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is owned by the heirs of Ruben Drew and it is necessary to condemn the property to get a clear title. The land <br />is necessary as Interstate 264 is taking part of our present land fill area. <br /> As the r~w incinerator will not be available until November, 1962, we would like to <br />purchase this land to eliminate the necessity of burning this sum~er." <br /> <br />Om motion of Mr. Dillon the following resolution was adopted: <br /> <br />"B% it Resolved by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, <br />that it is necessary for the City to acquire fee simple title in and <br />to the following described tracts of laud situate in the City of <br />Portsmouth, Virginia, for use as the site of a sanitary landfill, the <br />record title to said property being in the name of Reuben Drew: <br />Those certain lots or tracts of land know~, numbered and designated <br />as lots (8) and ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12) on the plat of <br />the~property of Hodges and Grice near Smokeytown, filed in the chancery <br />cause of Hodges' Executors vs. Grice's Executors, in the Court of <br />tings for the City of Portsmouth, a copy of said plat being duly recorded <br />in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Norfolk County, Virginia, <br />in Deed Book 1114, page 310~ less that part of lots eleven (11) and twelve <br />(t2) the title to which has been oK will be acquired by the State of Vir- <br />ginia in eminent domain proceedings now pending in the Court of Hustings <br />for the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, in Chancery Docket No. 5345; it <br />being a portion of the property conveyed to the said Reuben Drew by deed of <br />F.E.C. Rach and wife, dated August 23, 1899, and duly recorded in the <br />Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Norfolk County, Virginia, in Deed <br />~ook 227, at I~ge 580. <br />Be it further resolved tl~at the City Attorney ia authorized and instructed <br />to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire the aforesaid property <br />for the purposes of the City." <br /> <br /> 62-67 - "I submit the attached resolutio~ and recommead its adoption. Thi~ authorizes <br />the condemnation of approximately one acre of land owned by the heirs of Nat Brown and is also to be used in con-, <br />nectionwith the land fill operation." [ <br /> <br /> 'On motion of Mr. Leery, the following resoluttom was adopted without dissenting vote~ <br /> <br /> "~e it Resolved by the Council of the City ofPortsmouth, Virginia, ] <br /> that it is necessary for the City to acquire fee simple title in and <br /> to the following descrived tract of land situate in the City of <br /> Portsmouth, Virginia, for use as the site of a sanitary landfill, the <br /> recbrd ti-tlc to said property being in the name of Na~haniel Brown: <br /> A parcel of land' containing one acre, bounded on the northeast by <br /> LimcoIn Street, now Ponderosa Street; on=the r~rthwest by,a twenty (20) <br /> foot road; on the southw~st by the property ~hownon the plat of Modges <br /> a~d Grice, a zopy of which is recorded in the Clerk's Office of the <br /> Circuit Court of Norfolk County, Virginia~ in Deed Book 1114, page 310; <br /> and on the southeast by property now or formerly in the name of Terra <br /> Corporation; it being the same property conveyed to the said Nathaniel <br /> Brown by deed of C~eo. W. Fauth and Israel Ketcham, dated March 28, 1895, <br /> and duly recorded in the Clerk's office last aforesaid indeed Book 193, <br /> page.226~ <br /> Be it further resolved that the City Attorney is authorized amd instructed <br /> to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire the aforesaid property for <br /> the purposes of the City. <br /> <br /> 62-68 - "I submit the attached ordinance appropriating $10,000.00 from the Capital <br />Improvement Fund and recommend it be placed on first'reading. This is to purchase the property for the land <br />fill operation." <br /> On motion of Mr. Knight the following ordinance was approved on first reading: <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $10,000.00 FROM THE GENERAL <br /> CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND FOR TH~ PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE COSTS OF <br /> PROVIDING A SANITARY LANDFILL." <br /> <br />taken up ~nd read: <br /> <br />-- UNFINISHED BUSINESS -- <br /> <br />62-48 - The following ordinance approved on firs~ reading a~ last meeting was <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SUBSECTION (d) OF SECTION 3-19 OF THE <br />ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, 1961, RELATING TO PARKING <br />SPACES, DRIVEWAYS AND CURB.CUTS~FOR PARKING ,LOTS." <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Dillon, the ordinance was adopted, and by the following yore: <br /> <br />Ayes: Smith, Atkinson, Barnes, Dillon, Knight, Leery, Walker <br />Nays: .None. <br /> <br />62-49 - The .following ordinance, approved on first reading a~ last meeting, was <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF <br />PORTSMOUTH, 1961~ BY ADDING TO SECTION 4-3 THEREOF A NEW SUBSECTION <br />NUMBERED SECTION 4-3 (235.A), PROVIDING FOR BULLETI~ BOARDS AND <br />ANNOUNCEMENT SIGNS FOR CHURCHES, LODGES, FRATERNAL AND SOCIAL <br />ORGANIZATIONS WITHIN CERTAIN ZONING DISTRICTS." <br /> <br /> <br />