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read: <br /> <br />read: <br /> <br />AuguSt 24th, 1954. <br /> <br />54-222 - <br /> <br />A~es: Duke, Bilisoly, Grimes, Hawks, Houghton, Lawrence, Smith, <br /> Sturtevant, Warren, Wilson <br />Nays: None <br /> <br />T~e following ordinance, placed 9n first reading at last meeting, was taken up and <br /> <br />54-223 - <br /> <br />54-211 - <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND RE-ORDAIN SECTION 6-2 OF THE CODE OF THE <br />CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA 1951 RELATING TO ~2kPS OR PLANS AND ALTER- <br />ATION OF LOTS 0H SPACES IN OLIVE BRANCH CEMETERY" <br />On motion of M~r. Lawrence, said ordinance was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Duke, Bilisoly, Grimes, Hawks, HoMghton, Lawrence, Smith, <br /> Sturtsvant, Warren, Wilson <br /> Nays: None <br /> <br />The following ordinknce, placed on first reading at last meeting was taken up and <br /> "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CODE OF THECITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, <br /> 1951, BY ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION TO BE ~LNOWN AS SECTION 6-16.1, <br /> RELATING TO THE_SALE OF LOTS IN THE CITY CEHETERIES TO NON-RESIDENTS" <br /> On motion of Mr. Bilisoly, said ordinance was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes: Duke, Bilisoly, Grimes, Hawks, Houghton, Lawrence, Smith, <br /> <br /> Sturtevant, Warren, Wilson <br /> Nays: None. <br /> <br /> The following ordinance, ~elative to taxi drivers' badges, was presented: <br /> <br /> ".iN ORDINANCE TO AMENDAND RE-ORDAIN SECTION 27-51 OF THE CODE OF THE <br /> CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, 1951, RELATING TO TAXI DRIVERS' BADGES" <br /> Motion of Mr. Bilisoly to place said ordinance on first reading was adopted. <br /> <br />- NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />The following was presented by Mr. Wilson: <br /> <br /> E <br />A TRIBUT TO CARL C. HOUGHTON <br /> <br />From those with whom he has worked closely during his ~enure of office <br />as a member of the Cit~ Council of Portsmouth, Virginia <br /> <br />1948 1954 <br /> <br />We who have served as members of the City Council, and as appointive officials <br />of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, during the six years Carl C. Houghton has <br />served as a member of the City Council, join hands in this heartfelt tribute <br />to him as a man of eharacrer and a councilman of ability. <br /> <br />Possessed with tolerance, understanding and equanimity, Carl C. Houghton has <br />withstood criticism nobly and emerged after serving six years as Councilman, <br />with the affection and respect of the community. <br /> <br />We ~ho have worked closely with him and have learned to know him so well, recog- <br />nize in him the admirable trmits of modeSty~ loyalty, tenacity and unselfish de- <br />votion to the advancement of the community he loves so well. <br /> His wholesome personality, rugged honesty, allegiance to duly and friendliness <br />toward all of his fellow workers have endeared him to us with hoops of steel. <br /> Ever conscious of. the needs of the community as a whole, he has worked dili- <br />gently and faithfully as a member of the City Council and as a private citizen <br />to make the commnuiiy a better place ~n which to live. <br /> He has served Portsmouth ably and well. We feel that we can best express <br />ouresl~es by using the lines of the poe~, saying: <br /> <br /> He is a man with a strong mind~ <br /> Great heart, true faith and reaay hand, <br /> A man whom the lust of office does not kill, <br /> A man whom the spoils of office can~o~ buy <br /> A man who possesses opinions and a will, <br /> A man who has honor, a man who will not lie. <br /> We wish for him Godspeed in the future. <br /> <br />Signed - August 24th, 1954. <br /> <br />City Manager Payor Councilmen <br /> <br /> City Attormey Chief of Police <br /> <br /> Mr. Houghtom expressed his appreciation ~o the Council and city em~yees ~or their <br />splendid co-operalion during his tenure of office. <br /> On motion adjourned. . <br /> <br /> <br />