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September 2Sth, 1954. <br /> <br /> 54-258- "I submit the a~t~cbed letter and resolution and recommend its adoption. <br /> "It will be necessary for the City to acquire the fee simple title to the following <br /> parcels o~ land in order~to construct the new Hamilton Avenae by-pass, kno~ as Ronte'17 A u~der State Highway <br /> Project Numhes 1864-70 and -71. I respectfully request that I be adthorized to oiler the owners of the following <br /> described parcels of land the amounts set opposite their names, and in the event that the offers are not accepted: <br /> or that the title is such that the property can not be acquired by purchase, that the City Attorney be instructed <br /> to institute condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the land. <br /> the following land' shown upon the plat of said p'roject prepared by the State Highway <br /> Department and known as: Parcels No. i and 2, belonging to R. W. Chapman, located on the east side of Earquier <br /> <br /> and C~u~ty Sts. the sum of $9,000.00. <br /> Avenue, between High pa~rcel No. ~, betongimg so Samuel Sonkin located at the southeast corner' of FarQuier <br /> <br /> t St NO 10. the sum of $2,500.00. - <br /> Avenue and Cotul y ., · . - ...... A Go0dwin and Carrie Mae Goodwin, located at <br /> P~rcels Nos. 4 and 5, be±ong~ng to u±anu~ . <br /> the southwest corner of Farquier Ave. and High St., and ~at the northwest corner of Farquier Ave. and King St., th~ <br /> sum o£ $25.00. <br /> Parcels No. 20, belonging to C. Hugh Dully and/or Construction Associates Inc., and any <br /> other owners~ located on Bart Street near Vermon~ Ave., the sum of $7.50. <br /> Parcel No. 24, belonging to Nlargaret A~ Bulloch, located at the northeast corner of Ham- <br /> ilton Avenue and Scott Street, the sum of $~00.00. <br /> Parcel No. 30, belonging to Fred G. Enos and Cornelia B. Enos, located at the sGnthwest <br /> corner of Hamilton Avenue and Scott Street, the sum of $25.00. <br /> Parcel No. 31, belonging to Raymond B. Rargrave; located at the northwest corner of Ham- <br /> ilton Avenue and Duke Street, the sum of $15.00. <br /> Parcel No. 32, belonging to Wilson W. Mowbray a~d Sara B. Mowbray, located at the south- <br />//west corner of Hamilton A e. and Duke St., the sum of $15.00. <br /> Parcels No. g5 and 36, belonging to John A. Harms and Rose Harms, located at the south- <br /> east corner of Hamilton Ave. and Henry St., and lot 2, block 33, plat of Westhaven Park, the sum of $5,000.00. <br /> Parcel No. 38, belonging to Peter E. Wnukoski, located at the nort.hwest corner of Hamil- <br /> ton Ave. and Brighton St., the sum of $25.00. ' ' <br /> Parcel No. 39, beIonging to Samuel J. Alston and Yera Q, Alston, located at the southwes~ <br /> corner of Hamilton Avenue and Brighton Street, the sum of $15.00. <br /> Parcel No. 40, belonging to George C. Drake and Sallie B. Drake, 16cared at the north- <br /> west corner of Ramilton Avenue and Henry Street, the sum of $15.00. <br /> Parcels No. 41 and 42, belonging to Bernie O. Bryant and Viole¥ L. Bryant, located at th~ <br /> northwest corner of Hamilton~Avenue and Airline Turnpike and also located at the southwest corner of Hamilton <br /> Avenue and ~erLry Street, the sum of $.100,00. <br /> Parcel No. 42-A, belonging to Harold O. Bridgers, par~ of lot 8, block 35~ Plat of West- <br /> haven Park, the. sum caf $200.00. <br /> Parcel No. 43, belonging to A. Amdnsky, Be~nie CapL~n and Alfred Kaplan, located at the <br /> southwest intersection of Airline Turnpike and Clever Street, the sum of $1,335.00. <br /> Parcel No. 48, belonging to A. Amdusky, Bennie K~plau and Alfred Kaplan, parts of lots <br /> 24 and 25, Plat of Clover Street lots of F. Richardson, the sum of $50.00. <br /> Parcel 49, belonging to R. O. Hickey, part of lot 26, Plat of Clover Street, lots of <br /> F. Richardson, the sum of $15.00. <br /> Parcel ~o. 50, belonging to Joseph Copeland lot 18, pLat of Clover Street, lots of F. <br /> Richardson, the sum of $250.00. <br /> Parcel No. 51, belonging to Louis Brown, part of lot 19, Plat of Clover Street, lots of <br /> F. Richardson, the sum of $41.50. <br /> Parcel No. 52,. belonging to Sandy Lee Boyd and Louise Boyd, part, of lots 157 and 158, <br /> plat of North Truston, the sum of $300.00. <br /> Parcel'No. 53, Luther Mills and Marry J. Mills, part of l~t number 159 on the plat of <br /> ~orth Truxton, the sum of ~lS0.00 <br /> Parcel No. 54, belonging so George M. Har~ey, Sr., and ~adie T. Harvey, part o~f lot 160 <br /> on the Plat of North Truxton, the sum of $67.50. j <br /> Parcel No. 55, belonging to Charles B. Neal, Jr., and Litlian H. Neal, part of lot numbe~ <br /> 161, Plat of North Tru_xton, the sum of $270.00. <br /> Parcel No. 56, belonging to Eloyd Bewers-and Myrtle Bowers, part of lot Number 164, PlatI <br /> of North Truxton, the sum of $230.00. <br /> Parcel No. 57, belonging to Eugene E. Themas and Gtadys O. Thomas, part of lot number 1951, <br /> Plat of North Truxton, the sum of $35.00. <br /> Parcel No. 58, belonging te Carrie Teel, part of lot No. 196) Plat of North Truxton, the <br /> sum of $75.00. <br /> Parcel Nee 59, belonging to Jesse E. Turner, part of lot 197, Plat of North Truxton, the <br /> sum of $75.00~ <br /> Parcel No. 60, belonging to Bteven H. Woodard and Ladie Woodard, part of lot No. 198, pl <br /> of North Truxton, the sum of $75.00. <br /> Parcel No. 61, belongzng to Edward McNair and Nettie McNair, part of lot 199, Plat of <br /> North Truxton, the sum of $85.00. <br /> Parcel No. 62, belonging to Alton W. Gallop, part of lot 200, Plat of North Truxton, the <br /> sum of $60.00. <br /> Parcel No. 63, belonging to James H. Moore and Viola Moore, part of lot number 201, Plat <br /> of North Truxto~, the sum of $100.00. <br /> Parcel No. 64, belonging ~o Nathaniel Butler and Kattie Butler, part of l~t No. 202,Plat <br /> of North Truxton, the sum of $166.40. <br /> P~rcel No. 65, belonging to Charles H. Taylor, Jr., part of lot No. 203, plat of North <br /> Truxton , the sum of $80.00. <br /> Parcel No. 66, belonging to Robert D. McLeod, pa~t of lot Number-204, Plat of North <br /> Truxton, the sum of $135.00. <br /> Parcel No. 67, belonging to James E. McLeod, part of lot number 205, ~lat of Nerth Trux- <br /> ton, the sum of $86.00. <br /> Parcel ~o. 68, belonging to Leon Simmons and Essie ~ae Simm%o~s, part of lot number 165, <br /> Plat of North Truxton, the sum of $100.00. <br /> Parcel No. 69, belonging to Cedric W. Thornton and Hattie T~ornton, part of lot number <br /> <br /> <br />