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ties prepare a deed and execute the same for and on behalf of the City, the City receiving e~ssment for any ex- <br />isting pipe lines or other city utilities now in place." <br /> Motion of Mr. ~oward to the recommendation of the City NLanager and that deed be <br />drawn conveying th~ property to t~e ~tar Band Company, was adopted. <br /> 54-295 - "I am reporting that the Portsmouth Transit Company has paid in full for the months of <br />March, April, ~ay and June their 5% Utility Tax due the City of Portsmouth in the sum of $18,270.74." <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br />Parker, City Collector, and concur in his recom <br />the amount having been relieved by the Commis- <br /> <br /> 54-296 - "I submit the attached letter from A. E. <br />mendati~m that the sum of $1.50 be refunded Mr. Hilary Saunders; <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Bilisoly that the refund be grantsd, was adopted. <br /> 54-297 -' "I am reporting that I attended the regnlar Board meeting of the Board of Directors of <br />the Patrick Henry Hospital and I was accompanied by Mr. Wimbrough, who also represents the City of Portsmouth on <br />the Board. We found the hospital in apparent sound condition an~ operating efficiently. <br /> At the present time there are sixteen patients from the City of Portsmouth, eight private <br />patie~t~ and eight patients certified by the Social Service Bureau. <br /> It ha~ been ascertained that there have been funds available through the Department of <br /> Public Welfare to defray the expense of the patients certified ~y that department and it has no~ been necessary tc <br /> spend additional City funds for the patients at the Patrick Henry Hospital." <br /> <br /> On motion filed. <br /> 54-298 - "I submit the attached letter from A E Parker, listing ~a_xpayers who have overpaid their <br />1954 taxes through the prepayment plan a~d are due refunds and I concur in his recommendation that the amonnEs <br />opposite eae~_Rame be refunded." <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard that an appropriation of $3,013~08 for said purpose be placed on <br />first reading and that these refunds be granted, was adopted. <br /> 54-299 - "I submit the atrached letter from A. E. Parker and concur in his recommendation that the <br />sum of $3.?5 be refunded Mr. Hobersson, re~rese~ti~g the amount that has been re~ieyed3by th~ Commissioner of <br />Revenue. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Howard that the .~efund_ be granted, was adopted. <br /> 5~--300 - "Since De~ember 5th, 1954 is a S~mday and tko City Collector's Office will be closed on <br /> Satu_~day, December 4th~ ~954~ I rec~mm~en~ that t~e time for paying e~rr~t t~x~ without s~Id3~ng a penalty~ be <br /> ex~ended through December 6, 1954." <br /> Motion of l~r. Sturtevaut t~ concur in ~he recommendation o£ the City~nager, was adopted. <br /> 544H! - "I am attaCb~Wg a letter from the Cit~ A~t~r~ey, in which he ~ecomme~ds that the City rec- <br /> offer for sale Lot 132, on the plat af the Portsmouth Waterfront Company, az Pin~uers Point. I concur in the <br /> omme~dation." <br /> Attached- "Niss~yrtie E. Amsleyowns lot mumber 131 en the plat.of the Portsmouth Waterfront Com- <br /> pamy~ at P%rmersPoint, on ~ich she has recently erected a dwelling. The City ovals <br /> lot 13~, adjeim/ng her pmeper~y. T~e lot~ are ~5 ~y 100' feet. in sfze and sh~ meeds <br /> two $ots in order to obtain a loan on the property. She desires t~buy the lot owned <br /> by the City and ~ill pay as m~ch ns $150.00 or $200.0G for the l~u~d. The City has <br /> no ~se for the lot a~d it should be sold~" <br /> Notion ~of N~r~ Howard that the property be advertised for sale, w-as adopted. <br /> <br />NEW . B~SINESS - <br /> <br /> The following letter from the S~psrintende~t of Schools ~as read: <br /> <br /> 54-302 - "It is possible that Portsmouth may qualify for as]m ach as ~l?5,OD0. more in school eon- <br />structi~a fundsu~der Public Law 815, as umended, than was a~ticipated for the y~a~s 1955~5s, <br />secure the fund~ we m~St file a proof i~ Rictur~nd by Nonday, November <br /> The only project we have ready f~r filing is the Prentis Park ~ro~ect which wms approv~ <br />by the Council last Novem~0er~ but later the Junior High School Project, therefore, we request that <br />this project be reinstated with the ~uderstsn~ing that the C ty will put Up any ~necessary <br />project. The maximum cost of the projec~ as originally set up ~as $~I~5~000~ ~ch would make the City's share <br />not mere ttmn $E50,000. The U.S. Office of Eclucationhas been very liberal in permitting the transfer of funds <br />from one project re auother where changing conditions have warranted it~ se if it became advisable, the School <br />B~ could set up ~ether prO,eot in lie~ of the Prentis Park o~e. There is little iikelihe~d that Portsmouth <br />will he fortunate enough to have ttLiS zpplication appr~ve~l ~v the United States Office ~f Education, b~t it wo~ld <br />be disastrous to lose $175,000. because of failure fo app y. <br /> ~etion of~r.~ Grimes that the. City ~rovide the necessary ihmds to complete this pro3ect! <br />was adopted. <br /> 54-30~ - The fall~ing letter from the ~esth~ve~Park Civic League was read: <br /> "At the ~ove~er meeting of the ~esthaven Pa~k Civic League, the members by mn~mimo~s <br /> vote, requested that Nelson Stree~ be c~t th_rough from t~udoun to Fa~quier Street. ~ne intervening property <br /> <br /> <br />