection of First Avenue and High Street. I have referred ~o the City Budget and find that our funds are <br />entirely exhausted for traffic lights in the Gurrent budget. I therefore recommend that an appropriation in the <br />sum of $I,000.00 be placed on first reading for the installation of the light." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr Smith that the City Manager be authorized to transfer $1,000.00 from the Con- <br />tingent Fund to the Traffic Control Account, was adopted. <br /> <br /> <br />