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April .llth, 1961 <br /> <br />At.a regular m~eting of the City Council, held on April <br /> <br />llth, 1961, at 3:00 P. M., there <br /> <br />unanimous vote: <br /> <br />R. Irvine Smith,~Jack P. Barnes, W. R. Breedtove, W. T. Leery, <br />George R. Walker, H. E. Weiseman, A. P. Johnson, Jr.,.City Manager <br />and J. S. Livesay, Jr., City Attorney. <br /> <br />The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. Breedlove. <br /> <br />Minutes of regular meeting held on March 28th, 1961 were read and approved. <br /> <br />61-90 - The following resolution was read, and on motion of Mr. Weiseman, adopted by <br /> <br /> '~HEREAS, in. His infinite wisdom Almighty God has called unto Him <br />_~rthur E. Parker, who served the people of this City for forty years in <br />various positions including that of City Collector; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, in addition to his many years of faithful service as an <br />official of this City, Arthur E. Parker also gave of his time and talents <br />by active participation in numerous religions, civic and fraternal <br />organizations. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, <br />Virginia, that the sympathy of this body, acting for the citizens of this <br />City, be and hereby is extended to the family of the late'Arthur E. Parker. <br /> <br /> BE IT FHRTHERRESOLVED that these resolutions be spread upon the <br />minutes of rthe Council and that a copy thereof be forwarded by the City <br />Clerk to the family of the deceased." <br /> <br />61-91 - The following notice of zoning hearing was read: <br /> <br /> "Bnrsuant to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, notice is hereby g~ven <br />thata public hearing will be held at 7:30 P. M. on Tuesday, April llth, 1961, <br />in the Council Chamber, Manicipal Bui%'ding, Portsmouth, Virginia on the following: <br /> <br /> .Application of Casper B. and $opbi~ Piotrowski to rezone property <br /> located - beginning463.88' east from the intersection of Gust <br /> Lane and Victory Boulevard, thence easterly along Victory Boulevard <br /> 150' to a point thence S 40° 36' 11" E to the north line of Gust <br /> Lane, thence N. W. along Gust Lame to McLean property line, thence <br /> N 40° 36' 11" E, 181 feet to point of origin. Application to rezone <br /> from '~'! Single Family to "I" Light Industrial." <br /> <br />the following vote: <br /> <br />The following spoke in favor of the application: <br /> <br />W.B. Sutherland and Richard Walthsll <br /> <br />M6tionof Mr~ 'Barnes to-approve the appliAation ou first reading was adopted, and by <br /> <br />Ayes: Smith, Barnes, Leery, Seward, Weiseman <br />Abstaining: Breedlove, Walker <br /> <br /> The following communications from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> 61-92 - "I reconm~end that an appropriation of $296,000.00 be placed on first reading for <br />the construction of the Woodrow Wilson HighSchool addition. <br /> The Council has previously appropriated $15,000.00 on this project. This <br />appropriation will cover the entire cost of this addition. <br /> The~funds-witl come from the recent-sale of Bonds." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Breedlove to approve on first reading was adopted without dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> 61-93 - "I submit the attached Ordinance'a~d recommend it be placed on first reading. <br />This is a new Zoning Ordinance." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Weiseman to place the following ordinance on first reading: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO DIVIDE THE AREA OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH INTO DISTRICTS, <br />TO ESTABLISH BUTLDING LINES~ TO REGULATE ~ND RESTRICT THE LOCATION, ERECTION, <br />CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, AltERATION, REPAIR OR USE O~ BUILDINGS AND <br />OTHER STRUCTURES, THEIR HEIGHT, AREA AND BULK AND PERCENTAGE OF LOT TO BE <br />OCL~3PIED BY~BUILDIN~S~OR OTHER'STRUCTURES, THE SIZE OF YARDS, COURTS AND <br />OTHER OPEN SPACES, AND THE TRADE, INDUSTRY, RESIDENCE AND OTHER SPECIFIC <br />USES OF THE PREMISES IH SUCH DISTRICTS; FOR THE PROMOTION ~OF HEALTH, SAFETY, <br />MORALS, COMFORT~PROSPERITY kb~ GENERAL'WELFARE OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND <br />OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH; TO PROVIDE FOR THE CHANGE OF BOUNDARIES, <br />REGULATIONS A~ RESTRICTIONS tN SUCH DISTRICTS; TO PROVtBE FOR NON-CONFORMING <br />USES; TO PROVIDE SET BACKS; TO PROVIDE FOR OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING <br />FACILITIES FOR MOTOR VEHIGLES; TO PROMOTE CONFOFAMITY; TO PROVIDE FOR THE <br />ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES-OF~ OCCUPANCY;~ TO PROVIDE FOR' THE INTERPRETATION AND <br />ENFORCEMENT OF THE ORDINANCE AND FOR AMENDt~ITS THERETO; T~ PRESCRIBE PENALTIES <br />FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS THEREOF; AND TO REPEAL ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS <br />OF ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT TREREWITH, WITH CERTAIN .EXCEPTIONS." <br /> <br /> <br />