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April llth, 1961 <br /> <br /> All tHe~e establishments employ peopl~ who live in the City Of Portsmouth, and <br />they serve the needs of the community, a~d we believe are conveniently located~ The ,use of this property for j <br />business purpbsgs ih no w~y ~arms or damage's 'th6 neighboYhood, a~d 'we cannot 'co'nceive of any person ever thinkin~ <br />of erecting a r'esidence on tt~e~ land. The. 'Ci'ty ~owns the b'al~nce of the rbleck, between Cemetery Lane and <br />Ef fingham - Stree t. ' <br /> <br /> We believe it is just-as necessary for the City to have business areas as it is <br />to have residential areas, and ~e helle'ye that upon proper consideration you will designate the property as a <br />business site. ~' <br /> <br /> Motion of ~lr. Breedlove that the communication be received ss information and acknOw- <br />ledged with thanks, with the explanatfon thaz the new zoning ordingncehas been approved on f±rst,reeding, was. <br />adbpted', ~i~hontldis~se~Ang vote. <br /> <br />61-104 - The following communication from Mrs. Emma M. Jones was read: <br /> <br /> "This letger is a request that I be given permission re appear before the <br />Council at its n~xt regular meeting for the purpose 'of expressing m~self concerning the rather arbitrary manner <br />in which I was dealt with and ~o make a plea in the matter of a very large water bill that sccumuleted ag my <br />premises No. 625 EffinghamStreet wh~bh is a business building. <br /> I went go Mr. Murden of the Water Department who stated, sfte~ I had explained <br />my situation, that he would eor be allowed ~o grant any reduction of the bill. I then cnme to you, and you <br />sent me back ~o Mr. Murden who confirmed his former statement and allowed no further extension for full payment~ <br /> As a Eaxpayor, I have only this alternative; therefore, I am requesting the <br />privilege of a Council hearing." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Barnes to suspend the rules ~o ~ear from Mrs. Jones was adopted. <br /> <br />~s. Jones and Rev. Harvey N. Johnson spoke. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Weiseman ths~ the City Manager investigate and repor~ back to the Council <br />was adopted, without dissenting verb. <br /> <br />On motion adjourned. <br /> <br />Approved - <br /> <br /> President <br /> <br />City Clerk <br /> <br /> <br />