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107. <br /> <br />Anril 13th. 195~_ <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the City Council, held on April 13th, 1954, there were present: <br /> <br />Fred A Duke, Frank N. Bilisoly, Jr., George L. Grimes, R. E. Hawks, C.C. Houghton,Jr., <br />J. N. Howard, E. W. Lawrence, R. Irvine Smith, E. R. Sturtevant, C. E. Warren, <br />Pesrle Jo WilSon, I. G. Vaes, City Nanager, and Re C. Barclay, City Attorney° <br /> <br />Minutes of reg~Iar meeting held on March 23rd, 1954 were rea~ and approved. <br /> <br />54-90 - The following Notiee of Zoning Changes was rea~: <br /> <br /> "Pursuant to ~he provisione of the Zoning Ordinance, notice ia hereby given that $ public <br />hearing will be held at 7:30 P.M., on Tuesday, April I3th, i954, in the CouncilChamber, Municipal Building, <br />Portsmouth, Virginia, for the purpose of altering zones and relcassifying the following property: <br /> 1. Albert L. Johnson to rezone lots ll thr~ 17 and lots 2S~i~u 34, <br /> hegi~ming at the nortkw~s~ corner of Ges~ort Road a~d Des Moinee Avenue, <br /> then north on the west side of Des Moihes Avenue, 1SS'feet more or less, <br /> then west 200 feet, then south along the east side of Piedm*nt venue <br /> 1$?'feet more or leas, then e~st along the north side of Gospert Road to <br /> point of beginning, from Single F~m~ly Claes 'B' to Ce~m~ercial Class 'G'. <br /> 2. Taylor 0il Company to rezone lets 4-5-6-7 and S, block 2 beginning 0 feet <br /> west from Staunton Avenue, fronting 126.25 feet on thn north Side of Gosport <br /> Road by lO0 feet deep from Single Family Class 'B· to Commercial Class 'F'. <br /> 3. Western Br~uch Lodge #189 A.F. and A.M ~o rezone Iota 1 thru 9 and lot I1 <br /> block 141, begimnimg at the southwest corner of King Street and Nottaway <br /> Avenue, the~ we~t along the south side Df King Street 180 f~et, then south <br /> 108.5 feet, then east 60 feet, then sou~h 10So5 feet, then east along north <br /> side Df County Street_120 feet, the~ north along west si~e of Nettaway Avenue <br /> 217 feet to point of ~egirn~ing from Single Family Class 'A' te Commercial <br /> Class 'F'. <br /> 4. T.F. Culpepper to rezone lots 2-4 and 6 in block ST fronting 100 feet on <br /> the west aide of ~odman Avenue -~ fronting 90 feet on the north side of <br /> Scott Street~ from T~o F~ily Class 'C' to Commercial Class 'F'." <br /> <br /> "At the <br />lowing applications were <br /> 1. <br /> <br /> meeting of the Planning Sr~l Zoning Commission held Thursday, March 4, 1954, the fol - <br /> considered and aubsequen~ recommendations submitted for your approval: <br /> Albert L. Johnson to rezone lots ll thru 17 and lets 28 thru 34, beginning <br /> at the northwest corner of Gosport Road and Des Moines Avenue, then north <br /> on the west aide of Des Seines Avenue 155 feet more or leas, then west 200 feet, <br /> then south along the east side o~ Piedmont Avenue, 187 feet more or less, then <br /> east along the north side of Gosport Road to point of beginning, from Single <br /> Family, Class 'B' to Commercial Class 'G' be approved~ <br /> 2. Taylor Oil Company to rezone lots 4-5-6-7 and 8 block 2, beginning 0 feet west <br /> 'from Staun~on Avenue, fronling 126.25 feet on the north side of Gosport Road <br /> by Ih0 feet deep I~om Single Family, Class 'B' to Commercial Class 'F', be <br /> <br /> 3. WesteruBranch Lodge #I89 A.F. & A.M., to rezoue lots 1 thru 9 and lot <br /> block 141, beginning at the southwest corner of King Street and Nottaway Aven~e <br /> then west along the south side Df King Street 180 feet, then south 108.5 feet, <br /> then east 60 fee~. then south 108.5 feet, then east along north side of County <br /> Street 120 feet, then north along the west side of Nottaway Avenue 217 feet to <br /> point of beginning from Single Fmm~ly, Clase 'A~ to Commercial, Class 'F' be <br /> approved. <br /> <br />4. T.F. Culp~pper to rezone lots 2-4 and 6 ~n block 87 fronting 100 feet en the <br /> weet side of Rodman Avenue and fronting 90 feet on the north side of Scott <br /> Street from Two Family, Class 'C' ~o Commercial Class 'F', be approved. <br />5. H. Rubin to rezone 1~4 Deep Creek Boulevard, lots 11 and 12, block 46, front- <br /> ing 40 feet on the west side of Deep Creek Boulevard and fronting 90 feet on <br /> on the north side of Lincol~ Street, from Single Family, Ciasa 'B' to Commercial <br /> Claes 'H' be denied. <br />6. J. Roy and Ennis H.Ro~mmu to vacate that portion of Vermont Avenue which lies <br /> north of the south line of Q~een Street and south of the property line of the <br /> Bishop Tract, and that portion of Queen Street which lies west of Hmm~lton <br /> Avenue and east of Vermont Avenue, in accordance with the authority contained <br /> in Section 15-766.1 be deferred to the next meeting." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Grimes to approve request of Albert L. Johnson, was adopted. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Grimes to approvethe request of the Taylor Oil Company, was adopted. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Houghton to approve request of Western Branch Lodge #189, was adopted. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Houghton to approve request of T. F. Culpepper, was adopted. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Grimes to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission in denying the <br />request of Ho Reuben, was adopted. <br /> <br />Report of Committees: <br /> <br />The following committee report was read: <br /> <br /> "Your committee to select a site for the construction of an open air shed type market, reports <br />as follows: <br /> We recommend that the nine lots fronting on Green Street, Between Lincoln and Henry Streets an~i <br />the two adjacent lots east of said lots fronting on Lincoln Street, and the two adjacent lots east of said lots <br />fronting on Henry Street, be leased from the present owner, the said parcel of lots being ~55 feet fronting on <br />Lincoln Street and Henry Street and~226 feet fronting on Green Street for ~e purpose of the erection of an <br /> <br /> <br />