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December 28th. 1954... <br /> <br /> At a regular m~eting of the City Council, held on December 28th, 1954, there were present: <br /> <br /> Fred A Duke, B. W. Baker, Frank N. Bilisoly, Jr., George L.Grimes, James N. Howard, <br /> E. W. Lawrence, R. Irvine Smith, E. R. Stur~evant, C. E. Warren, Pearle J. Wilson, <br /> I. G. V~ss, City Manager, and R.C. Barclay, City Attorney. <br /> <br /> N~nutes of the regu~armeeting held December 14th, 1954 were read and approved. <br /> <br /> The following reports from the City ~anager were read: <br /> <br /> 54-314 - "I ~m sulmuitting the attached letter in coanection with the Council's request <br />for additional bus service during the holidays." <br /> <br />"In response to your letter of December 16, 1954, this will advise you that effective <br />Monday, December 13th, we began supplementing our regular service with extra equipment. <br />We are following this matter very closely and will utilize whatever eqUil~m~nt '~ is nec- <br />essary during this week." (Signed) W.R. Triplett, Operating Manager, Portsmouth Transit <br />Company." <br /> <br />On motion filed. <br /> <br /> ~4-315 - "! am reporting tke death of NAr. Frank Carley, Superintendent of Cemeteries and <br />Parks, and the promotion of Mr. Travis D. Smith as Acting Superintendent and of Nr. T.J. Walker as Cemetery <br />Keeper at Oak Grove Cemetery. A member of the staff will be assigned to Cedar Grove Cemetery as Cemetery <br />Keeper. These promotions are for a six months probationary period." <br /> <br />0nmotinn filed. <br /> <br /> 54-316 - <br />placed on firs t reading." <br /> <br />'~I su~Bmit the attached amendment to the City Code and recommend that it be <br /> <br /> Notion cT Nr. Bilisoly to place idle following ordinance on first reading was adopted: <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE TO AMENDANDRE-ORDAIN SECTION 17-55 OFT~E CODE OF THE CITY <br /> OF PORTS~OUTH~ VIRGINIA, 1951, PROHIBITING CARRYINGCONCEALED WEAPONS" <br /> <br /> 54-317 - ~'I sulbmit the attached letter frem the League of Virginia ~icipalities.This <br />is for your consideration." <br /> <br />Attached - <br /> <br />in the hearings, <br /> <br />"The State Corporation Commission has worked out a plan, in conjunction wit~ similar regu- <br />latory bodies in ~aryland, West Virginia and the District of Columbia, to intervene in <br />wholesale natural gas rate cases now pending befome the Federal Power Commission, in an <br />effort to protect Virginia consumers. <br />Arrangements have been made for the joint employment of these regulatory bodies of an <br />attorn'ey to represent them in Washington. The Corporation Commission of Virginia has al- <br />ready petitioned for permission to intervene is the cases of the Central Kentucky Natural <br />Gas Company an~ the United F~el Gas Company. These cases affect the Columbia System and <br />the Atlantic Seaboard, which serv~ Virginia. The so-called "escalator clause", approved <br />By the Corporation Commission recently, whi~.h has the effect of permitting au~omatic in- <br />creases in the rates to consumers, to the ex~ent of wholesale gas rate increases approved <br />By the Federal Power CommiSsion, is mentioned as the reason vahy the §tare Corporation <br />Commission has arranged for representation in Washiagton in the future. <br />I am advised ~y the Virginia Commission that they will wlecome the interest and represen- <br />tation jointly with them, in Washington, of ~ny interested municipalities This can be <br />arranged without cost to the municipality and it is feltthat the interest ~f the cities ~d <br />~owns in having representation ~efore t~e Federal Power Commission through the auspices <br />of the State Corporation Commission will be helpful to all parties concerned. I hope that <br />if you so desire, you will arrange for such representation as cases arise in the future." <br /> <br /> Notion of Mr. Howard ihAt the City F~smager notify the Leagu~ that the City will participate <br />was adopted. <br /> <br /> 54-318 - "I sud~mit the attac~ed notices from the Compensation Board of the CommonWealth <br />of Virginia, concernzng the salary and other expense allowances for the Constitutional offices of the City. This <br />is for your consideration." <br /> <br />On me, ion file~. <br /> <br />- UNFINISMwn BUSINESS <br /> <br /> 54-305 - An appropriation of $6,000.00 from the Utility Tax Fund to purchase land adjacent to the <br />Ann Street School, placed on first reading at last meeting, was taken up. <br /> <br />following vote: <br /> <br />~otien ofNr. Smuith to appropriate $6,000.00 for said purpose, was adopted, and by the <br /> <br />Nays: <br /> <br />Dttke, Baker, Bilisculy, Grimes, Howard, I~wrer~ce, <br />Warren, Wilson <br /> No~e <br /> <br />Smith, Sturtevant, <br /> <br />54-319 - <br /> <br /> NE~ BUSINESS <br /> <br />The following letter from the City Attorney was read: <br /> <br /> <br />