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June Sth 1954. <br /> <br />gating $2,950~00. Due to the fact that there was a double assessment on the land, the sum of $206.46, or $68.82 fo~ <br />each of the above years should be refunded. The Commi'ssioner of the Reve~u~ has relieved the assessment for t954.' <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Grimes that refunds be granted was adopted. <br /> <br />Mr. Smith present. <br /> <br />54-159 Mr. Howard presented the following resolution: <br /> <br />employ <br /> <br /> "WHEREAS, it is the information of the City Council of the City of Portsmouth <br /> that the Attantic Coast Line Railroad Company has filed a request with the <br /> State Corporation Commission of Virginia and the Utilities Commission of North <br /> Carolina to permit the discontinuance of passenger Train Numbers 35 and 36 <br /> presentl~ operating around trip schedule between Portsmouth, Virginia and <br /> Rocky Mount, North Carolina~ and, <br /> WHEREAS, through its City Council, the people of Portsmouth believe that <br /> this train, presently serving this City and Rocky Mount, North Carolina is a <br /> transportation fixture for many of the people in outlying communities along <br /> its route and is a necessity for the health, welfare and convenience of the <br /> public it serves, and, <br /> WHEREAS, this service has continued for more than half a century and its dis- <br /> tinuance will not only be felt as an inconvenience in the passenger trade but <br /> will seriously hamper the mo ement of express and perishable products including <br /> seafood and; <br /> WHEREAS, it is farther the information of the City Council of PortsMouth that <br /> no effort has been made by the said Railroad Company to improve the equipment <br /> or service used in connection with its Train Numbers 35 and 36 for many years, <br /> but that inadequate, antiquated equipment, not intended to attract passenger <br /> travel is presently employed; ~lat no effort has been made to advertise or to <br /> make schedules and the route attractive to passenger travel, that this course <br /> of operation, contrary to any modern Railroad policy, has been actively used <br /> in this connection to discourage traffic with an eye to the discontinuance of <br /> these trains. <br /> NOW, .THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council of Portsmouth,Virginia, <br /> herewith states its position as being actively in opposition to any ct%ange or <br /> elimination by the Atiantie Coast Line Railroad Company of its Train Numbers 35 <br /> and 36, as beiaga eurtaiTment o£ a right of convenience and necessity which <br /> the Railroad has long exclusively enjoyedfor the public benefit and which should <br /> continue, an~ be it 'further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded <br /> to the State Corporation Co~m~ission of Virginia and Utilities Commission of North <br /> Cs~rolina to be inc_l~ded in the ~ecords 'in the matters now pending." <br /> <br /> On motion of ~r. Howard. said resolution was adopted and the git y Manager authorized to <br />counsel to represent the City at these hearings. <br /> <br />54-160. Mr. Houghton presented the following petition: <br /> <br /> "The undersigned operators of business establishments in the City of Portsmouth very re- <br />spectfully request some action as soon as p~ssible toward improving', including some form of paving, King St.from <br />Loudoun Avenue thresh zo Airline Boulevard. <br /> In addition re giving those property owners access to the rear of their buildings, it is <br />felt that this street in usable condition would vastly relieve congested traffic on High Street, particularly <br />from the Westhaven and adjoining areas. <br /> (Signed) T. D. Copeland, Co., Inc., by <br /> Thomas E. Copeland - and numerous others." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Houghton to refer to the City Manager to report back ~o the Council theby <br />cost of improving this street, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-161 - Motion of Mr. Lawrence ~hat the bus routing for the Prentis Park as approved <br />the Council at the bast meeting be changed as follows, was-adopted: <br /> <br />"On Lincoln Street to Elm Avenue to Duke Street to N~ple A venue" <br /> <br />54-162 - Motion of ~r. Howard that the City Manager investigate the advisability and <br />ramps to launch outboard motor boats in Portsmouth, was adopted. <br /> <br />feasibility of building <br /> <br />54-163 - The following letters from Edwin J. Rosenbaum and Mrs.B.L. Morris were read: <br /> <br />'~he inclosed a~tiele shows the staggering volume of business that is lost to Portsmouth. <br />According to 'Survey'of Buying' the General Merchandise stores are differentiated from <br />the apparel s~ores which include 'stores primarily engaged in selling clothing, hats <br />underwear and related articles for personal wear'. If figures on apparel stores were <br />available, they would swell the total of b~siness lost to Portsmouth as shown in the <br />article. <br /> I believe the business lost to Portsmouth is vitally important to the City"s present <br /> welfare and future develoument'. <br /> In light of the facts as shown in my article, I think that the City Council should re- <br /> consider their recent decision about the lunnel bus routing to'High Street. <br /> <br />Edwin J Rosenbaum" <br /> <br />"The attached letter explains itself. It will be greatly ~ppreciated if you will give <br />my letter ~o the Old Grouch careful consideration, and bring the contents to the <br />tention of the City Council, along with the complaints expressed by Mr. Rosenbaum. I <br />know very well my letter expresses the views of a great many people, who are helped <br /> <br /> <br />