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54-192 - <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the City Council held on July 13th, 1954, there were present:l <br /> <br />Fred A Duke, Frank N. Bilisoly,Jr., George L. Grimes, R. E. Hawks, C.C.Houghton,Jr., <br />James N. Howard, EJ W. Lawrence, R. Irvine Smith, E. R. Sturtevan~, C.E.Warren, <br />Pearle J. Wilson, I. G. Vass, City Man,get, and R.C. Barclay, City Attorney. <br /> <br />Minutes of regular meeting of June 22nd, 1954 and called meeting of June 29th, 1954 <br />The following reports from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br />"I submit the attached letter and petition for your consideration· <br /> <br />Attached - "We, the undersigned citizens, residents and taxpayers of Monroe Ward, <br /> residing in the vicinity of the Shops and Round House, owned by a corporation <br /> known as the Norfolk & Portsmouh Belt Line Railroad, which is now and has been <br /> for several years '~sed for the purpose ofstoring and repairing their locomotives <br /> when not in use. <br /> When these locomotives are again required for service, the process <br /> used in firing to generare the necessary steam, forced-draught is usually used. <br /> This forced-draught is usually used causing a great smudge and smoke, thereby <br /> making it unendurable and to ~he great annoyance and serious discomfort - of <br /> your peitioners as well as greatdam~ge to their property, also making it almost <br /> impossible to dry laundry in the immediate vicinity due ~e this greasy smudge <br /> and smoke. <br /> Your petitioners further rep~esen~ that the carrying on of this process <br /> of the firing of these locomotives, by mea~s of forced-draught is in all respects <br /> a nuisance, and we respectfully request that your honorable body have it abated <br /> <br /> Signed - Joseph F Cnlpepper 2402 NDrthwest St., <br /> <br />this subject, was adopted. <br />Belt Line Railroad: <br /> <br />Motion of ~r. Wilson to suspend the rules to hear from anyone wishing to speak on <br /> <br />The following people spoke, complainiAg of the smoke and the train whistles of the <br /> <br />C.B. Buchanon, Joseph F.Culpepper, A. H. Buler, J. S. White, W.O. Shaughnessy, <br />B.E. Stevenson and Sam Robins <br /> <br /> Thomas H.Willcox, General. Counsel for the Belt Line Hailroad, spoke for his company. <br /> <br /> No action was taken · <br /> <br /> 54-193 - "I submit the attached letter from J. p. Mills, Jr., Traffic and Planning <br />Emgineer, Department of Highways, recommending speed zoning 'and signs on the primary highways within the City lim- <br />its of Portsmouth, Va. I recommend thai the recommendations of the Traffic and Planning Engineer's report be <br />adopted a~d put into effec~ in the City of Portsmouth as soon as the proper signs can be acquired. <br /> This report also has the recommendation of the Chief of Police and Capta~ <br />of the Traffic Bureau." <br /> <br /> Motio~ of [~r. Hawks to concur in the recommendation of the City Manager was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-194 - "I was requested to investigate the possibility of acquiring s~fficieut <br />property to widen Elm Avenue on the west side between the property owned by the City on which the City Armory is <br />located, and South Street. <br /> I have ascertained that this property was owned by the late J.T.Jackson <br />and is now owned and occupied b½ his widow and their children. I have discussed the matter with Nrs. Jackson and <br />her son Dr. J.A. Jackson and have been advised that they would co-operate with the City in the acquisition of the <br />p~operty. <br /> <br /> I recommend that the City Manager ~e authoriz6d to ascertain the cost of <br />maving the building and the value of the land r~quired re widen the street to a width of 50 feet from the center of <br />the street on the wes~ side, the City ~anager re report back ~o Council upon completion of his recommendation as <br />stated above." <br /> Motion of ]~r. Lawrence to concur in the recommendation of the City Manager, was <br />adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-195 - "I submit the attached Letter from H. W. ~acKenzie requesting that curb <br />and gun,ers be constructed adjacent ~o his property. I recommend that the City participate in the construction of <br />the curb and gu~er on a 50-50 basis and that funds from the Capital Account be provided for street improYement <br />for the fiscal year be used for the City's share of the cost." <br /> <br /> Motion of ~ir. Bilisoly to concur in the recommendation of the City ~anager, was <br />adOPted. <br /> 54-196 - "I submit the attached letter from W.F. Smith, U~ban Engineer of the De <br />partment of Highways and recommend thai the City participate in the constrnction of approximately 0.42 miles north <br />of the south corporate limits of Portsmouth, extending from Paradise Creek to the imtersection with Elm Avenue and <br />that ~he City pay 50% of t~e estimated cost of the preparation of plans in the sum of $2,500.00 from Capital Funds <br />derived from the sale of bonds." <br /> <br /> ~otion of ~lr. Hawks to connur in the recemmendation of the City ~nager was adopted <br /> <br /> 54-197 - "I submit the attached letter from L. McCarthy Downs, Chairman of the Com <br />pensation Hoard of the State of Virgiraia, and recommend that the Council approve the additional allowance for the <br />office of the Commissioner of Revenue and an appropriation of $300.00 be placed on first reading. <br /> <br /> ~otion of ~r.Grimes ~o place an appropTiation of $300.00 for said purpose, on first <br /> reading, was adopted. <br /> <br /> <br />