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September 14th , 1954. <br /> <br />54-238 <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Howard that the refund be granted, ~as adopted. <br /> <br />"I submit the following report from J L Jolliff, Delinquunt Tax Collector$ <br /> <br />DelSnq?ent real estate taxes co~lect~d in this office <br />Delinquent personal property tax~x $ollected <br />N~iled 1177 delinquent tax notices. <br />Sold two lots at public auction. <br /> <br />$5,798.17 <br />1,971.51 <br /> <br /> On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54-239 - "At a previous meeting of the Council, I was instructed to ascertain i£ the City could <br />purchase additional land for widening Elm Avenue between ~o~unt~ ~r~et~d ~ ~t~i~ee~ei~h~vb~oMrS' I <br /> · that ortion of Elm Avenue to its standard width of 100 feet right of way with 60 foot.w~de paving. <br />wzden p I have secured an option in the sum of $4,000.00 to purchase the land and pay Mrs. ~ack~ <br />son for cos~ of'moving the house. [ recommend that an appropriation of $4,000.00 be placed on first reading. <br /> Motion of Mr. Lawrence ~o place an appropriation of $4,000.00 for said purpose on first <br /> reading, was adopted. <br /> 54-240 - "I submit the attached letter from Chandler Harper, for your consideration. I am of t~e <br /> opinion that the City Farm should be put to some good use. It is lying idle and should be used for the benefit of <br /> the citizens of the C~ty of Portsmouth and adjacent territory. I recommend that this be referred to a committee <br /> of the Council." <br /> <br />Motion of ~V Smith to refer to a committee, was adopted. <br /> <br />Grimes. <br /> <br /> 54-241 - <br />cipate in this work." <br /> Attached- <br /> <br />TheChair appointed the following committee: Messrs. Bilisoly, Baker, HawkS and <br /> <br /> submit the attached letter for your consideration,~nd recommend that the City patti- <br /> <br /> "I would like to m~ke application for curbing and guttering to be installed adjoining <br />my property on th~corner of Rodman Avenue and Airline Boulevard, Portsmouth, Va. I <br />would like to have th~ curbing and guttering on RodmanAve. and on Brighton St. It is <br />my understanding the cost is $2.10 per foot, and that I am to be responsible for $1.05 <br />per foot, which is agreeable to me. Thanking you v~ry kindly for your consideration, <br />I am; <br /> Yours very truly, <br /> <br />J A Moseberth." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Baker to concur in the recommendation of the City Manager, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-242 ~s/thmit?tHe.aE.ta~hedJ;~let!em.fro E. N. Wilkinson, City Manager of Suffolk, and also a <br />certified copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council Of Suffolk, an~ recommend that the resolution be spread <br />upon the minutes of the City of Portsmouth, for future reference." <br /> <br />Motion of ~r. Hawks that the resolution be received and filed was adopted." <br /> <br /> 54-243 - "I recommend that the sum of $17,956.43 be placed on first reading for the purpose of <br />paying Algernon Blair Incorporated,~ the- amount due for.%rid~ning pavement o~n County Street and Elm Avenue, in ac- <br />¢ordance with the contract between the City of Portsmouth and the above farm. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Wilson to place an appropriation of $17,956.43 for said purpose, on first <br /> reading, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54k244- "I recommend that t~e sum of $8,000.00 be placed on first reading for the purpose Of <br />- defraying fifty per cent of the cost of concrete sidewalkS to be constructed within the City limits during the <br /> fiscal year ending June 30th, 1954. This ~ill represent the amount provided in t~e bond fun~ for the current year." <br /> <br /> . Motion of ~r. Howard to place an appro~rriation of $8,000.00 for said purpose on first <br /> reading, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-245 - "I submit the attached a~eement between the Norfolk and Portsmouth Belt Line Railroad <br /> Company and the City of Portsmouth for an easement for a sanitary sewer tzne across the said Company s property. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Grimes that the proper city officials be authorized to sign the agreement <br /> was adopted. <br /> 54-246 - "During the fiscal year ending. June.$0th, 1954, appropriations were made for the Market <br /> Shed and 01d Telephone Building construction and repairs. At the end of the fiscal year, all appropriations that <br /> had not been spent were cancelled. Due to the work not having been completed within the fiscal year, it is neces- <br /> sary that an appropriation in the sum of $2~664.47 be p~ced on first reading, $1,192~25 for the Telephone building <br /> and $1,471.99 for the Market Building. I therefore recommend that the above amount be placed on first readzug. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Bilisoly to place an appropriation of $2,664.47 for said purpose, on <br />first reading, was'adopted. I <br /> <br /> 54-247 - . "I am attaching a letter from the Superintendent of ~he Water Department, P~eseating <br />proposal from the Centriline Corporation, to clean and cement-line the two older water mains from Suffolk t~ P~rts- <br />mouth and recommend that the .C-try enter into a contract with the Centriline Corporation far the described work." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard to lay on the table until the next regular meeting and that this <br />be referred to the City Manager and City Auditor.and Superintendent of Water Department, re bring in a recommenda- <br />tion as to the method of financing this project, was.adopted. <br /> <br /> <br />