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May 22nd, 1962 <br /> <br />unanimously adopted: <br /> <br />62-114 - The following resolution was presented; and on motion of Mr. Barnes, was <br /> <br /> "WHEREAS on November 1, ~961, the City of Portsmouth, Virginia through <br />its Planning Commission initiated s mammot.h street re-naming and re-numbering <br />program involving the changing of some 160 sLreet names and re-numbering in <br />excess of 4,000 street numbers: and <br /> WHEREAS this enormous task presented a challenge of great magnitude to <br />the United States Goverumen% Postal Service, requiring tremendous planning, <br />preparation, and perseverance; and <br /> WHEREAS Postmaster William E. Doxey~ his staff and employees did organize <br />to meet this challenge with outstanding dispatch, understanding, and success; <br />and <br /> WHEREAS this grea~ task has been accomplished in a businesslike manner <br />with a minimum of confusion or inconvenience 5o the public, problems of the <br />community have been handled with sympathy and understanding, and mail service <br />to the public has continued uninterrupted; <br /> BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: That the City Council of the City of Portsmouth, <br />Virginia officially go on record recognizing this outstanding service Eo the <br />community by the United States Government Postal Service and its contribution <br />towards making the s~ree% re-naming and re-numbering program of the City of <br />Portsmouth, Virginia a success. <br /> <br /> 62-115 - Motion of Mr. Barnes co place on the agenda tonight the question of the <br />legality of the Mayor's Con~ittee was adopted. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Barnes that the Council ratify the appointment by the Mayor of the Mayor's <br />Committee on Long Range Planning and Urban Development was adopted, without dissenting vote. <br /> <br />On motion adjourned. <br /> <br />Approved <br /> <br />President. <br /> <br />City Clerk. <br /> <br /> <br />