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Deco. er 25th~954. <br /> <br />adopted. <br /> <br />"The property at the southeast comner of Sixth and Randolph Sts., and the land adjoining <br />on the south hmve been erroneous'ly assessed for taxes £ormamy years. The land at the <br />corner, fronting eighty (80) feet on Sixth StJ ha~ been assessed to F.H. Baudail Estate <br />sin~e 1921, w~aile Mry Bendsll hever owned the I~d. The adjoinimg lot, listed as £ronting <br />eighty (80) ~fe~t on Sixth 8to,~ is assessed to Ben,amis J. P~ud~n, Jr., while ~e owned only <br />forty or fo. rty-t~o (4~) feet. ~Cqiartes ~. Welton owne~ th~ land assessed ~o P~uden. ~rs. <br />M~mie Welton, the widow of Charles R. Welton, is umwilling to pay the interest mud pen- <br />s/ties on the erroneous assessment. She will however pay $150.00 which is more than ample <br />to pay principal of the Bemdall taxes since 1934, and will leave $24.10 to apply ~o the <br />principal of the taxes on the adjoining forty (~0) feet of laud. <br />The owner of the adjoining lot is willing to pay the tam~s, with interest ~nd penalties, <br />on ors half of the land value for the years 1934 to 1954. Tb~s will necessitate the City <br />Collector being relieved of collecting $40.95 on the principal of the taxes for the above <br />years. Taxes prior to 1934 cannot be collected and I u-~derstand have been relieved . I <br />recommend that the offers made by the ewaers be accepted in full of the ~ax~s on the above <br />land~ an~ thai the City Collector be re~ieved of collecting the balance of the taxes as- <br />sessed against the two parcels." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Bilisoly to con¢~tr in the recommendation of the City Attorney, was <br /> <br />54 -3~I- <br /> <br />54-320 - The following l~tter from the City Clerk wss read: <br /> <br />~$!r. R.L. Tweed, 409 N. Sixth Aye. deposited $5.00 with an application for ~n appeal on <br />rezoning the prop&r~y a~ ~09 N. Sixth AVe~ Befor~ a h~ar~g~s ~e~, ~. ~d wit~ew~ <br />~ ~uest ~t th~ money~ ~em dep~i~ ~to ~e City T~y. ~e~fo~, it will <br />he neeess~y to ~thor~ the repaint of ~ $5.00." <br /> <br />~otion of Mr. Howard that the refund be grunted, ~as adopted. <br /> <br />The City Clerk presented the following ordinance: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE I~POSING TAXES ON SHARES. OF STOCK OF HANES LOCATED IN TME CITY <br />OF PORTSMOUTH E~R TNE YEAR 1~54 AND ANNUALLY THEREAFTER, FIXI31G THE RATE <br />AND REQUIRING THE PAYMENT T~EREOF, REQUiRIN~ CERTAIN REPORTS~ AND PRESCRIBING <br />t~NALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF" <br /> <br />Motiom of Mr. Howard the place said ordinence on first reading was adopted. <br /> <br />O~motio~ edited. <br /> <br />Clerk. <br /> <br />Approved - <br /> <br /> President. <br /> <br /> <br />