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Fred A Duke, B. W. Baker, Frank N. Bilisoly, Jr,, George L. Grimes~ R. E. Hawks, <br /> J. N. Howard, E.W. Lawrence~ R. Irvine Smith, E. R~ Sturtevant, C.g. Warren, I.G.Vass, <br /> City Managerj and R. C. Barclay, City Attorney. - <br /> <br />read and approved. Minutes of regular meeting of September 14th and called meeting of September 23rd, 1954 were <br /> <br /> The following Notice of Hearing of Zoning Changes was read: <br /> <br />54-256 - "NOTICE OF HEARING OF ZONING CHANGES <br /> <br /> Pursuant to the provision of the Zoning Ordinance, notice is hereby given that a public <br /> hearing will be held at ~:S0 P.M., on Tuesday, September ~28th, 1954, in the Council Cham- <br /> ber, ~unicipal Building, Portsmouth, Virginia, for the purpose of altering zones and re - <br /> classifying the following property: <br /> <br /> 1. J. Roy Rodman and Ennis B Rodman to rezone l~ts 271 thru 274 in bloc~ 'L' <br /> plat of Bishop Tract and an adjoining triangular strip of land, fronting <br /> 156.97 feet On the south side of Glasgow Street by llS feet deep; and a <br /> plot of land beginning 410 feet west frem Hamilton Avenue, fronting 98.29 <br /> feet on the south side of Glasgow Street by approximately 145 feet deep <br /> from Two Family, Class 'C' to Commercial Class 'F' <br /> 2. T B Lee ~ S M Truitt to rezone lots 36 and 37 beginning 52 feet south from <br /> Queen Street, fronting 102 feet on the east side of Pearl Street by approxi- <br /> mately 95 feet deepj from Commercial Class 'G' to Light Industry, Class 'I' <br /> <br />"At the regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission held September 2, 1954, the <br />following applications were considered and subsequent recommendations made for your approval: <br /> <br /> 1. J. Roy and Ennis B. Rodman to rezone lots 271 thru 274 in block 'L' plat of <br /> Bishop Tract and an adjoining triangular stEip of land fronting 156.97 feet <br /> on the south s%d~ of Glasgow Street by llS feet deep; and a plot of land <br /> beginning 4 $0 feet west from Hamilton Avenue., fronting 98.29 feet on the <br /> so~th side of Glasgow Street by approximately 145 feet deep, from Two Family, <br /> Class 'C'., re Commercial Class 'F'. <br /> <br /> This application was unanimously approved. <br /> <br /> Trustees - Tidal Wave Lodge #273 A F & A M. to rezone 16ts 778 and 779, plat <br /> of Port Norfolk, beginning 0 feet south from Cleveland Street, fronting 80 <br /> feet on the east side of Mt. Vernon Avenue by 140 feet deep, from Two Family, <br /> Class 'C' to ~ultiple Family Class <br /> <br /> This application was denied by a vote of four ~o ~wo. <br /> <br />3 - John W. Mathias, to rezone 3710 Airline Turnpike,' lots'25-2~-27 and 28, block <br /> 'M' beginning 200 feet west from Rodman Avenhe, fronting 200 feet on the north <br /> side of Airline Turnpike by 175 feet deep, from Two' Family, Class 'C' to Com- <br /> mercial Class 'F'~. <br /> <br /> This application was unanimously denied. <br /> <br />4 - T.B. Lee & S.M. Truitt to rezone lots'36~and 37, beginning 52 feet south <br /> from Queen Street, fronting 102 feet on the ~ast side of Pearl Street by <br /> approximately 95 feet deep, from Commercial Class 'G' to Light Industry <br /> Class 'I'. - <br /> <br /> This application, was anlmonsly ~pprove¢. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Hawks to concur in the recommendation, of the Planning Commission on <br />the application of J. Roy and Ennis H. Rodman, was adopted. <br /> <br /> Notion of Mr. Bilisoly to concur in th~ recommendation of the Planning Commission <br />on the application of T.B. Lee and S.M. Truitt, was adopted. <br /> <br />The following reports from the City ~anager were read: <br /> <br /> 54-257 - "I submit the-attached letter and report from General James Anderson, Commissioner, Department <br />of Highways on the proposed widening and extension of ~ounry Street in the City of Portsmouth This is for your <br />consideration." <br /> <br />Attached - <br /> <br />"The development of County Street, as proposed in your letter of June 22, 1954, has been tho- <br />roughly reviewed with the assistance of your officials. <br />Attached is a copy of a repor~ within the Traffic and Planning Division presenting the re- <br />sult of their studies. It is interesting ~o note that High Street can accommodate a consi- <br />derable incres~e of traffic. <br />Also, by the construction of Hamilton Boulevard to Gosport Road, both High Street and County <br />Street will be relieved of the considerable traffic to and from the Navy Yard. It appears <br />that the City should complete the Hamilton Avenue Project to Route 17 - south ~S early as <br />joint funds can ~e m~de available. ' <br />While the extension, of County Street is obviously needed for the development of your street <br />pattern, it c~n not now be justified for designation as a Federal Aid route. I wish to assure <br />you and the City Council of our interest in cooperatively developing the current and long <br />range programs, based on arterial planning. With highest regards." <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br /> <br />