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~138. <br /> <br />August lOtB~ 1954. <br /> <br />- NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br /> 54-2E4 - The folTowing letter from J L Joltiff, Delinquent Tax Collector, was read: <br /> <br /> 'I calT your attention to certain parcels of land assessed against Samuel and John L. <br />Fisher, located on what is kno~m as Fisher's Hill, and show~ on the land books as follows: <br /> <br /> Lots 82-8B inclusive, north side or Brighton St. <br /> Lots 38-47 inclusive, south side Brighton St. <br /> 2.15 acres west side Sherwood St. <br /> Lots 52-55 west side Sherwood St. <br /> Lets 13-14-15-16-17 south side Pulaski St. <br /> All of this land is used as a public cemetery, k~m as Mt. Calvary Cemetery and is <br />ow~edby ~. Carl Wimbrongh. As cemeteries are not subject to ~axation, I therefore reqnest that the City Council of <br />Portsmouth direct that the ~axes shown against this property be~ relieved. Total. tax to be relieved on this property <br />amounts ~o $1,974.36, as shown by the attached statement;" <br /> <br /> Motion of ~. 6rimes that the taxes be relieved, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-225 - The following letter from Clarence E. Ridley, Executive Director of the International <br />City Managers' Association, was readr <br /> <br /> "Tk~s is a cordial invitation to yonr mnnicipatity to be represented by your manager <br />at the 40th Aunual Co~2ference of the International City ~nagers' associatio~ to be held at St. Petersburg, Fla., on <br />December 5 to 8, 1954. <br /> This conference for muncipal administrators shouldbe of great benefit to your muni- <br />cipality and your manager. Among th~major topics of discussion ~il-1 be' recent trends 'and problems in municipal finance, <br />personnel, and planning; relations of the City Manager with the p~blic; methods of trai~i~g department heads; traffic <br /> <br /> The conference program is made up almoslSentirely from suggestions sent in by the man- <br />agers. A separate request is going to your mamager, inviting him to send in his specific suggestions as soon as possi- <br />ble. This will assure him an~ oppol~cunity ~o have discussed any special probjems of argent concern to your community. <br /> I k~ow yon will appreciate the benefits that your m~nic~pality will derive from~having <br /> <br />ing his atteHdance.' ' <br /> <br /> Motion of ~lr. Bitisoly that-the City N~kua gem be authorized to attend the conference <br /> <br />was adopted. <br /> <br />On motion adjourned. <br /> <br />City Clerk. <br /> <br />Approved - <br /> <br /> Pres ident. <br /> <br /> <br />