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Octobtr L2th, 1954~ <br /> <br /> 54-2?$ - "The matte~ of an automatic traffic signal being installed at the intersection of <br />Glasgow Street and Sixth Avenue was referred to me. I am attaching hereto the report of R.T. Trafton, Superinten- <br />dent of the Electrical Department, concerning the traffic at the intersection and from his report based upon Nat- <br />ional Standards, there is not sufficient traffic passing through the intersection to justify this Type of signal. <br />I therefore do-not recommend that the signal he-installed.'' <br /> <br /> Motion ef Nr. ~ilson that a traffic light be placed at the corner of Sixth Ave. and <br />Glasgow Street, was lost, as there was no second to the motion. <br /> <br /> 54-279 - "I recommend that the City Manager be authorized to cancel the attached contract with <br />the U.S.A. Public Housing Administration and enter into a new contract in accordance with the amended ordinance <br />fixing sewer rates." <br /> Motion of M~. H~ard to concur in the recommendation'of the City Manager, was adoptell. <br /> 54-~80 - "The matter of purchasing the property on South'Street adjoining property of the <br />Riddick -Weaver School was referred to me for report. I recommend that the property be purchased for the amount <br />of $2,500.00. <br /> <br /> Motion of Ma~. Howard that the City Nanager b~ ~dthoriZ~d to purchase the property <br />and that an appropriation ef $2~500.00 from Utility Tax fund for said purpose, be placed on first reading, was <br />adopted. ' <br /> <br />LrNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> <br /> 54-2S4 - <br />between the cities of Suffolk <br /> <br />by the following vote: <br /> <br />An appropriation of $594,992.00 for the cleaning and relining of the water mains <br />and Portsmouth, placed on first reading at last meeting, was taken up. <br /> <br />Notion of Nr. Bilisoly to appropriate $594,992~00 for'said purpose was adopted and <br /> <br />Nays: <br /> <br />D~ke, BaKer, Bilisoly, Grimes, <br /> Warren, Wilson <br />None <br /> <br />On motion adjourned. <br /> <br />Approved - <br /> <br /> President. <br /> <br />* "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND RE-ORDAIN SECTION 2-35 OF THE CODE OF TIlE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH 1951 <br /> DESIGNATING HOLIDAYS FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE:CITY" <br /> <br /> <br />