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July 27th, 1954. <br /> <br /> At a regular me,ting of the City Council held on July 27th, 1954, there were present: <br /> Fred A Duke, Frank N. Bilisoly~Jr., George L. GrimeS, R. E. Hawks, C.C.Houghton,Jr., <br /> J. N. Howard, E. w. Lawremce, R. Irvine Smith, E. R. Sturtevant, C.E. ~arreu, <br /> pearls J. Wilson, I.G. Vass, City Manager, and R. C. Barclay, City Attorney. <br /> Minutes of regular meeting of July 13th, 1954 were read and approved. <br /> 54-203 - The following notice of zoning charrges was read: <br /> "P~rsuant to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, notice is hereby given that a <br />public hearing will be held at 7:30 P.M., on Tuesday, July 2?th, 1954, in the Council Chamber, Municipal Building· <br />portsmouth, Va.,~or the purpose of altering zones and reclassifying the following property: <br /> 1. H. M~.Cohen and C.F. Wilkins to rezone lots 1-2-3-4 in Block "A" beginning <br /> 0 feet east from Cedar Street fronting 100 feet on ~he north side of Gosport <br /> R~d by 95 feet deep from TWO Family Class "C" to Commercial Class "G"." <br /> "At the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission held July 1, 1954, the follow- <br /> ing application was considered and subsequent recommendation made for your approval: <br /> H.M. Cohen and C.F. Wilkins to rezone lots 1-2-3-4 in Block %~Af' beginning <br /> 0 feet east from Cedar Street fronting 100 feet on the north side of Gosport Road <br /> beapprov . <br /> by 95 Teet deep from two Family, Class "C" to Commercial, Class ~G" ed" <br /> Motion of Mr. Grimes to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission was <br /> adepted. <br /> The following reports from the City M~nager were read: <br /> <br /> 54-204 "I am submitting the attached letter from the Public Hm~sing Administration for your <br /> <br />eonsiderat ion. <br /> <br /> "Acknowledgement is made of the receipt of your letter of July 15th, in which you ad- <br />vise of the request of your City Council that we reconsider the or'feting we made, at ~your request to sell to the <br />City of Portsmouth a tract of land, which is a part of the Alexander Park project. <br /> As you were advised, the price established for this tracz was arrived at after receipt <br />of a private Tee app~{sal.' ~e consider the appraiser well qualified and we have no doubt you do, as his name was <br />suggested by Mr. Duke. Since the receip~ of your letter of July 15, we have had this appraisal again reviewed by <br />our chief appraiser, a result we have been able to find no reason why the price quoted should be reduced. <br /> AsWe aopreclate' .... ~n~ p~oblems involved in connection with the proposed anne xation of cer <br />rain property, aow zn Norfolk County, by the City of Portsmouth. However, we are sure you will agree that these <br />problems are local ones and must be solved by the City and the County. It was fer ~his reason that our letter of <br />June 28th, giving you the price of the land, contained among other things a requirement that before we would com- <br />plete a sale to your Cit y, you secure the con~currence of the appropriate county officials." <br /> Motion of Mr. Bilisoly ro lay on the table was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-205 - "I am submitting the attached letter from the Custodis Construction Company ~nd recommen~ <br /> that an appropriation' in the sum of $2',300.00 for the repair of the City Incinerator be placed on its fzrst readzn . <br /> Notion of Mr. Howard to refer back to the City Manager for further study and also to <br /> investigate the advisability ofhaving a wire screen placed over the top of the stack, was adopted. <br /> 54-206 - "I submit~ the attached agreement between the Seaboard Airline gailroad Company and the <br /> City of Portsmouth for a power line crossing near Suffolk, Virginia, and r~conn~end that ~he Mayor be authorized.andI <br /> directed to:execute the agreement for and on behalf of the Czly and that the City Clerk attest the same and affzx <br /> the City Seal thereto." <br /> Notion of Mr. Bilisoly that'?lhe Mayor be authorized to sign and the City Clerk to at- <br /> test and affix the City Seal, was adopted. <br /> 54-207 - "I submit the attached letter from A. E. Parker, City Collector, and Treasurer of the <br /> <br /> $8,06~.01 from the Water Sinking Fund to the General SlnKlng ~unu sznc~ ~= ~ <br /> to be paid from the Sinking Fuald." <br /> Motion of NLr. Hawks to concur in the~recommendation of the City Manager was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-208 - "~ s~bmit the attached letter concerning the pureh~u~e of property located at 945 South <br /> Street and recommend that the property be purchased fo~ the School Board and ~tha~* ~u3 amount in the sum of $2,500.0~ <br /> be placed on first reading;" <br /> Motion of Mr. Hawks to refer to the City ~nager to negoliate for the purchase of the <br /> property not to exceed $2,500.00, was adopted. <br /> Standard <br /> 54-209 - "I submit the a~tached letter from W. G. 0ttley, District ~anager of the Esso leased <br /> Oil Company and a plat of a parcel of land that is being considered and recommend that the parcel of land be <br /> to the Standard 0il Company iu accordance with their letter." <br /> Motion of ~. Hawks that the City enter into a lease for the property, not to exceed <br /> twenty years, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-210 - "I am submitting two letters, one from the Elizabeth River Tunnel Commission and the <br /> other from the Jorda~ Bridge ~o~u~aission requesting permission to erect signs west of Alexander's Cor~er near the <br /> intersection of Routes 58, 33? and 460 Alternate. This mat~er has been re3ected by City Council on a previous <br /> occasion. It is merely being submitted to comply with the request of the above firms.'~ <br /> <br /> <br />