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Dens-her I4th, 1954. <br /> <br />On'motion filed. <br /> <br />54-310 - "I submit the attached letter from the Portsmouth Public Library Board: <br /> <br /> "Yon will recall that at a joint meeting of the City Council and the Pablic Library <br />Board, held in the last part of February, a very comprehensive discussion was had with regard ~o the ~c~isition <br />o~ a building adequate to he,se the kind of library facilities which this City ought to have, and I tb~k you <br />will also recall that there was ~m~ntmous agreement that the library problem should be attacked and solved with <br />reasonable promptness, inview of the fact that the City has had for so m~ny years a library service w~hich could <br />not even he described as mi~fm~l in r~lation to the ~ize ~ needs of the co~ty. <br /> The m~eti~gco~cluded (and I think this is a fair statememt of the results of the pre- <br />c~edings) with all agreed that we should wait a year or eighteen months to se~ if there was any real ~$kelihood <br />that the present Federal Post Office Building might be made available to house a PublicLibrary; hut if before <br />the expiratio~ of that period it hee~me clear that the Po~t Office would not heeo~ available, action would he <br />initiated to provide a prompt and defimitive solutl~ todthe problem. I think it is now clear that the possi- <br />bility of the Post Office can very definitely he rmledo~, and realizing this, ~he Library Board at its last <br />meeting on November 9, 195A, by n~a~mous action of its members, directed me to take ~p again.with the City <br />Council, the library question. <br /> The Board feels, and we think~e have the s~pport of public ~pinion, that steps should <br />be taken to a~q~ire a site upon which a library b~ildik~g could be constructed. A namber of suit able sites, includ- <br />ing the Pest Office, were suggested by Dr. Jos. Wheeler in his report made a few years aec on the problems of the <br />Public Library a~d the selection of a site ou which housing ~or new facilities could be provided. Some of the ethe~ <br />locations mentioned by Dr. Wkee.ler are: <br /> <br />1. Southwest corner of King and Cou~t Streets. <br />2. Cat~elic Clab. <br />3. Northeast corner of Cour~ amd County Street~. <br />A. Locations on Dinwiddie St. between Nigh and Q~ee~. <br /> <br /> We can not emphasize too strongly the lmportamce of the selection of a proper site, <br />heeaase the finest library building which could he constructed would lose a great deal o~ its usefulness if not <br />properly located. The Library Board stands ready to meet at any time with the Council or any of its committees <br />to beEi~ an attack on this problem of providing our comm,~y with the kind of library facilities it should have. <br /> The next meeting of the Library Board is Monday, December 13th, a~d if practicable <br />to give us a reply before that time we would all very m~ch appreciate i~j ~- <br /> <br />Si~ned - Jerome P. Cart II, President, <br /> Board of Trust,s, <br /> Portsmouth PUl~lic ' <br /> Library. <br /> <br /> Motion o~F~r. Bilisoly that the ~ib~u~y Board be requested to hold ~his matter in abeyr <br />once until after the City of Portsmouth's annexation case is settled, was adopted. <br /> <br />- UNFINI~q~D BUSINESS - <br /> <br /> 54-g98 An appropriation of ~m3,013.18 for refunds of overpayment on prepaid ~axes, placed on~ ~\ <br />first reading at last meeting, was taken up. <br /> <br /> ~otion of Mr. Grimes to appropriate $3,013.18 for said purpose, was adopted, and by the <br />following vote: <br /> Ayes: Duke,~Baker, Bilisoly, Grimes, Hawks, Howard, Lawrence, Smith, Sturtovant, Warren, Wilson <br /> Nays: None <br /> 54-311 - The following letter from the City Collector was read: <br /> <br /> "Henry L Gm-nell, 2107 Leckie St. was assessed in 1953 for $4950.00 on which he paid a <br />tax of $123.75. ~lr. G~anell took out a building permit in 1952 for a $500.00 addition to his bu/lding, but did <br />not build the addition. The Commlssioner of Revenue ~ded the $500.00 to his assessment in error and has now re- <br />lieved same and ~r. Gun/loll is eRtitled to a refund on his 1953 taxes of $1Z.50. <br /> The reason for the delay in this refund is ~ue to the fact the bank paid the taxes and <br />Mr. Gunnell did not kmow~the ad~itio~had been added. Please order a refund cheek for $i~.50." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Wile~ that the refund De granted, was adopted. <br /> <br />54-312 - ~ne following letter fre~E~win J. Rosenbaumwas read: <br /> <br /> "I would appreciate ~reatly the enclosed article being read before the City council. <br /> The theory of reducing automobile fares for the ferries in order to compete with the <br />tunnel and thereby increase the ferries' imcome is contrary to all economic experience. Any <br />reductio~ ef present reasonable a~to fares will crea~e a larger deficit im-the ferries' <br />operation; trw ii1 not pro~uce any substantial increase in ante traffic. However, a public <br />utility needs more income, fares are increased, not deerease~. <br /> You have your owe very recent experience with the Portsmouth Transit Compsmy which <br />requested and received an incregsed fare. The Portsmouth Transit Company's request was <br />on the experie~e of publi~tilities throughout our nation. <br /> Youalso have yo~r~experie~ce with the forties. Even th~agh~enty pedestrians' fares <br />can he bought for one dollar, the ferries still lost a huge volume of pedeStrism traffic to <br />the t~rmel buses whose fare is twice tb~t ~r~ %he ferries. If~he ferries are to survive, the <br />only practical certainty is t~rough the restriction of the t,,~el ~uses to' the tunnel plaza. <br /> What reasonimg dictates the proposed sale el the ferries ~o the ElizaDethPLiver T~m~eI <br />Commission, eliminating the tunnel b~ses completely, being contemplated with equanimity, m~d <br />the restriction of the t~mnel buses to the tunnel plaza, leaving both the tunnel buses <br />~maimtsi~ the ferries on a paying basis being greeted with horror? How do your reconcile <br />ygnr two different positions in this matter? The cancer ~raining not only the ferries but aisc <br />the ecor~emic lite of the City m~St go; you can net cure a cancer with wishful <br /> <br /> <br />