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lOJ <br /> <br />April llth, 1961 <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE :TO AMEND SECTION t~21 OF T~RE CODE OF THE CITY OF <br />PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, 1951, AS AI~ENDED, SO AS TO TRBANSFER THE <br />VOTING ~PLACE FOR THE FIRST PRECINCT OF ~MARSHALL WARD TO THE <br />EDUCATIONAL BUILDING :OF THE PARK VIEW METHODIST CHURCg{, WEBSTER <br />AVENUE AND "A" STREET." <br /> <br /> 61-95 -'"I submit the attached Agreement between the Catalina Development .Corporation <br />and the City of 'Portsmouth and recommend that the proper City officials be authorized .to sign. <br /> The Sub-Division 'Ordinance provides that the developer assume all cost of the im- <br />provementsunless the City agrees otherwise. - . <br /> In the case-of. Collingswood, the sewageprobtem requires a Pumping Station and <br />force main. The Cat&tine Corporation proposes to build the Pumping Station and the force n~in and it is our <br />opinion that the developer should be~ permitted to recover the cost of these Ltems by giving free se~er taps up <br />to the amount of suck cost <br /> In addition, the Pumping Station and some of the sewer laterals can be used to <br />furnish service to other propertF already developed. The estimated cost of~ the extra capacity to do this is <br />$4,940.00 which I recommend the City pay the.developer. These two-items .are.covered in paragraphs. 8 and 9 <br />of the attached AgreeMent and are the reason that the City Council must approve this contract." <br /> <br /> Notion of Mr. Breedlove that approved~and that the proper City .officials <br />Ge authorized to sign, was adopted, without dissenting rate. <br /> <br /> 61-96- "I ~sz~bmit the attached resolution and recommend, its .adop <br /> This resolution authorizes the condemnation of property on the north side of <br />Deep Creek Boulevard between Graham Street and ~Frederick. Boulevard. <br /> It is ne~wssary to make improvements to the paving on Deep Creek Boulevard. <br />Before this is done, we would like to improve the intersection of DeepCreek Boulevardand Frederick Boulevard. <br />To do this, it iB necessary to acquire twenty feet ~of the property on the north side of-Deep Creek Boulevard." <br /> Onmotion of Mr. Barnes, the following re~solution was adopted, without dissenting vote-: <br /> "BE IT P~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, that <br /> it is necessary for the City to acquire the fee simple title in and to the following <br /> described tract of land, with the buildings thereon, together with-a uemporary <br /> demolition easement in and to adjoining land: for u~e in the widening and <br /> improvement of.'a portion of Deep Creek Boulevard, the ~record title to said <br /> property being in.the name of Mamie H~ Long:~ <br /> <br /> Fee-Taking <br /> <br /> That certain parcel of land situate in the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, <br /> beginning at-~he northwest corner.of-Deep C~eekBoatevard and Graham Street and <br /> running in a-northwesterly direction along theproperty line-of Graham Street to <br /> a pointthereon twenty (20) feet distant-from, an extension of the northwestern <br /> property line,~fDeep Creek Boulevard; thence in a southwesterly direction parallel <br /> with thcs aid northwestern property line of Deep Greek Boulevard and twenty (20) <br /> feet distant therefrom, measured perpendicularly, to Railroad Avenue; thencealong <br /> Railroad Avenue in a sout~heasterly di~ection~ approximatety'twe~y (20) feet-to <br /> ~Deep Creek Boulevard; thence in~ a northeasterly direction along-Deep ~reek <br /> Boulevard to the point of beginning; being the southeastern twegty~ (20) feet <br /> · of Lots 1; 2~ 3 ~nd 4 in Block 4,~Lincotn Park, according to the plat thereof <br /> recorded fn Map~Book 4, page ,77, in ~the Clerk's Offide~o~,-th~ Circuit~Court cf <br /> Norfolk.County, Virginia~ .... <br /> <br /> Together:with thebuildings, situate,parttyupon the aforesaid tract of <br />land and which extend hack partly upon property lying adjacent thereto to the north. <br /> <br />Demolition Easement <br /> <br /> The right to-enter upon ~h4 adjoining, property of the aforesaid Mamie H. <br />Long, for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days from the-date of taking, for <br />the purpose of demolishing and removing the ~aforesaid buildings partly situate <br />thereon. <br /> <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney is authorized and instrdcted <br />to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire the-aforesaid proper~y and rights <br />in property for the purpose~ of,the'~C~ty?~ <br /> <br /> 61-97 - "The City owns lots 1 and 2 and lots 7 through 12 in block 45 of Prentis Park. <br />This property is situated at D~ep Creek Boulevard and Randolph Street~ <br /> We have received a request that this property be sold, and I recommend that I be <br />authorized to accepCsealed ~bida fOr~ the~ sale of this property." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr.,.Breedlove to concur in-the-Manager's recommendation was adopted, without <br />dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> 61-98 - "A careful study ha.s been .made conc~rningthe feasibility of the City taking <br />over the maintenance of water service lines. The following information is submitted for your information and <br />consideration ....... <br /> We have over ~hirty-five thousand meters in service and an additional five <br />thousand service lines now off at the curb or a total of forty thousand services connected to the Portsmouth <br />Water 'Department ~distribution system. <br /> We estimate that at least twelve thousand of these should be renewed at this <br />time in order to provide reasonably, adequate service. The cost-of renewing these services will run between <br /> <br /> <br />