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D~c~aber 14th, 1954. <br /> <br />At $ regular meeting ef the City Council heI~l on December 14th, 1954, there were present: <br /> <br />Fred A. Duke, Frank N. Bilisoly, Jr,, B. We Baker, George L. Curimes, R.E. Hawks, <br />James N. Howard, E. W. Lawrence, E. Irvine Smith, E. R. Sturtevant, c.g. Warren, <br />Pearle J. Wilson, I.G. Vass, City Manager, anc~ B.C. Barclay, City Attorney. <br /> <br />Minutes of regular meeting of November 23rd, 1954 were read and approved. <br /> <br />The following reports from the City Manager were rend: <br /> <br /> 54-304 - "I am reporting that Let 32 en the Portsmouth Waterfreat La~d Plat was adver- <br />tised for sale in accordanc~ with a Reselutien ef the Council and the higkest bid was made by Myrtie E. Ausley <br />in the su~ of $225.00.. <br /> I necommen~that the above amount be accepted and the sale confirmed and t-ka~ <br /> · -- -:- - ~ : .---.~ the proper city ~fficials sr~thorized and directed to prepare a deed for the property." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Hommrd to concnr i~ the recommendation of the City Manager and tb~t the pro- <br />per city officials be authorized to siva the deed, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-305 - "I ~wlbamit the attached letter from R. C. Barclay, City Attorney, and roost, mead <br />that the remount of $6,000.00 frc~ the Utility Tax Fund be placed on its first reading." <br /> <br />Attached - <br /> <br />"I find that orders b~ve been entered by the Court of ~Das~i~gs for the City of <br />completing the adoption of Sidney Earl Small an~ Gloria ~1 C%~mmJ-ugs, amd I now feel it <br />will he safe ~or the City of Portsmouth to c~m~ple~e the purchase of th~ proper~y on the <br />west side o~ Owens Street, adjoining the An~ St. Sch~l property. <br /> My ree~llection of the amou~ to be paid by the City is S~x Tho~LSand Dollars and the <br />check should he payable to me." <br /> <br /> Motion offer. S~ith that mn appropriation of $6,000.00 from Utility Tax Fumd, for said <br />pose, be placed on first readimg, was a~opted. <br /> <br /> 54-~06 - 'I recow--~ud that a parcel or tract of land belonging te tho City of Portsmouth <br />in Nans~mond C~mty, fronting U.S. Highxvay 58, 200 feetwide by 200 ~eet long, he advertised for Iease for twenty <br />years, beginning emil me first ~L~y of J~ary, 1955, and that the Council reserve the right to rej~t any and all <br />bids." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Lawrenoe that ~his property he advertised for lemse, was adop~d. <br /> <br /> 54-307 - "I submit the attached report from J L Jelliff, Delinquent Tax C~llector. This <br />is for your consideration." <br /> <br />"Delinquent taxes for months Of September. October and November, 1954: <br /> <br />1. Delinquent res/ estate taxes collected in this office amo3ants to $i4~074.61. <br />~. Del~ent persom~ul property taxes collected in?~his~ffiee amount to $4,449.49. <br />3. ~iled 1580 ~li~u~nt tax noties. <br />4. Sold 14 lots a~ public suction. <br />5. Ex~mi~ed the 1954 land book of Norfolk Coanty with respect to the values in the <br /> area proposed to be annexed. <br />~. H$n~ed to City Attorney, two real estate accounts, taxes bein~ delinqnent mere <br /> than20 years.- <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br /> 54-308 -~"I s~,hm~t the attached letter from~MCrockin Company, Inc., and J M Tusing, <br />President of the Chamber of Co~m~erce." <br /> <br />At t ached - <br /> <br />"At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Portmm~uth Cham]mer of Commerce hold on <br />Friday~ December 3, 19~4, the following resolation was pa~ed: <br /> RESOLVED, that whereas periling is congested in m~ downtown areas e£ Portsmouth, and <br /> WHEREAS, there is not sufficitn parking ~o take care ef increased holiday in <br /> order to compete with the City of Norfelk Which b~s a number ef parking lots, <br /> BE IT FUi~rtz~R RESOLVED, that the C~%ly ~-~a~er is hereby requesf, ed zo allow ~wo hoar <br /> parking on ail parking metiers downtov~a from now until Christmas, December 2.Stho <br /> As you well know, this sitmation is serious in Portsmouth, and it is felt that <br /> possibly this may help the Portsmouth merchants as well as the citizens of Portssmouth <br /> while shopping in our downtown a~ea. ~e underst~ all side streets are ecpmipped <br /> for two hour park~ug, tlowever, the High St. ps~king meters have only one hour parking. <br /> T~is c~uld be h~m~Iled by the policemen marking a chark mark o n ~he tires cf the cars <br /> when ~hecking for the firs~ bohr. We strongly request that this be p~t i~to effect <br /> ~-rmediately." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Bilisoly to lay on the table was adopted. <br /> <br />ation." <br /> <br />Attached - <br /> <br />54-309 - "I submit the attached letter from Kings Daughters Hospital for year consider- <br /> <br />"At a meeting of the Hoard of Directors lmst night, I was irmtructed hy enanimous deci- <br />sion, to advise you effective January 1, I955, that hospital hills for indige~lt patients <br />certified by the Welfare Department, will carry the per diem rate of $14.50 in lieu of <br />the pre~nt $10.50 rate. There will he no changes in the charge for Emergency Room or <br />Morgue services from the presmn~ $10,000. per allnUm~ and $5,000. per al~lnm~respectively <br />which you are now paying us and have been paying for tim past several years f~r these <br />two departments. This decision was reached after thorough consideration and discussion <br />of the fact that the number of cases treated in our Emergency room has increased approx- <br />imately 40 to 50% since our present arrangement with you was entered into several years <br />age. <br /> <br /> <br />