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35 <br /> <br />Jam,~y. 26th, 1960. <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the City Council, held on January 26th, 1960, there were present <br /> <br />B.W. Baker, A.C, Bartlett, W.R. Breedlove, R.B. Seward, R. Irvine SmTth, <br />George R. Walker, H. E. Weiseman, A..P. Johnson,Jr., City Manager, and <br />J.$. Livesay, Jr., City Attorney. <br /> <br />The meeting was opened with. prayer by Mr. Baker. <br /> <br /> Minutes of regular meeting of Januaryl2th, 1960 were read and approved. <br /> <br /> 60~16 - The following advertisement and letter fromthe Planning Commission were read: <br /> <br /> "Pursuant to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, notic~ is hereby given that a <br />Public Hearing will be held au 7:30 P.M., on January 26th, .1960, in the Council Chamber, Municipal Building, <br />Portsmouth, Virginia, on the following: <br /> <br /> 1-60- ~xe application of Robert M. Warf to rezone property located on <br /> the northeast corner of King St. and C~mberland Ave., fronting 40 ft. on <br /> King .St., by 108.5 ft. deep; lot 24 and 10 ft.o£ lot 22, block 138. <br /> APplioation to rezone from C ~vo Family DwellinE District to E-1 Transitional <br /> District. <br /> <br /> ~ 2-60- The application of Herhert R. Wiun ~o rezone property beginning <br /> 40 ft. east of the'northeas~ c~rner of 'King St. and-CamberlandAve., from~ing <br /> 40 ft. on King St., by 108.5 ft. deep; portions of lots 20 and 22. Application <br /> to rezone from C Two Family Dwelling District ~o E-1 Transitional District. <br /> 3r60 - The application of J. ~. Felton to rezone property located 80 ft. <br /> east of the northeast corner of King ~t. and Cumberland Ave., fronting 40 it. <br /> on King St., ~y 108.5 ft. deep; lot 18 .and part ~f lo~ 20, block 138. Applica- <br /> tion to rezone from C TWO Family Dwelling District to ~E-1 Trnnsitional District. <br /> 6;-60 - The application of ~elchor~s Inc., to rezone pro~r~y beginning at <br /> the northwes~ corner of Victory Blvd. and Alexander St., thence northwes~ 214.25 <br /> ft,, thence southwest 404.98 ft. ~o S.A.L. RE right of way, thence south 255.94 <br /> f~. ~o Alexander St., thence easterly along Alexander St., 361.22 ft. to point <br /> of origin. Application to rezone from A Sin~Ie Family Dwelling District to <br /> Heavy Industrial strict. <br /> Di ' <br /> <br /> a meeting of the Portsmouth Planning~om~mission.~on~janu~y~7, 1960, the <br /> following zoning applications <br /> h ~ .... were considered: <br /> 1-60 T ~ application of Rober~ M Warf ~o rezone property located on the <br /> northeast corner of King St~ and C~mbertandiAve., fronting 40 ft. on King St. <br /> by 10B.5 ft. deep; lot 24 and l0 ft. of lot 22, block 13S. Application ~ re- <br /> ~zone~from C~:Two Family Dwetling'_Distnict,td E-1 Transitional District. <br /> The Planning Commission recommends that this application be approved. <br /> <br /> 2-60 The application of Herbert R. ~inn to rezone property beginning 40 <br /> ft. east of the northeast corner of King St. and Cnmberland Ave., fronting <br /> ':" ~-: '' ~,40 ft~ on:King St.~by ~08.$ ft.~aepW~i.pontions of lots 20 and 22. Applica- <br /> tion to rezone from C Two Family. Dwelling District to E-1 Transitional Dis- <br /> tric~. <br /> -T~e Plannmng Commission recommends that this application be approved. <br /> <br /> 3-60 The application of J.W. Fetton to rezone property located $0 ft. <br /> east '~T t~e no~e~::c0~n~r of: King S~. ~nd Cn~berIaud Ave., fronting 40 ft. <br /> on King St. by 108.5 ft. deep; lot 18 and part of lot 20, block 1SSi Appli- <br /> d~atidh~o rezone from ~ T~O ~a~Dw~i~i~'g DfS't~£~'~ to~E-t Transitional <br /> District. <br /> The Planning Co~ission recommends that this application be approved. <br /> <br /> 5-60 The application of Melchor's Inc. ~o rezone property beginning on <br /> the n6~thwest 66r~r~ Vict~ryJ~iv~.- ~d A~e~ndBP St., thence northwest <br /> g14.25 ft., thence sou~hwes~ 404.98 ft. 'to~J~:R~ ~ight o~tway; thence ~sout~ <br /> 25~.94 ft. ~o Alexander Bt., thence easterly alon~ Alexander St: 361.122 <br /> ~dint -of~'o~gin. Ap~i~a~:i~- t6 ~rezone: from <br /> tract' t~J "Heavy~Indu~t~ia~ Dis:tri~. ' ' <br /> ~:~ "TH~ P~n~hi~g C~mmission recommends that this applicatLon he approved. This ap- <br />plication was considered by'the Planning commis~ion· witho~{"~ public he,ring, since the application was not <br />made in sufficient -time ~o properly advertise ~d~"~ <br /> puhli'ch'earIng~ t~e'Pi~nni~g-~omm~s~i~onmeeting. In order <br />to expedite matters £0~ th~ p per~'owaer, 'whOse ~prdp~t~is in :an area devoted ~o industry but with annexation <br />became zoned A Single Family ~esiden~ia~, t~ Pl~nnihg ~Conmiis~ion 'fee~:s~ ~ha~r~he zoning 2~hange ~o ~J Heavy. Indus- <br />t~ial will conform to :tHe :~bning in~ {hi~ ~%a w~en <br /> the zoning-map-:~ts c6m~te~.": : <br /> <br /> following aCt~o~ was ta~fir- ~r L - ~- <br /> <br /> i-60 -~ Robert M'War~ L Motion ~f~Mr. Weiseman-to concur in the recommendation of the <br />Planning Commission and to; approve on first reading was adopted, without ~isse~ng vote. <br /> <br /> 2-60 - Herbert R. Winn - Motion of Mr. Breedlove to concur in the recommendation <br />of the Planning Commission mad to approve on first reading was adopted, witheu~ ~s~iin~~ ~o~e. <br /> <br /> 3-6~'L ' ~ W~ ~elto~ ~ Mo~io~-r~f ~. 'Bartlett ~o: concur in the recommendation of the <br />Planning Commission and to approve on first reading was "adopted, without di3~ting~o~e. <br /> <br /> 5~60 - Melchor's Inc. - Motion of Mr. Breedl~ve ~o concur in the recommendation of the <br />Planning Commission and ~o approve on first reading was adopted~ without .dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> <br />