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108. <br /> <br />open shed type market building, ha~d on an estimated value of the 1smd at $12, 000. 00. , we recommend that the <br />rental on the land be in the ssm of'$60.00 per month. <br /> The estimated cost of a building 30 feet by 80 feet and a paved area ~rcn~ing <br />the buil~ng 20 feet in ~dth at $9,600'.00' and that iT the ~r of the pro~rty so desires that ~ coat,ct <br />the buildings ~ the City will pay him the s~ of $80.00 per month for the rental*of the buil~ng based on a <br />l0 year rental agreement. <br /> ~spectfully su~it ~ed, <br /> <br />R, I1~ ~th <br />Frank N, Bilisoly,Jr,2 <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Lawrence to approve the report of the cormmuittee was adopted. <br /> <br />(Mr. Howard and Mr. Warren not voting) <br /> <br />The following reports from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> 54-92 - "I am reporting that the street name signs have been installed on High Street in accord- <br />ance with a resolution passed at a'former Council meeting." <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br />54-93 - "I submit the attached resolution and reco~m~end its adoption." <br /> <br />Resolution- <br /> <br />"Be it Resolved by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, <br /> that the annexed ordinance, entitled 'AN ORDINANCE TO GRANTee <br /> ~ ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A <br /> FRANCHISE TO USE THE STREETS AND dTHER PUBLIC PLACES OF THE CITY OF <br /> PORTSMOU1~ FOR THE O!~ERATION OF A TELEPHONE SYSTEM, WlTH THE NECES- <br /> SARY POLES, ~IRES, CONDUITS, CABLES, AND FIXTURES', ~e advertise~ <br /> once a week for four successive weeks in the Portsmouth Star, a <br /> newspaper published in the City ef Portsmouth, Virginia, and having <br /> a general circulation in the City ~f Portsmouth; and that said adver- <br /> tisemen~ shall i~vite hid~ for the franchise proposed to be granted <br /> in said ordinance, which bids are to be in writing aud delivered ~o <br /> the presiding officer of the City in open session, to be held in <br /> Municipal Building on the ISth day of May, 1954, at 7:30 o'clock, P.M., <br /> the right being reserved to reject any and all bid~. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the invitation £*r lhids to be published <br /> with said ordinance shall he as follows: <br /> The City of Portsmoulh, Virginia, hereby invites hide for the fraachise <br /> proposed to be grante~ in the following ordinance, duly passed by the <br /> Council on the 22nd day o£ March, I954, which bids are to be i~ <br /> writing and delivered to the presiding officer 6f the Council of said <br /> Cit2 in open sessiun, to b~ held in Municipal Building in said City <br /> on the ISth day of May, 1954, at 7:30 P.M., the right being reserved <br /> to reject any and all bids. <br /> Be it further resolved'that the successful Bidder shall pay the cost <br /> of advertising the franchise." <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Howard, said resolution was a~Opted a~d by the f~llowing vote: <br /> <br />Ayes: Duke, Bilisoly, Grimes, Hawks, Houghton, Howard, Lawrence, <br /> ~m~th, Sturtevant, ~arren, Wilson <br />Nays: Nune <br /> <br /> 54-94 - "I su~mit the attached agreement between/the Seaboard Airline Railroad Company and the <br />City of Portsmouth for a railroad crossing at First Avenue and~ecommend that the Mayor be a~thorized and directed <br />execute the same for and on behalf of the City and that the City Clerk he authorize~ and directed to attest the <br />aame and affix~he City Seal /hereto." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Lawrence ~hat the Mayor he authorized to sign ~he agreement and the City <br />Clerk be authorized to affix the seal of the City, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-95 - 'I submit the a-ttached easement between the United States of America a~d the City of <br />Portsmouth for widening Gesport Road adjacent to Alexander Park and recomme~l that Mayor Fred A Duke he autho- <br />rized and directed to execute the same for and on behalf ef the City of Portsmouth and ~hat A.P. Joh~son, Jr. City <br />Clerk{ be authorized and directed to attest the same and affix the City Seal thereto." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Grimes that the Mayor he authorized to sign the agreement and the City Clez <br />be authorized to a~fix the seal of the City, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-98 - "I submit the attached agreement between C.E. Thurston & Sons, Inc., and the City of <br />Portsmouth, Virginia, for the repairs to the City Incinerator and recommend that the City Manager"he authorized <br />and directed to execute ~he same for maud on behalf of the City." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard that the City Mauager he authorized to sign the contract, was adoptec <br /> <br /> 54-97 - "I s~brait the attached report of the Delinquent Tax Collector for the month of March, 1954. <br />This is for your information." <br /> Attached - "Hzu~led to attorney 5 lots te he sold, taxes amounting to <br /> Delinquent real estate taxes collected im this office amount to $4,203.38. <br /> Delin-Cf~ent personal property tsxe~ collected amo~mt to $1,926.08. <br /> Mailed 779 delinquent tax notices. <br /> Sold four lots at public auction. Signed - J.L. Jolliff." <br /> <br /> <br />