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Aug~.~t 24th, 1954. <br /> <br /> At a regular meeting of the City Council, held on August 24th, 1954, there were present: <br /> <br /> Fred A. Duke, Frank N. Bilisoly~Jr., George L. Grimes, R. E. Hawks, C.C.Honghton,Jr., <br /> E. W. Lawrence, R. Irvine Smith, E. R, Sturtevant, C.E. Warren, Pearle J. Wilson, <br /> I.G. Vass, City Manager. and R.C. Barclay, City Attorney. <br /> <br /> The following reports from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> 54-226 - "I submit the attached agreement between the Seaboard Airline Railroad.and the Department <br />of Highways and the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, concerning the adjustment of tracks on the Hamilton Avenue by- <br />pass and recommend that the proper city officials be authorized and directed to execute the same for and on be - <br />half of the City and that the City Clerk be directed to attest the same.~awad affix the city seal thereto." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Bilisoly that the proper city offibials be authorized to sign the agreement, <br />Was adopted. . <br /> <br /> 54-227 - "I submit the attached letter from F.J. Bergeron, City Engineer, and concur in his recom -! <br />mendation that A.P. Johns & Son he reimbursed in the su~_ of $18.00 for a street opening permit <br /> Motion of Mr. Grimes that the refund be granted was adopted, that was not used." <br /> <br /> 54-228 - "I submit the attached report from F.J. Bergeron, City Engineer, and concur in his report <br />and recommend that the sum of $1,550.00 be placed on its first reading for the repairs of the City incinerator." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Lawrence that an appropriation of $1,550.00 for said purpose be placed on <br />first reading, and that a spark arrester also be placed on top of zthe incinerator chimney, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-229 - "I submit the attached letter fro~ X. D, Murdeu, Superintendent of Water Department, and <br />recommend that the City concur in the recommendation of Mr. Murden with reference to entering into a contract <br />with the Centriline Corporation for cleaning and lining the east itoh water mains in the transmission system be- <br />tween Suffolk and Portsmouth." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Hawks that prices be secured for relining both pipe lines and also price fo~ <br />relining one pipe line, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-230 - "I submit the attached amendment to the City Code relating t the sale of unclaimed propert <br /> in custody of the police and recommend that it be placed on first reading. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Bilisoly to place the f~llowing ordinance on first reading, was adopted : <br /> <br /> ";iN ORDINANCE TO ~J~END THE CODE OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, 1951, <br /> BY ADDING TIi~RET~,A HEW SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS SECTION 2-?1.1, RELATING TO <br /> THE SALE OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY IN,CUSTODY OF TIlE POLICE" <br /> <br /> 54-231 - "I recommend that the tract or parcel of land known as the Old Jeffrey Wilson site locat- <br />ed on the east and west sides of Broad St., north of Glasgow, be advertised for sale at public auction, the <br />reserving the right to reject any and ail bids if unfavorable." City <br /> <br /> MotiOn of Mr. Bilisoly that the City'Manager be authorized to advertise.this property <br />for sale under such conditions as the committee on the sale of the property may make, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-232 - "I submit the attached letter for your information. The letter is addressed to the <br />Norfolk County Board of Supervisors and signed by E. H. Orange, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways." <br /> <br /> Attached "On Tuesday, August 10th, at the regular meeting of the N~rfolk County Board of Supervisors, <br /> I appeared before the Board at a request of J M Hagan, District Engineer, and made an inquiry <br /> regarding funds fer the construction of Baths Creek Bridge. According to our files, funds were <br /> set up in o~kr 195g-54 budget for the construction of>this bridge but that the construction was <br /> requested to be held up in a resolution from the BOard dated March 9, 1954. T his request was <br /> that the construction be he-l'd"up pending the annexation of this area by Portsmouth. I was <br /> advised by the Board that it was their understanding tha% the City of Portsmouth did not include <br /> their Share 6f costs of this construction in a recent Bond Issue and therefore were not in a <br /> position to fina~lce this project at this time. <br /> After leaving the Board meeting, I called on Mr. Vass, the City ~anager, of Portsmouth, and <br /> discussed this matter with him. Mr. Vass advises that the Board is correct in stating that <br /> this particular it.~m W~s not included in the recent: Bond ~ssue, but they have an agreement <br /> slgned with the Highway D~partment dated February 24, 195~in which they are to bear 50% of <br /> the cost of right of way and construction of this entire pro~ect. This agreement, of course, <br /> is still in force and Mr. Vass advises that the City of Portsmouth is in a position to finance <br /> this project at th~ proper time and they are very af!xions to see this work started." <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54-233 - !'I submit th6 attached petition concerning a trash dump near Shea Terrace and also a <br />report from the City Engineer, concerning the trash dump. This i§ for~your information." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Wilson to refer to the City Manager to see that when debris is placed on thi: <br />dump, that it is properly bulldozed and covered up, was adopted. <br /> <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> <br /> 54-221 An appropriation of $119,~37.84 for construction of sanitary sewers, placed on first <br />reading at last meeting, was taken up. <br /> <br /> O~ motion of Mr. Houghton, an appropriation-of $119,437.84 for s~aitamy sewer con~tr, u6- <br />tio~ ~a~ adoDted andby the following vote: <br /> <br /> <br />