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September 14th, 1954. <br /> <br />- At a regular meeting of the City Council, held~on September 14th, 1954, there were <br /> <br />adopted. <br /> <br />54-234 - <br /> <br />Fred A Duke, Frank N. Bilisoly, Jr., George L. Grimes, R. E. Hawks, B.W. Baker, <br />J. N. Howard, E. W. Lawrence, R. Irvine Smith, E. R. Sturtevant, C. E. Warren, <br />Pearle J. Wilsen, I. G. Vass, City ~anager, and R.C. Barclay, City Attorney. <br /> <br />The City Clerk presented the oaths of office of the following councilmen: <br /> <br /> J. N. Howard, of Washington Ward <br /> C. E. Warren, of Madison Ward <br /> Pearle J. Wilson, of Monroe Ward <br /> R. Irvine Smith, of Marshall Ward <br /> B. W. Baker, of Wilson Ward. <br /> <br />Minutes of regular meeting of August 24th, 1954 were read and approved. <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Warren to go into the election of a Vice President of the Council, was <br /> <br />Mr. Warren nominated Pearle J. Wilson <br /> <br />54-235 - <br /> <br />Motion of Nr. St~rtevant that nominations be closed, was adopted. <br /> <br />Mr. Wilson was unanimously elected Vice President of the Council. <br /> <br />The following Notice of Zoning Changes was read: <br /> <br />"Pursuant to prGvisions of the Zoning Ordinance, noKce is hereby given that a public <br />hearing will be held at 7:30 P.M., on Tuesday, September 14, 1954, in the Council <br />Chamber, Municipal Building, Portsmouth, Va., for the purpose of altering zones and <br />recls~sifying the following property: <br /> 1. Eva~ H. Sawye~ to rezone lots 22 and 24 block 86 plat of West~ven, begin- <br /> ning 0 feet east from Rodm~n Ave., fronting 60 feet on the north side of <br /> Scott Street and fronting 108.5 feet on the east side of Hodman Avenue from <br /> Two Fs2Rily Class "C" to Commercial Class <br /> 2. Construct ion A~sociZtes, Inc., to rezone lots 1 thru 6 block 5 plat of Pied- <br /> mo~t Heights, beginning 0 feet east from Columbus Ave., fronting 157.5 feet <br /> ou the north side Of Gosport Road by 100 feet deep, from Two Family Class "C" <br /> to Commercial Class <br /> <br />"At the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission held Thursday, August 5, 1954, <br />the following applications were considered and subsequent recommendations made for <br />your apprlval.~ <br /> 1. The application of Even H. Sawyer to rezone lots 22 and 24 block 86, <br /> plat of West~aven, beginning 0 feet east from Rodman Avenue, fronting <br /> 60 feet on the north side of Scott Street and fronting 108.5 feet on the <br /> east side of ttodman Avenue from Two Family, Class 'c' to Commercial, <br /> Class 'G', be approved. <br /> 2. The application of J. Roy ~nd Ennis H.- Rodma~ to rezone lots 271 tb~u 274 <br /> in block 'L' plat of Bishop Tract and adjoining triangular strip fronting <br /> 156.97 feet on the south side og Glasgow St. by 113 feet deep and a plot of <br /> land beginning 410 feet west fr~m Hamilton Ave., fronting 98.29 feet on the <br /> so~th side of Glasgow St., by approximately 145 feet deep, from Two Family, <br /> Class 'C', to Commercial Class 'F', be deferred for further study. <br /> 3. Construction Associates, Inc., to rezon~ lots 1 thru 6, block 5, plat of <br /> Piedmont Heights, beginning 0 feet east from Columbus Avenue fronting 157.5 <br /> feet on the north side of Gosport Road by 100 feet deep, from Two F~mily <br /> Class 'C' to Cohmercial, Class 'G' be approved. <br /> · . Trustees Of Tidml Wave Lodge $274 A.F. & A.M., to rezone lots 778 S.ud 779, <br /> plat of Port Norfolk, beginning 0 feet sontH from Cleveland St., fronting <br /> 80 feet on the east side of Mt. Vernon Ave., by 140 feet de~p, from T~o <br /> l~a~i~y Class 'C' to Multiple Family, Class 'D' be deferred. <br /> <br />Even H. Sawyer spoke for rezoning his propergy. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mt.Baker to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission in re- <br />zoning the property of Evan H. Sawyer, was adopted. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Grimes to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission in <br />rezoning the property of Construction Associates, Inc., was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-236 - Motion of Mr. Howard to suspend the rules to hear from officials of the Portsmouth <br />Transit Company was adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Womaok spoke asking for increase in token fares, decrease in gross receipt tax <br />and further curtailment of bus service. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard that this be referred to the Council as a whole to meet with <br />the ~ortsm~uth Tra~usit Company officials at the earliest possible date, was adopted. <br /> <br /> The following reports from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> 54-237 - 'I submit the attached letter requesting the re~f~nd of Retirement funds due L.F.Billue <br />in the sum of $45;68, and recommend that the amount be refunded. Mr. Billue was a city police officer and the <br />above amount represents the Retirement Fund that is due him." <br /> <br /> <br />