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May llth, 1954. <br /> <br /> At a regular meeting~of the City Council held on May 1/th, 1954, there were present: <br /> <br /> Fred A Duke, Frank N'. Bilisoly, Jr., George L. Gri~es, R. E. Hawks, <br /> James N. Howard, E.'W. Lawrence, R. Irvine Smith, E. R. Sturtevant, C.g. Warren, <br /> Pearle J. Wilson, I. G. Vass, City Manager, and R.C. Barctay, City Attorney.. <br /> <br /> Minutes of regular meeting held on April 27th, 1954, ~re read and approved. <br /> <br /> 54-128. Motion of Mr. Sturtevant To suspend the rules tO hear from Mrs. Marian Martin who <br />spoke in reference to M_rs. W.B. Darden, living at 110 Greenway Drive making additions to her home without the <br />proper permits ' <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard to refer back to the City Manager and City Engineer to investi- <br />gate, whether'Mrs. Darden had secured proper permits for additi6ns made to her home at ll0 Greenway Drive, was <br />adopted. <br /> <br /> The following reports from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> 54-129. "I submit the attached ~mendment to Section 24-8 of the Code of the City of Ports- <br />mouth, Virginia, 1951, and recommend that it be placed on its first reading," <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Grimes To place the following, ordinance on first reading, was adopted: <br /> <br /> '~N ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REaORDAIN SECTION 24-8' OF THE CODE OF T~E <br /> CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, 1951, RELATING TOCHARGES FOR SEWAGE <br /> DISPOSAL SERVICE AND PROVIDING RATE SCHEDULE" <br /> <br /> 54-130. "I submit the attached change orde~ in the sewage treatment and disposal service con- <br />Tract NeY (U) 20446 amendment to, by addition of the U.S. Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portssmouth, Virginia, as Item <br />#3 and recommend that the City.Manager be authorized and directed re sig~ the proper acceptance of said change. <br /> <br /> Motion of ~ir. Grimes that the City Manager' be authorized to sign the contract,was adopte¢ <br /> <br /> 54-131. "! am submitting the attached letter from the Honorable Judge W.M.W. Cassell, Judge of <br />the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court and Civil and Police Court, Portsmouth Va. This is for your considera- <br />tion.'' , <br /> Attached- "It is imDe-~a~ive tha~~ youra~tention be invited ~o the conditions existiug in both <br /> our Civ±~and"Poliee~Court re~m and Juvenile and Domestic Relations hearing chamber. <br /> At' the present~ time. we.~re d~o~i~gtwo afternoons each week ~o the hearing of <br /> Jn~n'ile and Domestic Relatio~scs~ses, often being in session until five-thirty o'clock <br /> in the afternoon. Sessions in our large Court room begin daily at 9:00 A.M., for the <br /> hearing of criminal cases and invariably we go immediCtely into the hearing of Civil <br /> cases and Traffic cases at 11:00 o'clock and often times it is Two o'clock in the after- <br /> noon and l~ter before CourZ is adjourned. <br /> So far this year, the heat has been oppresive and, at ;.this time, I am compelled to <br /> ask for relief in installing air conditionimg, not only for the Court, but for lawyers <br /> and tho public in general, who are required to Wait a considerable length of time be- <br /> fore reaching their cases. It would be well at this time To also give relief to person- <br /> nel in the Clerk's office, who, as you know, are working under a Eremendous handicap in <br /> this small office space in handling the present workload." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard that the Police building be air-conditioned, from money Left from <br />the Police Building Construction fund, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-132. "I-am submitting the attached letter from Judge W H W Cassell concerning professional <br />bondsmen. This is for your consideration." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Smith to refer to the City Attorney was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-133 "The Church located on County St., adjacent to the Barbour Housing Project will have to <br /> be moved or remodeled in order that we may widen Count y St. the additional ten feet on the south side. I have had <br /> an estimate of the cost of moving the building and relocating it on a new foundation made by Fred S. Shermon and <br /> Son. The price for doing this would amount to $4,550.00. This does not include the additional ten by sixty feet <br /> right of wa to be acquired from the Church. <br /> <br /> I have consulted BishOp Twine and his committee and they have agreed to accept the <br />sum of $6,500.00 for the necessary land required and in addition to the land will either move the Church or <br />alter it in some t.o remove that portion of it from the p~rcel of land to be acquired by the City in or- <br />der that we may wi'den County Street to its full width on the south side adjacent to the housing project. I there- <br />thefore above." recommend that the sum of $6,500.00 be paid from the bond funds available for such purposes to compensate for <br /> Motion of Air. Howard that the City Manager be authorized to pay to the Union Holiness <br />Church $6,500.00 from the Bond Fund for Highway Improvements, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-134. "I submit the attached report of J i Jollif~f, Collector of Delinquent Taxes for the <br />month of April 1954. This is for your consideration." <br /> <br />Attached - <br /> <br />"Handed To City Attorney 13 to~s to be sold, taxes amounzing to $3,172.78. <br />Delinquent real esi'ate ~xes"collecred in 1 this office amount to $4,915.19. <br />Delinque~t'Persen~l 'Property taxes collected in lthis office amount to $2,559.62. <br />Mailed 5Z9 delinquent tax notices. <br /> Sold 6 t~s a~ p~blic auction." <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54-135. "I submit the attached reports from Major R M Youell, Director, Division of Corrections, <br />on the City lock-up and jail. This is for your information." <br /> <br /> <br />