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April 27th, 1954. <br /> <br />$42.62 was protested to Mr. parker and I was told it would adjust itself. <br /> I am now protesting bill of January 4th, 1954, for $22.36 and bill for April 1st, <br />1954 for $20.37, which I have not as yet paid. I am told the same old thiug, it will adjust itself or you have <br />leak. In both cases my plumber ispected my equipment ~nd reports no leaks_ Mr. Parker's office inspector also re- <br />ports no leaks. You will see from the attached list that my water bills average about $12.50 to $13.00 per quar- <br />ter. To whom may I appeal for some relief or adjustment of the two bills in question. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Howard to refer to the City Manager was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-127. Motie~ of Mr. Wilson to refer to the City Manager To take ap with the Highway De- <br />partment the dangerous condition of the City park bridge and the possibility of making this bridge one way, was <br />adopted. <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard that the deed of easement go the State Highway Department for <br />the construction of the new City Park Bridge be signed when the Highway Department is ready To construct the <br />bridge, was adopted. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard that ~ committee be appointed to confer with the Norfolk <br />County Board of Supervisors in reference to said Board authorizimg the State to proceed with the construction of <br />the new City Park b~idge, was adopted. <br /> <br /> The Chair appointed the following committee: Messms. Houghton, Howard, <br /> Hawks and Wilson. <br /> <br />On motion adjourned. <br /> <br />Approved -- <br /> <br /> <br />